

· Uninvited guests are only the most popular after the announcement.

· Simple but more touching my heart than ingenious words.

· Time will pierce the color of the youthful face, and will dig deep trenches on the forehead of the beauty; will eat the rare treasures! Naturally beautiful, nothing escapes his sweeping sickle.

· Hidden sorrows, such as the flameout furnace, can burn the heart to ashes.

· A person who thinks too much will lose the fun of being a man.

· Short life, only virtue can pass it to the distant generations of Liaoyuan. - Shakespeare's famous sentence

· There is no book in life, it seems that there is no sunshine; there is no book in wisdom, just like a bird has no wings.

· Books are the nutritional products of all human beings.

· A proud person, the result is always destroying himself in pride.

· Love, like charcoal, burns up, you have to find a way to cool it. Let it be free, then burn a heart.

· Love is not the sweet words under the shade of flowers, not the honey words in the peach blossoms, not the light tears, not the hard compulsion, the love is based on the common language. - Shakespeare's Quotations

· Loyal love fills my heart, I can't estimate the wealth I have.

· Bad habits can hinder you from going to fame, profit, and enjoyment.

· Listen more, talk less, accept everyone's blame, but keep your final ruling.

· If the book is not frequently read, it is equal to the wood chip.

· Books are the world's nutrition. There are no books in life, just like there is no sunshine; there is no book in wisdom, just like a bird has no wings. - Shakespeare's Quotations

· The stupidity of fools is not unusual, and the foolishness of a wise man makes people laugh and belly; for he proves his stupidity with his full body.

· It is better to be a smart fool than to be a stupid wise man.

· Honesty will give you more benefits than corruption.

· Wise people never sit down and wailing for failure, they must be optimistic to find ways to save.

· You can still say bitterness, the most bitterness has not suffered from your suffering, and you have not suffered in the end. - Shakespeare's famous words

· When we can't afford happiness, we should never walk too close to the window and stare at happiness.

· Diligent for priceless treasure, careful for body protection.

· A person's life is short, but if he goes through this life in a despicable way, it will be too long.

· To be or not to be,that is a question.

· In delay there lies no plenty , Then come kiss me , sweet and twenty , Youths a stuff that will not endure . Over. - Shakespeare's famous words

· The coward had died many times before he died. The warrior only died once in his life. In all the strange things, people’s greed and fear of death is a strange thing. Behavior is better than eloquence. The eyes of fools are better than their ears. Smarter

· No matter how good it is, you will loose it eventually. A memory that is etched in our mind will be forgotten one day. Those who love again have a day to go. A beautiful dream, there is also a day of recovery.

· No matter how long the night is, the day will come.

· To justify a fault, it often makes this fault seem extraordinarily significant, just like using a cloth to make up a small hole, but instead want to cover it.

· The equipment is sunshine. We are the flowers. The flowers that have lost the sun. They will soon lose their vividness until they wither. - Shakespeare's famous sentence

· Even with 12 locks, the "beauty" is firmly locked in the secret room, and "love" can still open the locks and enter.

· Love is blind, and lovers can't see the stupid things they do.

· Less warm love will last a long time

· People can control their own destiny, if we are subject to people, the fault is not in fate, but in ourselves!

· Honest people are fools, although they are kind, the result is that they have suffered a loss. - Shakespeare's famous words

· To be or not to be. Its a question!

· I admit that there is no more pain in the world than the punishment of love, and there is nothing more happier than serving it.

· Love is a sweet pain, and sincere love is never a smooth road.

· Love is not the sweet words in the shade of flowers, not the secret words in the peach blossoms, not the light tears, not the hard-pressed coercion, love is based on a common foundation.

· Woman, your name is weak. - Shakespeare's famous sentence

· The ambition of love makes people suffer.

· Before the request is made, the vested is followed by the order.

· A woman who makes a temper, like a turbid water, even if it is dry, not wanting to sip.

· If there is no reason, feelings will exhaust us, just to stop the absurdity of feelings, we need reason.

