Classic Quotations > Classic Lines

"Previous Raiders" classic lines

1. If it is because you have a third party, you have to say that the other person is not enough to understand you...

2. If it’s because you don’t know how to be too naive, you have to say that the other party has no interest...

3. If it is because you can't stand the other party sticking to you and you break up, you have to say that the other party is not mature enough...

4. A man is like a key. A woman is like a lock. What is the key that can be opened by a lock? It is called a master key.

5. But, what key can the key open, what lock do you say?

6. ...change lock...

7. It is especially important to say that the reason for breaking up...

8. If it is because of your willfulness, you must say that he does not feel bad about you, does not favor you...

9. Cloud: Interpersonal relationship is no more than this

10. Female: Is there a room? Is there a car?
M: Do you have Japanese skills?

11. I don't know how many girlfriends Meng Yun had before.

12. Yu Fei: You said that picking up a girl, nothing more than two results, either take the heart, or go kidney, this time you go?

13. Shang Dan: Then you don’t try it yourself, how do you know if you like it or not?

14. Meng Yun: What happened?
Yu Fei: I have been sitting for too long.

15. Yu Fei: This is all ruined, and all are weak.

16. Xia Lu: I just like the feeling you like, not like you.

17. Meng Yun: What are you doing?
Meng Meng: I am waiting for my god vulture

18. Yu Fei: You got the first love of your ex-girlfriend’s husband.

19. You still have my fucking

20. Yu Fei: On the appearance, people are more handsome than you, fighting, people are black belts; money, people tmd rich second generation; although you have stayed in Korea, but you are not as good as Korean, people Chinese is better than you, you What is Meng Yun: I am alive~~~

21. Our generation, if something is broken, it is to be repaired; for your generation, if something is broken, it is necessary to change it.

22. Luo Wei: How long do you plan to play this time? Meng Yun: This time I am serious. Luo Wei: You are serious every time.

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