
Niu Gensheng

· Learn to put your sufferings in your heart!

· If the company is like a bus, then the entrepreneur is just the driver of the car. The core purpose of the car is to transport the passengers coming and going to the place they want to go. Only the passengers reach the target safely, the driver Only eligible to collect the fare. If the driver mistakenly thinks that he is the center and the passenger is the foil, then the whole positioning is a big mistake. Therefore, the "gold standard" can not become an entrepreneur, the "rights" can not become an entrepreneur, and the "human standard" can become an entrepreneur.

· Any “powerful” can't be “end”, the history is long and the river is vast, the trend is good, and the contrarian is dead. For the enterprise, there are only commas, no periods, no caps, no borders!

· Shake is the biggest failure. If you want to fail, you will shake. If you shake, there is only one result, that is, failure. If you don't waver, there are two kinds of results, one is failure, and the other is success.

· I am the cow of the people, my milk belongs to the people.

· My mother taught me two sentences that make me unforgettable for life: to know, to make a reversal; to lose is a blessing, to take advantage of cheap is a curse. —— Niu Gensheng's famous sentence

· Xiaosheng relies on wisdom and wins by virtue.

· I want to win two or three rounds, win three years and five years, and I will have a little IQ. If I want to win in my life, no German business will not work.

· 98% of the business is about human nature. Just think about it and think about the interests of the other party. Everything will be solved.

· Entrepreneur's social responsibility is both necessary and personal moral perfection. The flow of wealth to the places where it can be most value-added is the law of economic iron. The more wealth an entrepreneur controls, the more trust the society has in him, and the more people he associates with him. The more he acts, the more important he is. He is the commissioner to "elect" according to market rules. Do people not take social responsibility? The more such people, the more they need to improve their personal morality. This aspect is to let more people benefit from the energy he releases. On the other hand, this is also the “cost” that he needs to pay to win greater social trust. That is to say, this is a symbiotic process of “social public welfare” and “personal brand”.

· The most important thing to do when making a product is “prenatal and postnatal care”. Giving birth to a sheep, even a nest is not worth the money; giving birth to a tiger, even one is also very capable! Indiscriminate, the more you are born, the more waste! —— Niu Gensheng Quotations

· “Transplant” the demand in the first-million market to the aftermarket.

· Develop leading products or exclusive products with independent intellectual property rights.

· The creation of huge demand comes from 1% of genius plus 99% of sweat - this 1% is the election, and 99% is the game.

· Over the six continents, more than 80% of the world's most successful companies are dominated. If you want to do anything, then it means that you are playing against many world champions; fighting against one is not victorious, let alone against many professional teammates? So far, there have been a lot of tricks to make a successful business, but one has definitely been uncomfortable: focus, focus, and focus! In our factory, the biggest placard is written: “Concentrate on milk, and make ice cream with one heart and one mind.” It reminds us of strategic focus.

· I can't always beat it. If you fight yourself, you have to find ways to unite and mobilize others. My mother gave me a dime and two cents. I spent all of it with everyone. As a result, everyone listened to me. It took a long time. I let the cognac do it. I will fight whoever I fight. So, I became a "Kid of the Child" step by step, and I am famous from now on. If you ask me when the concept of "getting together, the people are gathering," I think it should be this time - of course, not that there is such a complete sentence at that time, but that there is a sprout The concept of the state. —— Niu Gensheng Quotations

· The sun and the moon are turned over, things go to people, and the future is chasing the past. But the two words of my mother-in-law are unforgettable for the rest of my life. One sentence is "I want to know, I will reverse it." Another sentence is "Benefit is a blessing, and taking advantage of it is a curse."

· Best employer: Let employees “51% do it for themselves”

· Review yourself and respect everyone, to improve group responsibilities as an important responsibility;

· The success or failure of a company is often at one or two points. Make a little progress every day, break through the self every day, you can walk in front. Dare to compete with yourself, in Germany is German, in Asia is Japanese, in China, Mengniu people bear the brunt!

