Good sentence Daquan > beautiful sentence

Sentence about the holiday of June 1

1. If June 1 is not on holiday, I will stay at home all day and will not go to school. In this festival, no one can limit our entertainment, and I will not go to school because this is ours. festival!

2. If June 1 is not on holiday, I will go to various places to carry out public welfare activities with students after school, telling people about the benefits of energy saving and low carbon life.

3. If June 1 is not on holiday, I will organize some students to play around at home after school. I think we must be happy than the holiday, because we are carefree and will not feel any sorrow, than free birds. Still happy.

4. If Liuyi does not have a holiday, I will not do my homework according to the teacher's request. Because during the period of June 1st, it was the time for us to play and rest. They took our June 1st and it would not work.

5. If June 1 is not on holiday, I will definitely protest to the teacher. Because June 1 is our holiday, it is an annual one, and it will not come again after this year.

6. If June 1 is not on holiday, I will only ask to play the computer, because it is our own in the time of June 1st. If we arrange it ourselves, the parents do not agree.

7. When childhood is gone, the child's heart can't be chased, and the happy "June 1" can not let the "fake" lead?

8. We finally hoped for the annual Children's Day of the Children's Day. We all thought it was a holiday. As a result, no, it was replaced by a gardening activity.

9. The annual Children's Day is coming, and my heart is full of expectation and hope.

10. This is really an interesting June 1 and has brought me countless happiness.

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