Classic Quotations > Classic Lines

"Two shots of smoke" classic lines

1. Let us distinguish between buyers and those who can't buy, those who need and greedy, and those who trust me and don't believe me.

2. But he will be able to observe the slightest reaction of anyone, and he will not escape his eyes and everyone will respond, especially when it comes to money.

3. "Should" be the brother of the wrong, should be the mother of the wrong, the idiot, the brother, the mother... not all the same.

4. When you dance with the devil, you can only wait for the music to end.

5. If you are still alive, even if you are lucky, you can walk, I suggest you enjoy the fun of walking, you are really slow.

6. Actually dare to start on earth.

7. Don't think that these sealed boxes are empty, only the people who dig the graves will sell empty boxes.

8. The man who stole my goods still wants to sell it back to me. He is stupid than you, Lenny, and immediately went to get the dead fat man Nick if he was still stupid to stay on the planet.

9. If you dare to lie to me, I will kill you. If you dare to play me or I think you are playing me, I will kill you too. If you forget, I will kill you. In fact, you have to work hard. Can you save your life, do you understand what I said? Because if you don't understand, I will kill you.

10. The fruit you sell to me has more insects than the flesh. You should go to the butcher shop instead of selling the fruit.

11. You can't bring a woman with a drug and a pack of fertilizer on the road, because you don't look like a farmer, that's what I mean, Willie.

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