· The power of love is peace, regardless of reason, rules, and humiliation. It can make all fear, shock, and pain become sweet when you are being subjected to it. - Shakespeare's famous sentence

· The initial coldness will make the future love more intense; if she is false to you, it is not because she hates you, but because she wants you to love her more.

· Positive love cannot be expressed in words, and behavior is the best illustration of loyalty.

· If love is noisy and has nothing to do with it, it is not true love. It is the most intelligent madness, the bitter taste of the throat, the honey of the tongue.

· Love, can create miracles. The love that Qiao Mai was destroyed, once rebuilt, is more magnificent, more beautiful and more tenacious than the original.

· Love is the spark of life, the sublimation of friendship, the coincidence of the soul. If human emotions can distinguish between grades, then love should belong to the highest level. - Shakespeare famous sentence

· A successful liar does not have to make a living by lying, because the deceived person has become his supporter, and what I say is also awkward.

· Too perfect love, sad and hurt, as a child of the rivers and lakes, no leisure time.

· Survival or death? This is a problem.

· In the subversion of fate, it is easy to see a person's integrity.

· Our body is like a garden, the will is the gardener in this garden... Let it be ruined and ruined, and it is hard to cultivate it. That power lies in our will-- Shakespeare's famous sayings

· In the dark days, don't let the cold fate sneak up; since the fate comes to us, we should use the calm attitude to retaliate.

· There is a class of humble work that is endured with a hard-working spirit. The lowest things often point to the highest goals.

· Many things in the world, the pursuit of time is always more intense than the enjoyment of time.

· The new flame can extinguish the old flame; the big pain can alleviate the little pain.

· Be faithful to yourself and not deceive others. Habits have a magical power to change temperament, which can make the devil dominate the human soul, and can also expel them from people's hearts. - Shakespeare's Quotations

· To be a proud person to see his own face, only to use his pride to mirror him; if he bowed to him, but added his arrogance, in vain.

· Panels are often completely inconsistent with the things themselves, and the world is easily deceived by the decoration of the surface. If there is no comparison, there will be no strengths; if there is no appreciation, the song of the crow will be the same as the skylark. If the nightingale sings in the noise during the day, people will never think that it is more beautiful than singing. How many things can achieve a perfect state because of the favorable environment, and win a proper appreciation.

· The coward had died many times before he died. The warrior only died once in his life. In all the strange things, people's greed and death are the strangest thing. Behavior is better than eloquence, and the eyes of fools are much smarter than their ears.

· Would rather be a wildflower under a hedge, not willing to be a bounty of grace. Instead of welcoming each other and stealing the favor of others, Suining was abandoned by everyone.

· Wordless pure innocence is often more touching than speaking. - Shakespeare's famous sentence

· Doubt is enough to ruin. A person often loses the chance of success because of the fact that he is cringing. The best good people are those who have made mistakes; one person often shows his cuteness because of a little shortcoming.

· He rewards you with money, so he is a good person; with people who shoot horses, there are naturally people who love to shoot horses.

· The world is a stage. All the men and women are just some actors. When they all have the time, they also have time to play. A person plays several roles in his life.

· Praise is to be reduced from the praise of one's own mouth, it will reduce the value of praise; the praise from the enemy's mouth is the real glory.

· No matter how long the darkness is, the day will always come. There is no way in the world to explore his heart from a person's face. - Shakespeare's famous sentence

· If you are a lion, the fox will come to deceive you: If you are a lamb, the fox will come to eat you; if you do a fox, if the liar tells you, the lion will be suspicious of you; if you did Liar, your stupidity will make you suffer, and you can't help but make a wolf's breakfast...

· The reputation of innocence is the purest treasure in the world. Lost the reputation, human beings are just some gold-plated dung, dyed mud.

· The fame is a slave of the squat, and on each tombstone, a flattering slogan is spoken, but under the unspoken land, the bones of the loyalists are often buried.

