

· The wisdom of life is probably about why you are asking.

· A person who can think is really a boundless person.

· The key to unlocking all sciences is the question mark. How much of our great discovery should be attributed to? And the wisdom of life probably lies in asking why?

· Things in the world are never absolute, and the results vary from person to person. Suffering is a stepping stone for genius... It is a fortune for capable people and an abyss for the weak.

· Genius works are irrigated with tears.

· Books contain the whole life... - Balzac famous sentence

· Introspection and meditation will only enrich our minds.

· Regular life is the secret of health and longevity.

· There is no absolute equality and no absolute power. People are similar in nature, unequal in law, politically unequal, and different.

· We appreciate the true politicians, just as we appreciate the kind of people who wrote us the most magnificent poems on earth. Always look to the future, ahead of the fate, beyond the right.

· Isn't reverse luck the touchstone of character? . - Balzac Quotations

· A businessman does not want to go bankrupt, just like a general will never be prepared to lose, only half a businessman.

· A person who can think is really a boundless person.

· Whoever is self-respecting, who will be respected

· Without great wishes, there is no great genius

· True love is like a beautiful flower. The more open the ground is, the more pitiful it looks. - Balzac Quotations

· A place that a man should attract attention is not his horse, nor other accessories, but his character.

· A woman is like a harp, it only reveals the mystery of the beautiful tunes to the artist who knows how to pluck it.

· For a wasteful person, money is round, but for thrifty people, money is flat and can be piled up in pieces.

· Beauty is a veil that is often used to cover many shortcomings.

· Really talented people are always kind, frank, straightforward, and never reserved. - Balzac famous words

· Suffering is the teacher of life

· A person who can think is really a boundless person.

· The question mark is the key to unlocking any science.

· If you want to raise, there are two things, that is, you must be an eagle or a reptile.

· The great characters have gone through the deserted desert before they reach the glorious peak... - Balzac famous words

· Suffering is a stepping stone for genius, a fortune for capable people, and an abyss for the weak.

· Unfortunately, it is the step of genius's entry; the water of baptism of believers; the priceless treasure of capable people; the bottomlessness of the weak.

· Frankly straightforward and most popular.

· Honesty, like all our temperament, should be divided into two categories, negative and positive. Negative honesty is the kind of Xib woman. When she has no chance to make a fortune, she is honest. Positive honesty is tempted every day and is not tempted, such as the honesty of the collector.

· Pain also has its solemnity, which can make the laity reborn. To do this, just be a real person. - Balzac famous sentence

· Talented people are always kind, frank, straightforward, and never hold on.

· A person who is noble in behavior will be forgiven regardless of his ignorance.

· Love is a treasure trove of memories.

· Young people who have never made mistakes neither forgive the faults of others, but also have high faith as others. We must have a wealth of life experience to understand Rafael's famous sayings: the so-called understanding is equal to each other.

· The family will always be the foundation of human society. The role of power and law begins here. - Balzac famous words

· Marriage produces life, love produces happiness, happiness is eliminated, marriage still exists, and a value that is more valuable than men and women is born. Therefore, to obtain a happy marriage, it is enough to have the kind of friendship that forgives the shortcomings of human beings.

· The happiness of marriage is not entirely built on prominent identities and property, but built on mutual respect. The essence of this happiness is humility and simplicity.

· Real love can and should be intermittent; but the mother's joy will not decline, but will increase with the child's needs, and grow with the child's growth. It is both a passion and a need; it is both an emotion and an obligation; it is both a necessity and a kind of happiness.

· Love is a combination of an infinite emotion in our heart and a tangible and beautiful ideal of the outside world.

· You are a painful feeling, but if a person does not have such feelings, the tenderness and intimacy of love cannot keep it all and warm. --- Hume has no patience, and love will not succeed. - Balzac famous sentence

· Love is not just a feeling, it is also an art. A noble soul is painful for love, and it is always a good show. In the spiritual realm, true love can produce constant miracles.

· Love is a combination of an infinite emotion in our hearts and a tangible and beautiful ideal of the world.

· The happiness of marriage is not completely built on prominent identities and property, but is built on mutual respect. The essence of this happiness is humility and simplicity.

