Inspirational Quotes > Famous Quotes

Educator's famous words

1. Mr. Ye Shengtao puts forward: "Where you teach, the purpose is to achieve no education."

2. The famous educator Mr. Tao Xingzhi said: "I think that a good display is not teaching, not teaching students, but teaching students."

3. Confucius: "The person who knows is not as good as the one who is good, and the one who is good is not as good as the one who is happy."

4. Mr. Zhan Tao, President of Shandong University, said: “We should let students learn simple mathematics, learn interesting mathematics, and learn fresh mathematics.”

5. The Qing Dynasty Tang Yan said: "The suspects see it undoubtedly, and their benefits are still shallow; no doubt they see doubts, and their academic progress."

6. Northern Song Dynasty scholar Ouyang Xiu once said: "The teaching method is based on human nature, and it is better to be better."

7. Freudenthal, a famous Dutch mathematics education, pointed out: “Reflection is an important mathematical activity, which is the core and driving force of mathematical activities.”

8. Mr. Hua Luogeng said: “Retreat a more complicated problem into the simplest and most primitive problem, figure out the simplest and most primitive problem, think through it, and then... come a leap. "This is a very incisive way of thinking. To solve problems in this way, the first is to cultivate students' good psychological temperament, so that they can meet the "new" fear; the second can make students develop a good habit of solving problems.

9. The famous foreign language professor Xu Guozhen said at a meeting of the Beijing self-study youth diploma: "Outstanding scientists, artists, and writers all over the world have all learned by themselves to be invented and created. Who can teach Shakespeare to become Shakespeare? Who can teach Einstein to discover the fundamental principles of the universe? Who can teach Mr. Lu Xun to portray the image of Ah Q? His own learning and creation is a driving force for progress."

10. Comenius believes that “interest is one of the only ways to create a happy and bright teaching environment.”

11. Lu Dengting, President of Harvard University, said at the "World Famous University Presidents Forum": "Without curiosity and pure curiosity, it is impossible to produce inventions that have great value to humans and society."

12. Suhomlinski: "Remember, the joy of success is a huge emotional force that can promote children's desire to study hard. Please pay attention to not let this inner power disappear anyway, lack of this Power, any clever measure of education, will not help."

13. Confucius said: "If you don't anger, don't start."

14. Finding thousands of dollars, the starting point is a question. The wise man asks cleverly, and the fool asks stupidly. - Tao Xingzhi

15. “Where you teach, the purpose is to achieve no need to teach.” ——Ye Shengtao

16. Teach students to think that this is the most valuable asset in a lifetime for students. ——The famous educator Zankov

17. Curiosity is the primitive nature of a child. Perception can sublimate a child's mind and hide its origins in order to explore things. - American psychologist Schicker

18. If learning is only imitating, then we will not have science, and there will be no technology. - Gorky

19. A tenacious will can conquer any mountain in the world - Dickens

20. If the enthusiasm of the students is motivated, the homework prescribed by the school will be treated as a gift. - Einstein

21. The art of teaching is all about how to properly ask questions and cleverly guide students to answer. ——Educator

22. The art of teaching is not about imparting skills, but about inspiring, awakening and inspiring. German educator Di Stowe is "a good inducer, good guidance."

23. The ancients cloud: for people to fish, only to solve one meal; to teach people to fish, for life.

24. If the enthusiasm of the students is motivated, the homework prescribed by the school will be treated as a gift. - Einstein

25. The most superb teaching art, the highest standard of compliance is to ask students questions. Brubuck

26. The purpose of teaching is to train students to study by themselves, to study by themselves, to think with their own minds, to look at them with their own eyes, and to do this with their own hands. - Guo Moruo

27. “Retreat a more complicated problem into the simplest and most primitive problem, figure out the simplest and most primitive problem, think through it, and then... Come and rise.” This is a very Incisive thinking methods, using this method to solve problems, the first can cultivate students a good psychological temperament, so that they encounter "new" fear; the second can enable students to develop a good habit of solving problems. - Hua Luogeng

28. Mr. Tao Xingzhi said: “There are thousands of things to discover. The starting point is a question. The wise man asks cleverly, and the fool asks stupid.”