· Planning also has "two-sidedness." Good people can use, bad people can also use. Planning is sometimes abused, misused, and counter-used, becoming synonymous with "speculation." Some people even said that they looked up and worried: not planning others, they were being planned by others. Really vital planning, not "shaking the spirit", nor "sports intelligence", but holding a sincere heart, taking a passion, breathing with others, sharing the fate, "three people one heart, loess turned into gold" . "Small wins by wisdom, big wins by virtue" - the highest level of planning is integrity! Integrity is both a world view and a methodology. "Great integrity" is actually "great wisdom." The biggest learning in today's society is to act according to objective laws; and the most university question of running an enterprise according to objective laws is that "it is beneficial to others if it is beneficial to others." With integrity, resources are uninvited, this is unmanaged management, no planning planning. —— Niu Gensheng's famous sayings

· Differentiating, advancing and non-competitive areas are the only way for weak companies to quickly create relative strength.

· A person who makes shoes is responsible for others and can do well for himself. When he is "responsible for others", his service target is general, unspecified, vague, because his ambiguity in the service object, his motivation in the work is not strong, the feeling is not specific The thinking is not profound, and the sense of responsibility is lax. When he is "responsible for himself", his clientele is a living self: no one buys when he is not good, he can't sell a good price if he sells a brand, and he can't support a young man if he loses his job - this At the time, his motivation was strong enough, his wisdom was strong, and his sense of responsibility was tight. Therefore, first of all, "responsible for yourself", and then "responsible for others."

· The biggest training is in practice. Use is the biggest culture.

· It is difficult to change others and it is easiest to adjust yourself.

· A person can only do one thing in his life. It is certainly easier to succeed than a person who does East and Five years in the West. —— Niu Gensheng's famous sayings

· If you are motivated, you will sweat; if you have knowledge, you will give your wisdom; neither will have it. Please let out your position.

· The city has a cup of milk and a family in the countryside.

· A product that catches the eye and rubs its ears is not as warm as a warm heart.

· A person has a problem with intelligence and is a defective product; a person’s soul has problems, that is, dangerous goods. The management of the people is the business.

· A good attitude is a good state. —— Niu Gensheng's famous sentence

· Help others, but not hurt others.

· From nothing, it is a happy thing. From the beginning to the end, it is also a pleasure.

· It is not good to let the people who know you benefit. It is good to let people who don’t know you benefit.

· The product market is hundreds of millions of citizens, the capital market is millions of investors, and the raw material market is one million farmers.

· When you eat and lose, you can't eat it anymore, you won't lose. It hurts a lot, and the sweetness is big. —— Niu Gensheng's famous sayings

· I want to win three times and two times. In three years and five years, I have a little IQ. I want to be a century-old shop and I want to win in my life. No German business is absolutely impossible.

· Product is equal to character, quality is life.

· Seeing others are not pleasing to the eye, first of all, self-cultivation is not enough.

· 19. Management is a serious love. ">From the most dissatisfied eyes, I hope to reduce the number of acres? BR> 19. Management is serious love.

· Operating a business is the management of the people. —— Niu Gensheng's famous sentence

· People can't bring money into the grave, but money can bring people into the grave.

· A person is not happy because he has more, but because he has less care.

· Whether a business can succeed or not depends on institutional design.

· Others start from scratch, and I start from a negative number.

· People who don’t hear flattery are lucky, but those who don’t hear criticism are a danger. —— Niu Gensheng's famous sentence

· Be kind to every cow because they are all mothers.

· The layout determines the outcome.

· There are many things in the world. As long as you make it through and become an expert, you can create opportunities for yourself.

· Talking products sell fast, dumb products go slow.

· If you take the power of five points to compete with others, others will take 12 points to compete with you. —— Niu Gensheng's famous sentence

· Don't underestimate small places. People in small places don't want to, but think about it is a big event in the country!

· The trend is shallow and deep. It is like a current. When we see the surface currents flowing westward, the deep currents tend to flow eastward.

· The frequency of misunderstandings and misunderstandings symbolizes a person's temperament.

· Experts say "no"; but because we don't know much, we accidentally lost the word "no" and the result becomes "energy"!

· The competition in the world, from ancient times to today, is nothing more than competition for three kinds of resources. One is physical competition, the other is financial competition, and the third is mental competition. —— Niu Gensheng's famous sayings

· In the wilderness society, physical strength can control financial resources and intelligence; capital society, financial resources can employ physical strength and intelligence; in the information society, intelligence can integrate financial and physical strength.

· Only sincerity can you exchange your integrity. Great integrity is actually "great wisdom."

· We advocate drinking milk for all, but you don’t necessarily drink milk, as long as you drink milk.

· Be honest and do things.

