Good word

Love celebrity famous words

Love is synonymous with friendship and a reliable guarantee for our common cause. Love is a good companion to life. You and your beloved woman sleep together because the common ideal binds the two hearts together.

I dare not say it because I am timid, because if you refuse, I will not be able to see you again in the future. I would rather love you silently, and I will not let you know until you are thrown into the embrace of others!

Don't drive your own happy boat in the painful tears of others. When you are exercising the right to "love freedom," don't forget to follow the minimum social morality.

This situation can be eliminated, only to brow, but to the heart.

In the morning of departure, the air is full of tears. I am following the love that has already been sentenced to death, step by step to the edge of despair, crumbling!

Love, emotionally, when you want to conquer each other, you have actually been conquered to some extent by the other side. The first is the attraction of the other party to you, and then the desire to conquer each other.

Life is precious, love is higher, and if it is free, both can be thrown.

The so-called flower heart is the feeling of having love and bread, but also want to eat cake; the so-called affair is to sneak out of the siege and fall into the trap; the so-called romance is to help the wife buy a cabbage, and will bring back a rose; The kitchen is the front of the red carpet leading to the wedding...
I put down my dignity, let go of my personality, and let go of my stubbornness, just because I can't let you down.

Now, I am like a dead leaf, crumbling! Love, like a bottomless pit, is unfathomable, a love without results, should I let go? tired! I am tired. During that journey, I saw all the feelings of the world, and ridiculous things, I actually have to ask myself, I love him?

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