· On the sea of ​​emotions, without a compass, I had to drift freely in front of strange events.

· The so-called genius is patience. - Balzac famous sentence

· A talented person, if there is no sincere friend around, it must be because he is cold.

· Really clear the life of water, honesty and deception, in any class, even the worst of the mind will be respected.

· An upright person should know his or her weight everywhere.

· Time is human wealth, all wealth, just as time is the wealth of the country, because any wealth is the result of the combination of time and action, like using an algebraic formula, including all kinds of activities.

· For many people, the importance of books and flowers is no less than bread. - Balzac famous sentence

· The spiritual feelings of true friends are as sensitive as the dog's sense of smell; they can feel the grief of a friend, guess the cause of grief, and always worry about it.

· A fairly Peugeot woman can use art techniques to reduce makeup to a secondary position without the help of decorations, while highlighting her simple beauty.

· Ignorance is the mother of superstition.

· Two great minds, after being combined by feelings or friendships, rely on the stimulation of the outside world to constantly strengthen their friendship.

· People know each other, you know each other! - Balzac famous words

· Maternal love is the most beautiful of human emotions, because this kind of emotion is not mixed with the heart of Lilu.

· The mother is the most beautiful of human emotions, because this kind of emotion is not mixed with the heart of Lilu.

· Adversity is the step of genius's entry; the water of baptism of believers; the priceless treasure of capable people; the bottomlessness of the weak.

· Innovators must be patient.

· It is much easier to be a lover than to be a husband, just as it is much more difficult to show off the police all day than to occasionally say a good word. - Balzac Quotations

· Love is our second reincarnation.

· A frank love has its own hunch, knowing that it can give birth to love. It’s such a big thing that a girl who lives alone is actually sneaking into a young man’s house! In the middle of love, some thoughts have some behaviors. Isn’t it a sacred marriage contract for some souls?

· Houses can be destroyed by fire, property can sink to the bottom, fathers can travel long distances, the kingdom can collapse, cholera can swallow the whole city, but a girl’s love will continue to fly, just like nature’s circle Like the strong acid found in chemistry, if the earth can't absorb it, it will erode the earth.

· Love is a pure spring water. It starts from a river bed filled with cress and flowers, filled with gravel, changes its nature and shape in each flood, or becomes a creek or a large river, and finally flows into the ocean, where it flows. The poor-spirited people only see its monotony, and the noble souls indulge in constant meditation.

· In love, the falsehood of ulterior motives is always more lovely than the true face. Because of this, many men are willing to spend money on the female swindlers with high morality. - Balzac famous sentence

· Nature is a hundred and one hundred, nothing. The nature of this kind is called life. The first sight of love is equal to clairvoyance.

· Love is a rational indulgence, a great spiritual enjoyment, a positive, serious enjoyment; sensuality is sold out in the streets and lanes, vulgar and cumbersome enjoyment: the two are the two sides of the same fact.

· Some ethicists believe that in addition to maternal love, the love of both sexes is the most involuntary, the most unprofitable, and the least minded. This insight is ridiculous. Even though most people don't know how love happens, all physical and mental good feelings still start from the calculation of mind, affection or instinct. The love between men and women is mainly a selfish feeling, and selfishness is the calculation of the weight.

· Unfortunate love, often like a reliable debtor’s unpaid debit, will add you private money.

· Child, your feeling is love, pure, innocent, keeping the love of the original face, it is involuntary, come very quickly, like a thief to sweep everything away... Yes, Everything swept away! That was as early as I expected. I have carefully observed women, knowing that some of them need to see many feelings and miracles, they will be tempted, they have to be defeated before they open their mouths, but they give in; but there are other women, because of a kind of magnetic available now. The fluid to explain the resonance effect will be alive. - Balzac famous sentence

· A small thing will scare love, and a small thing will make love happy. For love, anything makes sense, and everything can be a good or a bad light.

· He thought to himself: "Wife is divided into two halves, what a pity! Half is poetic and entertaining, love, loyalty, beauty and thoughtfulness..." "...the other half is a noble surname, a descendant of honor, and a singularity!" On one person!"

· The so-called love can satisfy everything, ... just for couples: As for couples, in addition to the roof of the sky and the carpet of green carpet, more things are needed.