29. German educator Di Stowe said: "The art of teaching is not about teaching, but about inspiring, awakening and inspiring."

30. The art of teaching is not about imparting skills, but about inspiring, awakening, and inspiring. Tistohui

31. All intellectual work depends on interest. - Swiss famous educator Piaget

32. We should “make every student take away not only some knowledge and skills, but the most important thing is to take away the spark of craving for knowledge and burn it forever.”—Su Holmlinski's "Proposal for Teachers"

33. If students do not have the positive requirements for learning, the more the teacher limits their attention to knowledge, the less cool the students will be on their own learning, and the lower their learning aspirations. - Suhomlinski's "Proposal for Teachers"

34. The things that are forced to learn are not stored in the heart. Plato Theory Education

35. The desire to seek knowledge and study should be motivated in the children in every possible way. - Czech educator Comenius

36. Some suspects see it undoubtedly, and their benefits are still shallow. Undoubtedly, they see doubts and their academic progress. ——Qingren Tang Yan

37. The first is the cultivation of the character of the teacher, the education of the behavior, and then the training of expertise and skills. - Macalenko

38. Remember that the joy of success is a huge emotional force that promotes children's desire to learn. Please pay attention to not letting this inner power disappear in any case. Without such power, any ingenious measures in education will not help. - Suhomlinski

39. The human brain should be divided into two parts, the power part and the working part. ...... —— Wei Shusheng's Selected Works? Volume I

40. The superficial achievements of a person in school, as well as the higher rankings, are unreliable. The only point is whether you really like what you are learning, whether you really like it, whether you really have a strong interest... ——Zou Yufen, China Engineer's Fantasy

41. It is an important condition for students to experience a kind of emotion in which they are personally involved in mastering knowledge. When a person not only knows the world, but also knows oneself, he can form an interest. Without this self-affirming experience, there can be no real interest in knowledge. - Former Soviet educator Suhomlinski: "Proposal for teachers"

42. “You should not be eager to give students a failing score at any time. Remember: the joy of success is a huge emotional force that promotes children’s desire to learn. Please pay attention to this in any case. The inner power disappears. Without this power, the ingenious measures of education are useless." - Suhomlinski: "Proposal for Teachers"

43. "In short, students must learn to learn, and the hardship of learning is the right track. If a student is happy and avoiding difficulties, this is a candy for children, and it is by no means a talent education." Complete Works of Tao Xingzhi

44. “Everything that children can understand and feel can be understood and felt by themselves. However, teachers know which direction they should guide children: some support and development of their thoughts, while others are witty Offset - When students leave the ideological content of the work and fall into some detail, they need to do so." - Former Soviet educator Zankov: "Talk with the teacher"

45. "I thought that a good husband is not teaching, not teaching students, but teaching students. What is the meaning of teaching students? It is to connect teaching and learning: on the one hand, the responsibility of the husband to take guidance, on the one hand, the students The responsibility of negative learning, for a problem, is not to ask the husband to use the ready-made solution to teach the students, but to find out how to find the solution, how to find the procedure, arrange the stop, guide him, so that he can pass the phase in the shortest time. The experience of the class, the ideal of similarity, find out this method by yourself, and can use this experience ideal to find other methods and solve other problems." - Tao Xingzhi: "Teaching in One"

46. ​​The instructor should remember that his job is not to give all the things that the world can know to the students, but to make the students love knowledge, respect knowledge, and make the students use proper methods to seek knowledge and improve themselves. ——British educator Locke: “Educational Story”