· When the moon is bright, we can't see the light. This is how little glory is hidden by greater glory.

· Regardless of how embarrassing time swallows everything, we must strive to gain our reputation when this interest is still there, so that the time is not scolded - Shakespeare quotes

· It can hurt us; our lives can end, and our reputation will last forever.

· Death is terrible. The life of shame is especially annoying.

· A person who loves vanity, covering a rich coat with an ugly underwear.

· Take the reputation away from me and my life will be over.

· Reputation is a boring and unreliable random reward; often it is not worth the merits, and it is not self-defeating. - Shakespeare's famous sentence

· Your own actions, not relying on your home.

· Vanity is a boring thing to deceive; the person who gets it may not have any merits, and the person who loses it may not have any fault.

· It is never too late to know if it is changed.

· Keeping your heart clean is the greatest commandment of young people.

· Regardless of how time squanders everything, we must strive to gain our reputation when this interest persists, so that the sickle of time can not harm us; our life can end, and our reputation will last forever. - Shakespeare's famous sentence

· Books are the world's nutrition

· Don’t give up what you were determined to achieve just because of one failure

· If love is mixed with calculations that are not related to itself, then it is not true love.

· The failure of countless people is a failure to do things incompletely, often stopping only one step away from success.

· What a great masterpiece mankind is! What a noble reason! What a great power! What a beautiful instrument! What a gentle move! How like an angel in behavior! How much like a god in wisdom! The essence of the universe! The primacy of all things! - Shakespeare's famous words

· The glorious glory of the human world is often produced in sin, and sacrifices its conscience for the sake of fame outside.

· Ugly sea monsters are as terrible as children who are not ungrateful.

· If the ewe can't hear the snoring of her own lamb, she will never answer the cry of a calf.

· Youth is a short-lived dream. When you wake up, it has disappeared.

· Life is a shadow of walking. A poor monk who is arrogant on the stage, for a moment, quietly retreats in silence. It is a story told by a fool, full of jealousy and turmoil. Can't find any meaning. - Shakespeare's famous sentence

· God is fair, those who control the destiny are always standing at the ends of the balance, and those who are mastered by destiny only understand that God has given him the fate.

· Love is the same as charcoal. Burn it up, you can't tell it to cool.

· Money is a good soldier, and with it you can make people courageous.

· Although power is a stubborn bear, gold can pull its nose.

· There is no virtue of beauty, it is fleeting; but because in your beauty, there is a beautiful soul, so your beauty is forever. - Shakespeare's Quotations

· The difference between good and evil lies in the behavior itself, not in the presence or absence of status.

· A woman with virtue, even if her appearance is ugly, is also a decoration of the family.

· Unsatisfactory marriage is like hell. For a lifetime, the chicken fights for the goose, and it is not safe. On the contrary, choosing a satisfied spouse will be a hundred years of harmony and happiness.

· People can control their own destiny. If we are subject to the rest, then the fault is not in fate, but in us.

· Don't blame the truths you don't know, or you will compensate your past with the danger of life. - Shakespeare's Quotations

· Modesty is the highest self-denial.

· No matter how good a person's talent is, how beautiful his appearance or heart is, he must have a heat in his radiant radiance to others, and then the person who feels his heat reflects the heat on himself. Experience the value of himself

· You can write to go there, my queen, I will use my eyes to drink every word you write, even if the ink is made of the most bitter bile.

· A person's life is short, but if he goes through this short life, it is too long.

· Love is not the sweet words in the shade of flowers, not the honey words in the peach blossoms, not the light tears, not the hard compulsion, the love is based on the common language - Shakespeare

· Don't swear by the moon, it's volatility, every month is full of profit and loss; if you swear by it, maybe your love is as impermanent as it is.

· The rebellion is more ruthless than the snake.

· There is no way out, the future is a swamp, people are getting deeper and deeper.

· In order to frame us, the devil often deliberately tells the truth to us, gains our trust in small things, and then we break into his trap at a critical juncture.