· Any poor, suffering woman, her heart is equal to a sponge that needs love very much, only a drop of feeling, immediately swell.

· Pain, like joy, creates an atmosphere. When you walk into someone's house, you can know at first glance what its tone is, whether it is love or despair. - Balzac Quotations

· You are the son of the enslaved land, you are the angel of love, you are a whimsical elf, you are an honest child, you are an experienced old man, you are a rich man with a mind, you are a kind-hearted woman You are a hopeful giant, you are a worried mother, you are a fan of fantasy.

· At the age of love, love does not put its prism between a girl's eyes and the outside world.

· A life as clear as water, an honest character, no matter which class, even the worst of the mind will be respectful. In Paris, true morality is as appreciated as a big diamond or a treasured treasure.

· Honesty, like all our sentiments, should be divided into two categories, negative and positive. Negative honesty is honest when there is no opportunity to make a fortune. Positive honesty is tempted and unmotivated every day.

· Beauty is a grim, inaccessible thing. It is not so easy to get. Wait patiently, pry into it, force it, hold it tight, and force it to yield. - Balzac famous sentence

· You have not penetrated into the esoteric part of the image. You have not used the 12-point love and perseverance to pursue the magical change of the image.

· If there are two people with similar illnesses, one who is warmly comforted, one who cares for his life and death, one who is served by professional care: then the latter must be cured and the former saved. This involuntary sympathetic effect between the people; the doctor is not willing to admit this, thinking that the patient is saved because of the thoughtfulness of the service, as well as the strict obedience of the doctor; but the mother knows that the long-lasting desire does have the power to return to life.

· Keeping your promise is like defending your honor

· A noble purpose will make things as noble as they are.

· The inventor could only first see a dawn. - Balzac famous sentence

· A person's enzyme has at least a little benefit, and you can recognize who is a true friend.

· You can't figure out your heart without knowing the details of each other.

· Only those who know how to control their shortcomings and prevent them from controlling their own strengths are strong.

· A woman who is really in love is more skeptical than a pleasure, and it is more dexterous to change the taste. As soon as she arrived at the abandoned moment, she could guess the meaning of a posture. Even the horse smelled the breath of love in the spring air, not so fast.

· Any poor, suffering woman, her heart is equal to a sponge that needs love very much, only a drop of feeling, immediately swell. - Balzac famous words

· Passion is the absolute thing in all things in the world. It never admits that it is wrong.

· Rejected people, ugly people, unfortunate people, unrequited people, timid men and women, only they can understand the strange treasures contained in the voices of the people they love.

· In the storms of life, we often learn the captain's appearance, throwing away the bulky goods under the storm to reduce the weight of the ship.

· If people do something with one heart and one mind, they will always encounter chances.

· Love is a beautiful porcelain. Once broken, no matter how clever repairs, there will always be imprints. Therefore, what is more important is that we take care of it from the beginning. - Balzac famous sentence

· Love will inject life into the eyes of sorrow, and make the pale face look rosy and rosy.

· On the sea of ​​emotions, if there is no compass, you have to drift freely in front of strange events.

· Intelligence is the lever that drives society.

· A person wants to open up a most occluded place. If he has money, he still has to have knowledge; and knowledge, integrity, patriotism, if there is no firm will, throwing away personal interests and dedicating himself to a social ideal, then It is also in vain.

· Young people tend to be young, and the upper class is selfish and willing to take care of the people they like. It is like seeing you because they can cause them to sympathize, give them some excitement, and be willing to give alms; but many older children are used to flattering Happy, extraordinary, only know to enjoy and not use. They misunderstood the meaning and motives of social communication, thinking that they would always see a false smile; they couldn’t think of the hair bald, the glory faded out, the nothing, the value and the industry, and the upper society as the social flower of the old age And tattered clothes are generally out of the living room and thrown under the corner. - Balzac Quotations

· He is like all weak people. I was afraid to say it because of the white eyes of the society. Slowly, he learned to put his feelings in his chest and use his heart as a refuge. A lot of shallow people, this phenomenon is called selfishness. Lonely people are very similar to selfish people, making it generally well-founded to say that long-lost people ruin good people.

· Only those who have lived a leisurely life can see the money as big as the sky. A guy who does not produce only consumes is a social thief.

