Good sentence Daquan > beautiful sentence

The most beautiful sentence of 2014

1. The deepest and most peaceful happiness is to observe the world and the world, and slowly taste its beauty and harmony.

2. You will meet someone in your life. He breaks your principles, changes your habits, and becomes your exception. In fact, the happiest fairy tale in the world is just the time to spend the oil and rice together.

3, some should be picked up, some should be abandoned. Because, only if the end of the end is over, the beginning will begin.

4, always felt that waiting is a good state, because it contains countless possibilities.

5, some roads are to go with your feet. Some roads must be taken with care. Deep one foot, shallow one foot, happy on the road, sadness on the road. Less than sight, easy to take a detour; loss of reason, easy to walk. But as long as the heart does not go on the road, life will not give you a stern way.

6. Sometimes the things you want most are not available. Sometimes the things you most unexpectedly happen happen. You meet thousands of people every day, no one really touches your heart, then when you meet someone, your life will change forever.

7. In life, there is actually a light in everyone's heart. No matter what kind of setbacks and darkness you encounter, it is important that beliefs cannot be ruined. Turned around and changed my mind. It’s dark again, people back, and there’s just a light in front of them.

8, life is always like this, you think that lost, may be on the way; you think that you have, may be on the way.

9. In life, some people can make you smile even if you are not around you. This is good.

10, years, according to a touch of light fragrance in the heart, see the years to the night, smell the flowers to warm. Give time a shallow look; give yourself a smile. Precipitate, fragrant; read, warm.

11, I gently danced gently, you cast the same look, weird and appreciate it. Because it is not the eyes you look at, but my young heart.

12. I know someone in this world is waiting for me, even though I don't know who I am waiting for. But because of this, I am very happy every day.

13, the heart is like water, the chaos is unknown. A lot of things, the more you want to get it clear, the more confused you are, the more obsessed you are in your heart. Just like a clew, it will only get more and more chaotic. The child wants to avoid it. It is good to let everything go with the flow. If you come here, then you can be safe. This is the way to survive.

14, a person crying, you only need to give him a pack of paper towels, but a heart crying, you have to do a lot of things.

15. In your childish ignorance, ignorant and enterprising, the person who has been with you is the noble person in your life.

16, there is always a road, you need to go alone, then bravely walk, gorgeously finished.

17, walking and walking, they are scattered, the memories are light; look back, you are gone, suddenly I am confused.

18, the biggest calm, is to see through life can still love life. Can afford, have the responsibility, do not shirk, do not escape, face the embarrassing life.

19, life is a kind of rhythm, there must be light and shadow, there are left and right, there is sunny and rain, the taste is contained in this twist without twisting.

20, life and death, suffering and old age, are contained in every person, and one day we will meet with them. We will eventually be indifferent, like water dissolved in water.

21, sad, is the most chewable taste. If you don't experience this kind of pain - you will not be able to enjoy the joy of other life as you go through the years.

22, Jin Sehuanian, a song break line. I am sorry for the flow of the year, but I have been to the end of the world.

23, after experiencing the darkness, there is a desire for light; after experiencing the wind and rain, I understand the warmth of the sun; after experiencing the vicissitudes of life, I have a gentle heart; experience the best growth of life.

24, no one can salt you can hurt you, unless you have your own fester. No one can hurt you unless you are willing to do it yourself.

25. Integrity is weak and incompetent without knowledge. The danger of not having integrity is terrible.

26, every flower blossoming, have experienced dark waves; each bright and colorful, have experienced the wind and rain; every scene is infinite, have experienced a sadness. The beautiful, invisible scars that you can see, only those who have experienced it, understand the power behind them.

27, the dream is raised too high, not enough, can only be treasured. Chen has been for a long time, and has developed an enzyme that has changed its taste. With the proper reason not to move it, it will continue to be shelved with peace of mind.

28, no matter how hard the road ahead, as long as the direction of the right, no matter how rugged, is closer to happiness than standing in the same place.

29, don't give up a love because of a little embarrassment, after all, in love, what is needed is true, not perfect.

30, Cheng also time, defeat also time. Time to nourish a love, but also destroy a love.

31. There have never been two kinds of loneliness that are similar. If the two have any similarities, then the two of them may become really close.

32. When a person regards loneliness as the beauty of life appointments and faces with a calm and calm mind, there is no real loneliness.

33. Anyone who has a need in the heart is a person who has some regrets. But there is no need in the heart, but it does not mean that the inner is perfect, perhaps just not yet experienced.

34. Many people don't need to see each other because they just pass by. Forgetting is the best memory we give to each other.

35. Even if no one applauds you, you should gracefully call the curtain and thank yourself for your serious efforts.

36. Those past that you think you can't pass will pass.

37, that flower, for who blooms; that scent, for whom hooligans; that love, who longs for; that one, who, for whom.

38, you can choose to insist, you can choose to give up. There is no right or wrong. I mean to love, but it is important to stick to your choice.

39, life is alive, wronged, troubled, bitter, are inevitable, the important thing is that you have to turn over, because, open the dark wall, there is always a blue sky opposite.

40. The reason why people are happy is not because they have more, but because they have less care. The optimistic attitude comes from tolerance, from generosity, from understanding, from the world. Life is not perfect, I figured it out, and it is perfect to open it. 41. If you don't try to find fun, then emptiness, boring and boring, or even nothingness, will soon fill your brain and fill your life.

42. If you want beautiful lips, talk about kind words; if you want cute eyes, you must see the benefits of others; if you want a slim figure, give your food to hungry people; if you want beautiful hair, let small The child strokes your hair once a day; if you want an elegant posture, walk to remember that pedestrians are more than one.

43. Don't please everyone, just as you don't have to remember all the "yesterdays"; time is like rain, we are all walking in the rain, find our own umbrella, build a small world, go forward, go to the wind and rain, beautiful sunny day.

44. Don't care about the soul anymore, that is the god's business. All you can do is something small, like loving time, missing your mother, being a quiet person, as innocent as the morning.

45. Put your tears on your heart, you will open brave flowers, you can close your eyes and smell a fragrance in the tired time.

46, love, in the end, is still a distressed thing, if you have been distressed, that you have been in love, when numbness is indifferent, then, is the love has passed, it is love is cold.

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