· My legs are stuck in the blood of the sea, I can't stop, I want to look back, just like going to the end, it is no longer a chilling retreat. The future is a swamp, and people are getting deeper and deeper. - Shakespeare's famous words

· Love is harder to hide than homicide; love night has noon sun

· Perfect love hurts people.

· Don't borrow money, don't ask others to borrow money. The result of borrowing money is often the result of both people and money.

· Books are a summary of human knowledge. Books are the world's nutrition.

· Self-confidence is the first step toward success; lack of self-confidence is the main reason for failure. - Shakespeare's Quotations

· If you can be true, you can go to the pseudo, just like the night and the day, the shadows follow the figure.

· Be true to yourself and not deceive others

· Believe in a few people, do not harm anyone, love everyone.

· When we can't afford happiness, we should never walk too close to the window and stare at happiness.

· Gold, how amazing you are. You can make the old become less, the ugly becomes beautiful, the black becomes white, the wrong becomes right... - Shakespeare quotes

· Women are loved, not understood.

· Life is like a idiot saying a dream, full of jealousy and turmoil, but it doesn't make any sense.

· Be faithful to yourself, not to deceive others. Habits have a power to change temperament. It can make the devil dominate the human soul, and can also expel them from people's hearts.

· Survival or destruction, this is a question worth considering.

· The coward died many times in his life; the brave died once in his life. - Shakespeare's famous words

· Friendship is reliable in other things, but not in the affairs of love; therefore, lovers use their own lips. Who is born, let him convey the feelings, do not ask others to do it; because beauty is a witch, under her magic, loyalty will dissolve in the enthusiasm.

· If in our lives, reason and passion cannot be balanced, our flesh and blood will lead us to a ridiculous ending; but we have reason, can dilute our turbulent enthusiasm, physical stimulation and unrestrained lust

· If the year is like a holiday, isn’t it as tired as a day’s work?

· Life is like a idiot, dreams, full of ambiguity and incitement, but no meaning

· Your sweet love is a treasure, I disdain to reverse the situation with the emperor - Shakespeare quotes

· In the subversion of fate, the most visible of people's integrity

· Don’t give up the longevity of the purpose you want to achieve, just because of one failure.

· Diligent day, you can get a good night's sleep; diligent life, you can sleep forever

· A person who gives up time, time will give up him

· Books are the nutrition of all mankind - Shakespeare quotes

· Time will pierce the exquisite beauty of youth. Will engrave the parallel line on the frontal angle of the beauty; will eat the rare treasure, natural beauty, nothing escapes the sweeping sickle

· When we dare to do evil to satisfy the hope of humbleness, we lose our nature and are no longer our own.

· The flash is not full of gold

· Survival or death, this is a question worth considering

· A person's life is short-lived, but if you live this life in a despicable way, it will be too long. - Shakespeare's famous words

· Life is like a cloth intertwined with the threads of good and evil; our good deeds must be whipped by our faults, and our sins are covered by our good deeds.

· I regard the world as such a world, that is, everyone must perform a role on the big stage alone.

· If a person is only in the prime of his life, he only knows how to eat and sleep, is he still a human?

· What is in a name ?That which we call a rose by any other name would smell and sweet. What is the relationship? Call the rose another name, it is still aroma

· Love is a sigh of smoke; the lover has a purified Mars in his eyes;

· Love has not been clarified since the birth of today until today. Do you need a reason to love someone? Not needed? do you need? Not needed? . . . . . .

· TO BE OR NOT TO BE that is a question

· I think that love can only be successful if I realize it myself! Two people who don't know each other can have a better marriage! Only after a long experience and discovery can you live a lifetime! ! !

· It is terrible if a woman picks up because of her feelings.

· Today I want to take back all the love for you, because I have to give you generously again. Loyal love fills my heart, and I can't estimate the wealth I have. - Shakespeare's famous sentence

· I admit that there is no more pain in the world than the punishment of love, and there is nothing more happier than serving it.