· In Paris, there are ears on the steps, mouths on the doors, and eyes on the windows; the most dangerous thing is to speak at the gate. The last few words that are said to each other are like the pen attached to the letter. The secret of the leak is as dangerous to the person you hear.

· Tiredness, aging, is the sorrow of vanity, but the constant stimulation of life in Paris, and the struggle of the rivalry of the ambition. Ning Yu is a calm ointment.

· I didn't expect that the bureaucracy would extend its claws into our coffin. - Balzac Quotations

· If a person is happy, his happiness will be sore when he approaches the court; and his future, in any matter, does not depend on a conspiracy of a maid.

· Occupation is like marriage. Over time, everyone only thinks it is unprofitable.

· The big politicians are just acrobatic performers. When they are not careful, they watch their best buildings collapse.

· Speculation is an abstract sale. It can tell you to monopolize everything, the traces of oil and water have not been seen, you will come to your mouth first. It was an earth-shattering plan, and everything was cleaned up with wishful thinking. It was a new set of magic.

· The budget is not a cash box, but a sprinkler: the more water it draws and spills, the more prosperous the country is. - Balzac famous sentence

· Morality's constraints on people vary according to the social class to which they belong. The sun shines everywhere, so we have a lot of seasons that we admire. Similarly, morality also aligns social obligations with the hierarchical status of each individual. The small mistakes made by the soldiers, if they are on the generals, are major crimes. vice versa. A farm girl who harvests crops, earning fifteen women in Sufa, a daughter of a retail businessman, a young Bourgeois woman, a girl from a wealthy family, a young heiress of a noble family, a Dees The daughters of the special family have different disciplines to follow.

· You kill a person, and someone will send you to the guillotine. But as long as you kill 500 people with any kind of government conviction, people respect this political crime.

· The society only takes clowns for fun. There are no other requirements. They forget them in a blink of an eye. It is no better than seeing a great person in the game. He must be sacred to him. Each has its own rules: diamonds that haven't been worn for a long time can't be a little embarrassed. For a moment, popular products may be thin, weird, and flashy.

· How much trouble the law has to find with a sad person is really unimaginable. It is almost to teach people to hate civilization and feel that the customs of barbarians are lovely.

· The deep hatred of society, whether for political or private affairs, whether between women or between men, is nothing more than being taken away. The loss of material, the damage of the face can also be remedied, and even slap the palm is no big deal, but it is irreparable when it is broken when the crime is committed! The duel of the criminal and the witness must be put together to kill you and live. - Balzac famous words

· Anyone who has been or is now in the press, whether or not they want to, will have to salute the people they despise, smile at their enemies, and tolerate the shameless acts of resentment, and even to avenge the provocations of others, even I will not hesitate to smear on my face.

· The wisdom of life is probably about why you ask for everything.

· When a person full of wisdom enters the threshold of life, his thoughts try to spread his wings, and he will use his eyes to care for poetry and use his eyes to incubate poetry. But when it comes to the common hard obstacles, this poetic egg is broken. For almost everyone, when the feet of real life land, they step on the mysterious eggs that are almost never broken.

· Sculptors from all over the world often design two statues of torches on both sides of the grave. In addition to making the Huangquan road a little bright, these torches also illuminate the faults and mistakes of the dead. At this point, the sculpture indeed depicts a profound thought, illustrating a fact that is human. The pain of dying has its own wisdom.

· A wise person is truly a boundless person. - Balzac Quotations

· The key to unlocking all science is the question mark. Most of our great discoveries should be attributed to “how”, and the wisdom of life probably lies in asking “why”.

· In terms of grace and in all kinds of things, the only thing that is not aging is the heart. The kind-hearted people are simple and simple.

· The exquisiteness and elegance of the original is the inevitable strength of the simple person, making his talk more intriguing in him, no less than the rhetoric of the bishop.

· Honesty, like all our sentiments, should be divided into two categories, negative and positive. Negative honesty is honest when there is no opportunity to make a fortune. Positive honesty is tempted and unmotivated every day.

· A life as clear as water, an honest character, no matter which class, even the worst of the mind will be respectful. In Paris, true morality is as much appreciated as a big diamond or a treasured treasure. - Balzac Quotations

· Since you have lost love, you must die. It is impossible to catch a kite that has been broken.

