Classic Quotations > Annual Classic Quotations

Change your own 22 classic quotes

1. In any case, I only believe in myself!

2. Don’t listen to rumors, there is a saying that swears

3. Believe in yourself, even if you make mistakes, because I am me!

4. Failure, to sum up, it is difficult for people who do not insist on themselves to become a major event.

5. Failure is not terrible, the terrible thing is that one after another will be wrong!

6. If you want to do big things, you will start from the mistakes, and the people who make mistakes will have a big climate.

7. Have faith, live a good life every day, time is precious, reserved for those who cherish him.

8. Do what you want to do, if it is important, be sure to go out in person!

9. Don't put hope in the hands of others, fate can't be driven by others

10. To accumulate strength, time is precious, keep a low profile, and build a thin hair!

11. With the true heart, people around you can be a fool, but when you do things, the people around you are fools.

12. Everyone has their own set of philosophy of life, no right or wrong, only elegance and vulgarity.

13. Be a person with personality, personality is not personal, personality determines fate

14. I always feel that I am an extraordinary person. I will do my own business one day, but now I am still mediocre.

15. A success is an accident, not believing that failure is inevitable

16. Don't be too sorrowful, when you are not arrogant, you will become more incompetent when you are angry.

17. It’s okay to be crazy about yourself. Only in this way will you know yourself and will be able to retract in front of people.

18. In this world, I only believe in one person, that is myself. It is unusual to use action to tell me that it cannot be copied.

19. I didn’t learn the knowledge of university life, but I know how to have access to knowledge and I have been on the road.

20. To be honest, I have never understood the class taught by the university teacher. Passing is a miracle. Failure is also a result.

21. What the university wants is sentiment. What you want is to reshape oneself, fall in love with yourself, fall in love with the direction you are engaged in, and stick to the end.

22. People who are thinking can share my thoughts with me and can criticize and advise.

23. I used to pin my hopes on others. Later, I was wrong. Others will not give you a job. Others will not support you. Only by finding out the way for yourself will there be a way out!

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