· Love is not the sweet words under the shade of flowers, not the honey words in the peach blossoms, not the light tears are not forced to die, love is based on the common ground.

· To be happy with a man, you should know more about him without having to love him too much. To be happy with a woman, you should love her more, but don't want to know her.

· The Creator gives you beauty and gives you a good virtue. Without virtue, it is fleeting. ——

· "Love" is the same as charcoal. Burn it up and try to call it to cool. —— ——Shakespeare famous sentence

· Books are the nutrition of the world. There is no book in life without sunshine. There is no book in wisdom. It is like a bird without wings.

· Reason can make laws to restrain feelings, but when passion is excited, it will discard the cold laws; young people are unrestrained hares, and they will skip the intellectual barriers established by the elderly.

· People who are satisfied despite poverty are wealthy and very wealthy. And those who, despite their wealth, worry about when they will become poor all day, are dying like the winter world.

· Voluntary poverty is better than uncertain glitz; people who are extravagant and extravagant are much more unfortunate than those who are poorest and contented.

· We prefer to reuse an active gnome, not a sleepy giant - Shakespeare quotes

· There are many good friends, better than a lot of wealth

· Friends who came to the wine, wait until the wine is empty, and turn into a passer-by; a winter cloud has just appeared, here the flying insects have long been hiding.

· All friends must receive their loyal rewards, and all enemies must taste the bitter cups of their sins.

· Dont gild the lily. Life is too short, if you spend your time, the short life is too long. - Shakespeare's famous sentence

· Do not , for one repulse , give up the purpose that you resolved to effect . Don’t give up the purpose you were determined to achieve just because of one failure.

· If you are honest with yourself, you will not be unfaithful to others.

· Beautiful things are eternal happiness, and its lovely days are increasing and will not disappear.

· Death is the last sleep, it is the last end of the wake

· The appearance is often inconsistent with the facts, but the world is easily deceived by surface decoration - Shakespeare's famous sentence

· You should try your best to make your own talents. Don’t marry people and make others’ tails.

· Every seed of bad luck contains the fruits of the future

· There are many good friends, more than a lot of wealth.

· The reputation of innocence is the purest pearl in the world

· The final result determines the success or failure of the work - Shakespeare's famous words

· The husband died in his life, and his husband died.

· More disasters and hardships.

· Suffering can test a person's character, and a very situational situation can show a very good condition.

· Hope is the lover's cane, carrying it forward, can fight against the thought of conscious and desperate.

· Hope to be a life-supporting security force at all times. - Shakespeare's famous sentence

· A person who is the most difficult, the most ruthless, and the most humiliating of his destiny, as long as he still has hope, he can have no fear.

· Ending your life in order to fear the possible scourge is a weak and despicable act.

· People can control their own destiny. If we are subject to people, then the fault is not in our destiny, but in ourselves.

· The vicious curse is like the sun shining in the mirror. It is like a cannon with more gunpowder. There is a kind of sitting power that will return to your own body.

· The night makes the eye lose its effect, but it makes the ear more sensitive. - Shakespeare's famous sentence

· Life is valued by everyone, but noble people value honor more than life.

· Glory, like the water on the water, turns from a small circle to a big circle, and it expands continuously until it is no longer large, and it is destroyed.

· A trivial matter like the air, for a jealous person, will become a strong confirmation of the book of heaven; perhaps this can cause a right and wrong.

· Those who take shackles and evils as nutrition, dare to take a bite when they meet the best people.

· A proud person, the result is always destroying himself in pride. He blindly praised the mirror, boasted of himself, and only looked at the exaggeration and inaccuracy. In the end, it was nothing but nothing. - Shakespeare's famous words

· The road to sincere love is not smooth.

· If love is mixed with calculations that are not related to itself, then it is not true love.

· Love is the spark of life, the sublimation of friendship, and the coincidence of the soul. If human emotions can be graded, then estrus should belong to the highest level.

· Love is not with eyes, but with the mind.

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