Good word

Praise the famous quotes of lotus flowers

[荷花] 清. 石涛 Lotus five-inch lotus flower, the wave does not hinder the painting boat shake; to the wind and the wind in April and May, can also cover the beauty waist.

"Ai Lian said" Song Zhou Dunyi The flowers of the land and grass, cute and very complicated. Jin Tao Yuan Ming loves chrysanthemum, since Li Tanglai, the world loves peony. Don’t dye the mud from the one-of-a-kind lotus, not clear the cockroaches, not the demon, the middle pass straight, not the vines, but can’t be seen from afar.

Waiting for a good night, it’s always spring. Zhu Xi's "Spring Day"

The rain on the street is as crisp as the grass, but the grass is far away.

The flow is three thousand feet straight down, and it is suspected that the Milky Way falls for nine days. Li Bai, Wangjingshan Waterfall

The bee-eaters have gone through the wall, but they are suspected of being in the neighboring house. Wang Jia, "Rain"

The lonely sail is far from the sky, but the Yangtze River is flowing. Li Bai, "The Yellow Crane Tower Sends Meng Haoran's Guangling"

Red fragrant scented jade and autumn, lightly swaying Luo Chang, alone on the Lanzhou. Who sent the book in the cloud? When the geese return, the moon is full of the West Building.

Suddenly, the spring breeze comes, and thousands of trees and pears bloom. Cen Shen's "Bai Xue Ge sent the judge to return to Beijing"

The flowers flow from the drifting water. A kind of acacia, two leisure. This situation can be eliminated, only to brow, but to the heart. - Northern Song Dynasty. Li Qingzhao [一剪梅]

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