· What really scholars really are great is that they have done a lot of great work secretly and they are not famous for their lives.

· A decent man doesn't even have enough time to work. How can he waste time trying to dress up and do things that lower his identity? I would rather sacrifice my life at once, and I don't want to cut it to zero.

· If the artist is not buried in his work, the Roman legendary goddos rushed into the volcano's rip like a soldier rushing into the fortress without thinking; if the artist does not collapse like a stratum in the crater Buried miners generally work; if he is stunned by difficulties, instead of overcoming one by one, like those in the fairy tale, in order to get their princess, the endless stream of demon magic is broken; Then, the work can not be completed, can only be rotted in the workshop, production is impossible, the artist can only see his genius die.

· Destroyed and built people, both are phenomena of will: one is to prepare for work, the other is to complete work; the former seems to be a wicked genius, the latter seems to be a good genius; to give honor to this one, Forgotten to the other. The wicked wow wow, woke up the vulgar people from their dreams, admire him for the five bodies, but the good guys have been silent. - Balzac famous words

· Getting wealth through hard work is the great thing in life.

· To be solemn in front of the people and to be ruthless in front of the husband, only genius can be obtained, and there are not many such women. This is the secret of long-term love between couples; in some women who lack the kind of double wizards, only long-term love is an inextricable mystery.

· Without the innocence of thought, you can't have the integrity of money.

· Some people think they will do something. In fact, they don't know anything, just understand everything. For those who don't need anything, they are willing to lend anything, but they don't take it out for those who really need it; others quietly judge other people's thoughts, and they are willing to make their own money and crazy actions. Let go. Some people will never get a true impression. Their hearts are like mirrors that have been used for a long time and are not smooth. They can't reflect any image anymore. Others are especially frugal to their senses and lives. On the surface, it is like giving up life, just like someone throwing his life away from the window.

· People watch others do bad things, listen to them, and take it for granted; at the beginning, they acquiesce to others, and at the end they do it. Over time, the soul is constantly being stained by shameful activities, becoming more and more small, the spring of noble thoughts is gradually rusting, and the melancholy of this melancholy is getting looser and looser, and does not push the rotation. - Balzac Quotations

· The three classes created by modern customs are: laborers, thinkers; and inaction. Thus, there are three fairly complete formulas that express a variety of life, from the poetry of the rogues and the novels full of wandering careers to the monotonous and hypnotic history of the constitutional kings: busy life; artist life; elegant life.

· Such a family is not a grave, but something worse than a grave: a monastery. In this cold and frozen environment, he looked at their wives with no love: he noticed the narrowness of her thoughts with severe pain, and her hair was close to the low-corrected forehead; he found Her correct face had a rigid and stubborn expression that made him soon hate the gentleness of the disguise he had been enchanted.

· Loneliness is emptiness, and the spirit and the flesh feel the same fear. Genius uses the product ideas of the spiritual world to fill the emptiness of loneliness. Those who watch God's good deeds can get the light of God in loneliness, hear the breath of God, but these two kinds of people can endure lonely life. In addition to these two people who are close to heaven, the torture of loneliness is like torture for the physical torture. The difference between loneliness and punishment is like the difference between mental illness and surgical disease. This is the pain of increasing to infinity. The flesh reaches infinity through the nervous system, as if the spirit is infinite through thought.

· Probably the radiation of thought, always based on the power of gestating thoughts, where the mind should send ideas, where the thoughts fall, the accuracy is no less than the projectiles flying out of the gun body, but the effects are different . Some delicate personality, thoughts can be drilled to damage the organization; there are also some armed strong personality, the wall-walled mind, the will of others will only be able to squat, like a shell hitting the city wall; there is a soft cotton personality, The thoughts of others are lost when they touch it, as if the shells landed in the mud ditch outside the fortress.

· Leaving the center of talent pool, not breathing the air of thought and activity, not touching the ever-changing trend, our knowledge will be stale, and the taste will deteriorate like dead water. - Balzac Quotations

· Art is about having the ability to build a palace on the tip of the needle. The mystery of my thoughts is in the cane that can turn the desert into a city within ten seconds.

