Classic Quotations > Classic Lines

"My Time of Being" classic lines

1. It's like finding a goal is my goal.

2. I still want to marry the person I like the most, not the person I like the second.

3. This is not strong, it is helpless. Because this is my life.

4. It is very important to have someone who can comfort the heart.

5. Those who are destined to meet, will be met no matter what.

6. Even if all my goals are taken away in the future, the fact that I am working towards my goal cannot be taken away.

7. I don't want to die, just afraid to live.

8. Only his own will does not want to be deprived by ALS.

9. Extension: Xiaohui, thank you for staying with me.

10. Things that you think are interesting, others don't necessarily think they are interesting.

11. What can be done forever in the past?

12. I want to be with you all the time. Can time stop like this?

13. It’s not just pain that comes from illness, but also when you feel happy.

14. Are you sad? Mom doesn't look at you very much. Definitely sad. But I will never hate her, but I will look forward to seeing her someday.

15. Once you have tried the flavour of flying, you will always look up at the sky. I think the sky is the destination.

16. Doctor: Mr. Sawada, as the condition of ALS deteriorates, even if the body is unable to move freely, each person's living method is different. Everyone is living their own life. Extension: Can it still be alive?!

17. I don't care. Now there is nothing special to do, and it is a kind of ordinary folks who have no connotation. They lived up to the present, and they also interacted with their former girlfriends with a timely and happy attitude. My parents didn't expect me anything, anyway, my brother is there. The important thing, what must be protected, I have nothing. No one needs me.

18. The most I learned during the student days was role play. When I was in the middle of the country and in the middle of the country, I learned to disguise in the classroom in order not to be excluded. I tried my best to meet the expectations of my parents at home. When I was in high school, I couldn't respond to my parents' expectations. I started playing the role of a hippie smile at home or at school, but I was accidentally accepted. It is considered that Tuo is such a guy. When I entered the university, I didn't have to act again most of the time, but once I started looking for a job, I had to wear a mask again. Practice the interview and practice in the mirror again and again. During the interview, the person who has never met will make a final decision within a few minutes, and label it as “not hired”. I feel that I have been completely negated. This process has been repeated 50 times. After 80 times and 100 times, I began to lose my survival value and felt that there is no point in living in this world.

19. The best option is to find a job that you like and are good at. Second is the work that you don't like but are good at. Then there is work that I like but not good at. What I want to avoid most is a job that neither likes nor is good at it.

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