47. "If a student can't plan his own solution to the problem and find a way out, he can't learn anything; even if he can recite some correct answers, 100% correct, he still can't learn anything." - American educator Dewey: Democracy and Education

48. “The best kind of teaching, keeping in mind the need to connect the school’s textbooks with practical experience, so that students develop an attitude and are accustomed to finding contact points and mutual relationships in these two areas.” — Dewey : Democracy and Education

49. The famous chemist Mr. Dai Anbang said; “Chemistry laboratories should be the most effective and harvested place for students to learn. They should cultivate the chemistry science, not only to impart knowledge, but also to develop students’ intelligence. It includes hands-on, observation, review, memory, thinking, imagination, and expression of seven abilities. Thinking is the core of intellectual factors. All of the above quality factors can be trained in chemical experiment teaching, and non-intellectual factors are also growing. ""

50. An educator said: “The art of teaching is all about how to properly ask questions and cleverly guide students to answer.”

51. Mr. Tao Xingzhi said: “There are thousands of things to discover. The starting point is a question. The wise man asks cleverly, and the fool asks stupid.”

52. "Teaching must conform to the nature of human nature and the law of its development. This is the primary and highest law of any teaching." "Teach students only the most essential and most important things to master this kind of reality." The textbook makes it indelible in the memory of the students." - Dixon: "German Teacher Education Guide"

53. "The problem is not to teach him all kinds of learning, but to cultivate his interest in learning, and teach him to study the method of learning when this interest is fully developed." - French thinker Rousseau

54. Tenacious will can conquer any mountain in the world - Dickens

55. If learning is only imitating, then we will not have science and there will be no technology. - Gorky

56. The error itself is “an inevitable link to the truth”, “can be discovered because of the wrong truth”—the German philosopher Hegel

57. If the enthusiasm of the students is motivated, the homework prescribed by the school will be accepted as a gift.

58. Mr. Dai Anbang, a famous Chinese chemist, pointed out that chemical education that only teaches chemical knowledge and technology is one-sided, comprehensive chemical education requirements, which not only teaches chemical knowledge and skills, but also trains scientific methods and thinking. - Einstein

59. "Study comes from thinking, thinking is from doubt. If you are suspicious, you will advance. If you are suspicious, you will advance."

60. Modern psychology research suggests that “question is the fuse of thinking”.

61. Einstein has a famous saying: “Interest is the best teacher.” Psychologists also show that people are always interested in exploring and understanding it; interest is a manpower to seek and tend to The unique intention of a certain thing is a manifestation of individual subjective initiative.

62. American scholar Brubuck: "The most exquisite teaching art, the highest standard is to ask students to ask questions."

63. Gorky: "If learning is only imitating, then we will not have science, there will be no technology."

64. Einstein: "If the enthusiasm of the students is motivated, then the homework prescribed by the school will be treated as a gift."

65. Bruner: “The best way to make students interested in a subject is to make it known that this subject is worth learning.”

66. American psychologist Bloom said: "The biggest motivation for learning is the interest in learning materials."

67. Guo Moruo said: "The purpose of teaching is to train students to study by themselves, to study by themselves, to think with their own minds, to look at them with their own eyes, and to use their own hands to do this kind of spirit."

68. Professor Ye Wei of East China Normal University: “Good class is a course with “five realities”, namely: solid, full, rich, level, and true.”

69. Education belongs to life, education is for life, and education depends on and depends on life. - Kebo Qu

70. When a child is happy, it is easier for him to learn anything. - Spencer

71. The art of teaching is not about imparting skills, but about inspiring, awakening and inspiring. ——Stowe

72. Children are the centre and the educational measures are organized around them. - Dewey

73. All education for children must follow a principle that helps children develop physically and mentally. - Montessori

74. Life is education, society is school, and teaching is united. - Tao Xingzhi

75. “Real art is one of the most powerful engines of human progress. People who can bring as many people as possible to real art are people who benefit humanity.” – Kodaj

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