· A person who can think is a man of boundless power.

· I believe that the most beautiful subject of life and the happiest result of human life are not too much to learn.

· Learning is like the kindness of the mother. It feeds the child with pure and gentle joy. If you ask for extra compensation, it may be sin.

· A true scientist should be a visionary; who is not a fantasist, who can only call himself a practitioner. - Balzac famous words

· The field of science is vast, and human life is very short.

· A true scientist should be a visionary. Who is not a visionary, who can only call himself a practitioner.

· Without hope, one cannot maintain his faith, preserve his spirit, or preserve his inner purity.

· Love is a religion. Believing in this religion is much more expensive than the religious ones around it; and it will soon disappear. Believing in the past is like a naughty child, and it is also in ruin.

· Our hopes of shattering, the ability to abort, the cause of failure, the ambition of setbacks, often accumulate and become taboo. - Balzac famous words

· The husband wants to control his wife, far less than the number of lovers who think of approaching the mistress. The forbidden child thinks of closing the door, far less than the prisoner thinks of many times of escape; so despite the difficulties, the lover and the prisoner should still succeed.

· Opportunity is extremely rare, but he has three successful conditions, that is, "the legs that run like a deer, the leisure time of walking the road, and the patience of the Jews."

· Continuous labor is the iron law of life and the iron law of art.

· The only thing I can trust is my lion-like courage and invincible energy to work.

· A farmer, a waterman, and a soldier are the same pieces of the same people, the same circle, and the same tool. Labor is like a mystery in them, looking for the answer to find the answer that day. They have been guilty of extra penalties for their entire lives. The reward is often to get a small bench and sit at the door of a straw house. - Balzac famous sentence

· Continuous labor is the iron law of life and the iron law of art.

· Being educated knows how to burn a will, to be a decent person, to be loved and respected, not to be a repeated thief, to be punished by the law for five conditions, to be executed at the scene of Greve , hated and discredited.

· He will use a pen to complete the business that he failed to complete with a sword.

· Time is the wealth of man, all wealth, just as time is the wealth of the country, because any wealth is the result of the combination of time and action.

· All human skills are nothing more than a mixture of patience and time. - Balzac famous sentence

· All human power is just a mixture of patience and time. The so-called strong is both meaningful and waiting.

· Whether you are open or not and the depth of friendship should not be measured by the length of time.

· Time is human wealth, all wealth, just as time is the wealth of the country, because any wealth is the result of the combination of time and action.

· When you see an incomprehensible phenomenon and feel confused, the truth may have been standing in front of you with a veil.

· For the sake of all kinds of loneliness, people are most afraid of spiritual loneliness. - Balzac Quotations

· Where a single person may perish, two people together may be saved.

· As long as the true feelings of the reversal of the rebellion are compared with the cruelty of the world, one will suddenly realize.

· I can't figure out the details of the other side, and I can't make your heart come out.

· A person's enzyme has at least such a benefit, and you can recognize who is a true friend.

· There is a big worry in life, friendship should be an effective comfort. - Balzac famous sentence

· Feelings are equal to talent. Feeling is the opponent of understanding, just as action is the counterbalance of thinking. A talented friend can go through the friendship, comprehension, and keep pace with him. An ordinary person has the basis of feelings and can compare the greatest artists. This shows why women love some "stupid talents."

· The mind reflects life and the face reflects the soul.

· Life is made up of all kinds of different accidents, pains and joys. The ever-changing blue sky only exists in the middle of the mind, and it is a luxury to ask for a realistic life.

· Complacency, self-importance and credulity are the three major reefs of life.

· When young people fall into injustice, they dare not take photos of the mirror of conscience; adults are not afraid to face up; the difference between the two stages of life lies entirely in this. - Balzac famous sentence

· A person who feels a good future, when he is advancing on the arduous road of life, like an innocent prisoner walking to the execution ground, there is no need to be ashamed.

· Suffering is the teacher of life.

· There are some barriers in life that you can’t fight, you can’t be happy for the sake of eating.

· Suffering is a stepping stone for life... It is a fortune for capable people and an abyss for the weak.

· Complacency, arrogance and credulity are the three major reefs of life. - Balzac famous words

· Keeping your promise is like defending your honor.

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