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Rural party activists join the party autobiography

Dear Party Organization:

Now I am already a party activist. I have taken another step in my dream of joining the party. I believe that I can use my own efforts to realize my dream of joining the party. Although I know that it is very difficult to realize my dreams, I know that as long as I constantly improve my own work ability and attitude, and constantly improve my own thinking, I will finally realize me in the future. The desire to join the party.

I am ×××, male, Han nationality, born on August 20, 19xx, born in xx, graduated from master's degree, born in poor families, now working at xxx. Family members: father, xx, farmer; mother, xx, wife xx.

I was born in the countryside. When I was born, my mother was the director of the village. I have lived a poor and hard life since I was a child, and I have inherited the courage of my parents to face difficulties and unhappiness. At the same time, the kindness, kindness and kindness of the parents have deeply influenced me, and I have always left me simple and strong in my body. Although this is a very small thing, it can affect my life.

When I was eight years old, I was studying in the village of the village. Hours, although I don't know what to read for, but my parents often encourage me to study hard, the teacher also praises the students who study well. I will study hard. Every exam is the top three in the class, and I am very confident in myself. I will keep my good grades until my graduation. From the beginning of the country, I will help my family to work. After school every day, I will go to work in the field, especially on weekends and holidays. I experienced the hardships of the peasants. At that time, the degree of mechanization was not high. Cultivated land, weeding, hoeing, harvesting, sowing... all rely on handwork. The hoeing is best under the scorching sun, so that the grass is easy to die; summer spraying Insecticide, it is easy to be poisoned... That is, from then on, I am no longer afraid of being tired, and I also made up my mind to study hard, I must not waste time, and I cannot waste my parents’ hard-earned money because of the parents we spend. Money is really hard to come by! I learned to save, learned to cherish, from small to large, I think everyone should save, we have no right to waste, especially food, not only because many countries starve to death every year, more importantly, the fruits of peasant labor. A kind of respect. When the country was young, it began to feel that it was going to fight for the four modernizations and to serve the people, although they did not know the true meaning.

When I was admitted to the key countries in the township with excellent results, I encountered more challenges. Many students from different places were equally good. We must learn together and compete with each other. I am no longer a child in the middle of the country. I started to take part in heavy labor, which has strengthened my solid body. At the same time, I also helped my parents to solve problems and was more moved by their sincerity and simplicity. How difficult it is to support a family, it is very lucky to have the opportunity to study, to cherish.

In the middle of the country, there are many excellent teachers in the school, and their knowledge is more, wider and deeper. In addition to teaching textbooks, they also teach us how to behave, how to establish a outlook on life, a worldview, and values. Under the care of teachers and classmates, my mind has changed a lot and moved forward. I began to think about how mysterious science is, and it is desirable. In the halls of science, it seems that the answers to all the questions can be found and the people can be better served, and I have also witnessed that agricultural mechanization can greatly reduce the labor intensity. At that time, there were still some people in the countryside who asked God to worship Buddha and pretend to be ghosts. They harmed others and they did not understand science. In the strong contrast between science and ignorance, I feel that a strong attraction of scientific knowledge has attracted me. And I understand that learning is not to get praise or to test a good grade, but more importantly, only science can help people, and science is to serve the people. Guozhong teacher often tells us the story of great scientists, how hard they work, how to take the nation-state as their own responsibility, how to explore the truth, and some patriots throwing blood for the motherland... I began to think about why people live, Not only for myself, but also for myself and parents and brothers, there are relatives and friends besides the family, as well as the same villagers and fellow villagers. In addition to this city, there are many cities, and many others are more important and us. Great motherland. I live to make more people live better. We must also contribute our strength to the strength, prosperity and prosperity of the motherland. I have my own ideals and outlook on life.