· Go directly to a person who is a thousand pounds, stupid; four or two people who are in a thousand pounds, smart. —— Niu Gensheng Quotations

· This world is not a world of powerful people, not a world of rich people, but a world of people with a heart.

· “Being a good person” is good at “three big things”: doing things, doing things, and making markets.

· Everyone is a talent, just look at what is placed.

· The same equipment, the same raw materials, the same people, play different roles in different companies, because the culture of each company is different.

· There are more thoughts in the world than stars, and opinions are denser than the population. Once you have made a choice, you will have a cohesive point. With centripetal force, you will have a backbone. —— Niu Gensheng's famous sentence

· There are no fools in the world. Today you can deprive others of their interests and continue to deprive them tomorrow, but you will get a bitter gourd the day after tomorrow.

· Ideas determine the way out.

· Launch your own light, but don't blow out other people's lights.

· There is no miracle in the world, only the power of concentration and focus.

· People, don't worry that status is not honorable, but worry that morality is not noble; don't be ashamed that treatment is not generous, but shameless knowledge is not profound. —— Niu Gensheng's famous sentence

· Can't foresee tomorrow, but can grasp today.

· Do not do everything, do not seek a job; do not seek the overall situation, not enough to seek a domain.

· I would rather be guilty of the truth and never give up on falsehood.

· Being talented and talented, reusing and reusing; having talents and talents, cultivating and using; being talented and ethical, restricting employment; no virtue, no talent, no need to use.

· Where is the gap and where is the opportunity. —— Niu Gensheng Quotations

· Either self-revolutionary, or revolutionized, no third way!

· A person is a magical factory. Even if the input materials are similar, the output products will be different.

· Knowing does not mean getting.

· Everyone needs to use their eyes to extend their "line of sight."

· Do not modify the target, only modify the means. —— Niu Gensheng's famous sentence

· People with outstanding advantages often have shortcomings. No disadvantages have no advantages.

· Start to determine the terminal, start to decide the shot, potential energy determines the kinetic energy.

· If you have any problems, look for problems from yourself. Because it is easy to change oneself, it is difficult to change others.

· Wealth is not in the pocket, but in the head. The head determines the pocket.

· If you have a problem, take the “balance salary”. If you have no problem, you will get the full salary. If you have outstanding results, you will get the excess salary. If you have a big salary, you will get a negative salary. —— Niu Gensheng's famous sentence

· No quality, everything is negative.

· Shareholders pay a penny and split into two halves.

· If you have the power, you will succeed; if you are creative, you will be excellent; if you have influence, you will have achievements.

· The sun is shining, the parents are big, the gentlemen are large, and the small people are big.

· Success is the exertion of strength, and failure is the accumulation of shortcomings. —— Niu Gensheng's famous sayings

· The greater the training, the greater the blessing

· If all the people are on the side, it must not be a good thing.

· Take a hundred miles and take 90 miles as half.

· Leaders send money to employees, which is called care for employees; employees send money to leaders, which is to pay bribes to leaders.

· The temper is not good, and the good heart is not a good person. —— Niu Gensheng's famous sentence

· For those who like you, you must see his shortcomings, and those who hate him should see his strengths.

· I will not train myself, never want to fight.

· It is possible to get a system, and there is no system to make regulations.

· Can be more care, but can not be managed.

· In front of the superior, you can take responsibility for the fault of your deputy, but when you close the door, you must let him know that you are powerful. —— Niu Gensheng Quotations

· 91. Here is the world of elites, but not the safe of the elite. ">There is a rain leak on the house. Only the following talents know how to feed? BR>91. This is the world of elites, but not the safe of the elite.

· As long as the mind does not slip, the approach is always more than the problem.

· The sales terminal is the closest to the consumer's psychology, and the after-sales service is the closest to the consumer's body.

· Tonnage determines the seat.

· Replace coaching with coaching, replace marketing with services, and replace requirements with expectations. —— Niu Gensheng Quotations

· The revolution of ideas and ways of thinking is far more important than the revolution of technology, software and speed.

· Encourage investment to seek returns, banks inject interest on maps, partners need to make money, employees participate in income, and parents pay taxes.

· Spread yourself plainly.

· Taking Mengniu’s business as its own responsibility, not taking Mengniu’s interests as its own

· No quality, everything is negative! —— Niu Gensheng's famous sentence

· Don't worry that status is not honorable, but worry that morality is not noble; don't be ashamed that treatment is not generous, but shameless knowledge is not profound.

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