After graduating from the middle school, I was admitted to the key high school of xx province - 88 provinces in xx province. I have never seen the city before. High school is studying in the city. It is happy and scared. I am happy that the teachers in the school are particularly good. Many of them are excellent teachers at the national level; there are buildings everywhere in the school, and many things are fresh and strange. The worry is that the key high school is like a cloud, the competition is definitely fierce; and the students are from the city, and I am a rural. Facts have proved that my fears are superfluous, the teachers are very concerned about classmates, and the students are very friendly. In the three years of high school, I have witnessed the rapid development of the city. The tall buildings have risen from the ground, and they are tall and beautiful. The road traffic in the city has been greatly improved. The road is wider and flatter, and the lights are brighter. . How wonderful our country is! I can feel the fast pace of the socialist modernization process in the motherland. I am more active in serving classmates and classes. I strongly feel that since I am a member of the class, I have the responsibility to serve others and the collective. The teachers in high school have deeper resources and longer-term vision. They analyze the domestic situation in an incisive way, analyze the advantages and disadvantages of socialism and capitalism, and analyze the reform. Open policies are all three points. What is more important is that they are based on the whole world, analyzing the changes in the international arena, the disputes of various countries, and China’s need to be based on the world. It is necessary to reform and open up. It is necessary to promote science and revitalize the country through science and technology. Strengthen the leadership of the Communist Party. Under the guidance of the theory, in the face of the facts, I realized that the Chinese Communist Party led the Chinese people to take the lead and lead China forward. Deng Xiaoping proposed reform and opening up, leading the Chinese people to develop riches and meet the material and spiritual needs of the people... All these explanations The Communist Party of China is the public servant of the people, loyal to the people, and serves the people. The Communist Party is the most advanced leadership class. She leads the Chinese people from victory to victory and insists that the leadership of the Communist Party is correct. When I was in high school, my brother went to college. He also told me about the scientific development of countries around the world. Since he joined the Communist Party of China at the university, he made me more deeply aware of the nature of the Communist Party and made up my mind: to be strict Improve your ideology and strive to join the party as soon as possible.

I came to xx to go to college with excitement. The first year of junior high school began military training. The instructors were seniors of the xx Engineering School of Engineering. Their every move, words and deeds showed the style of the high-ranking soldiers. They have strict discipline. They have a passion for the motherland. . This is probably the first lesson in the university. During the four years of college, I actively studied professional knowledge, won scholarships many times, and served as a class and part-time counselor. While doing a good job of learning, I have lived with many outstanding party members. In my study and life, I gradually realized that as a true Communist, not only must I have scientific ideas, fire enthusiasm, high standards of quality, and To be a good person, it is more important to be a noble person to shoulder more difficult social responsibilities and historical missions. Our country is still in the primary stage of socialism, productivity is still very backward, social security is still imperfect, and citizenship needs to be improved. There are still many out-of-school children around us. There are still many lonely old people who need to take care of them. All the problems can only be solved under the strong conditions of the country. In the face of these problems, the Communists are always at the forefront. Of course, the Communist Party has an obligation. Accept the responsibilities entrusted by these societies. In the face of difficulties, Communist Party members must go forward and take the lead in pioneering; in the face of interests, the interests of the state, the collective and others are above all else.

After graduating from university, I entered the xx hall of xx province with outstanding performance. During the two years of government work, I further enriched my work practice and improved my political quality. I participated in the national postgraduate entrance examination. In the course of the first year of the basic course, I worked hard to master all the professional skills, meticulously treated each homework, and seriously completed each assignment, and worked hard every time. the study. In more than a year, I have systematically studied various Marxist-Leninist works. This kind of study has made my understanding of the party more profound, which has strengthened my confidence and determination to join the party.

I am eager to be a glorious member of the Chinese Communist Party. This is not for the sake of Guangzong Yaozu. It is not for the sake of relying on the status of the ruling party for personal gain. I deeply understand that Communists mean hard work, struggle and even sacrifice. I join the party. Just to accept the party’s leadership more directly and to fight for the cause of communism for life! In today's and tomorrow's world competition, it is fundamentally a competition for talents. This kind of talent competition is comprehensive and comprehensive. As the Communist Party of China, it is necessary to be in power in a big country with more than 1.3 billion people. Under the domestic and international situation, leading the people of all nationalities in the country to carry out socialist modernization construction, it is necessary to add more fresh blood with both ability and political integrity. Only in this way will our cause be followed by others. Only in this way, our party, ours The country can always be invincible. As a younger generation, we must shoulder the historical mission entrusted to us by the times. On the one hand, we must strengthen patriotism, team spirit, socialist ideological education, establish a correct world outlook, outlook on life, values, and on the other hand, we must study science and culture knowledge. Master modern science and technology, be a builder and successor with both ability and political integrity!

The surrounding environment and internal environment of the motherland are not very good. The crisis facing our motherland is much worse than what we imagined in reality. Many international speeches and distorted facts are affecting the international status of our country. We have not yielded, but through our own efforts to win the respect of the outside world. But I think that only if our country is strong enough, we will not have any unreasonable provocation, so we must work hard to develop the economy and expand the influence of our country.

It is under this kind of thinking that I want to join the Communist Party of China. I want to make more contributions to the country and the people. In order to realize this dream, I will continue to make unremitting efforts and ask the party organizations to believe. I!



Autobiographer: xxx
June 2, 2019

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