Related to the Party Group > Autobiography of the Party

Female college students' excellent autobiography

My name is xx, xx university xx professional xx students, female, Han nationality, xx years x month x was born in a xx district xx district of a workers' family, father xx, mother xx are two hardworking patriotic love party people. I joined the Communist Youth League in XX and submitted the application for joining the party at the end of XX.

Before I even went to the National Elementary School, I began to understand the Chinese Communist Party. Because I taught my childhood parents, I must always remember the Chinese Communist Party. It is the day when the Chinese Communist Party led us to defeat the Japanese aggressors and let us live a happy life. Although I didn't understand it at the time, I was still deeply in my mind.

In September 1994, I entered the xx National Primary School in xx City, and I started my study career. Before the school, my mother taught me that the bright red scarf is the blood of the revolutionary ancestors, and it is the symbol of the young pioneers. Only the old predecessors who worked for the revolution like Mao and Premier Zhou have worn it. Only Scientists like Qian Xuesen and Li Siguang who dedicated their life to the scientific cause of the motherland are only wearing it; only the PLA soldiers and labor model who are defending the motherland, building the motherland, not afraid of being tired, and labor models like Lei Feng and Wang Jinxi Put it on. At that time, I saw my older brothers and sisters who were older than me wearing a bright red scarf and walking past me. I was especially envious because I knew that the red scarf was dyed by the revolutionary ancestors with blood, and it was the pioneer of the young pioneers. Sign. Being a young pioneer in the early days was my biggest wish at that time. Therefore, in my study, I work hard and have excellent grades. In labor, I fight for the first place, dare to suffer, and are not afraid of being tired. I can actively participate in various activities. Finally, in the first year of the National Primary School, I proudly became a Chinese young pioneer. When I put on a red scarf to face the national flag oath, there is a kind of excitement that can't be said, it can be said that it is boiling. I touched the red scarf on my chest and decided to do better later. During the sixth year of the National Elementary School, I have served as a member of the study committee and the class, and was awarded the school's three good students five times, and also served as the school team committee in the fifth grade.

In September XX, I entered the xx city xx district xx middle school and started my national life. With the accumulation of knowledge and the growth of my age, I gradually understood in my mind that young people must grow close to the group organization and actively accept the education and training of the group organization. Through the help of the organization and my own efforts, I joined the Chinese Communist Youth League in XX years. The Chinese Communist Youth League is a popular organization of advanced Chinese youth and a powerful assistant and reserve army of the Chinese Communist Party. When I solemnly swear by my right hand in the group, my heart is booming! I have made up my mind: I must study hard and develop in an all-round way. I must take the lead in all aspects, train myself to become a cross-century socialist builder and successor, and contribute all my strength to China's socialist modernization. Under the guidance of this idea, I have painstakingly studied political theory and scientific and cultural knowledge, and I have been awarded “three good students” for many times.

In September XX, I was a fifteen-year-old who was full of youthful vitality and struggling to make progress; I was an infinite curiosity and curiosity about things; I was a tireless and eager for everything; I have all kinds of hopes and hopes for the future. It is also in the three years of study and life that I started to read a lot of books, especially Marxist works, which made me gradually become Marxism-Leninism and Mao Zedong Thought. With a preliminary understanding, and gradually established a correct world view and outlook on life. In the entire high school stage, I have been awarded the “Three Good Students” for three consecutive years because of my excellent performance and I have been a member of the Communist Youth League.

In September XX, I opened a new page in my life journey. I finally became a student at xx University. I started a new struggle and trek with new life and goals. After the end of the new school entrance education, I submitted an application for joining the party to the party organization with excitement, showing my ideals and wishes, and willing to join the Communist Party of China to fight for the cause of communism. In my freshman year and sophomore year, I was diligent in my studies and worked hard to learn all the homework. In the second semester of my sophomore year, I was elected as the secretary of the Communist Youth League and served as a student cadre. This is the trust that the organization trusts me. It is also an excellent opportunity to cultivate the people's ideas, grow their talents, and exercise themselves to improve themselves. During his tenure as a student council cadre, he earnestly performed his duties, injected great enthusiasm into the affairs of the discipline department, and insisted on training himself to do well in the student union and learn the professional skills. I also used my spare time to read many books and articles about the party's theoretical knowledge, which greatly deepened the understanding of communism, and had certain theoretical qualities and correct theoretical knowledge. At this time, my understanding of the party gradually became clear. Such a party with Marxism-Leninism, Mao Zedong Thought and Deng Xiaoping Theory as its own guide to action led the people to the most beautiful society of mankind, communism, and then graduated from the party base class. With an excitement, I submitted an application for joining the party to the party organization, showing my ideals and wishes. I am willing to join the Communist Party of China and fight for the cause of communism for life. At the same time, I also know that my understanding of the party is still superficial, and I need to continue to learn and exercise to improve myself. The party organization tests me and helps me to educate me. Through study, I understand that Deng Xiaoping Theory is Marx in contemporary China, a new stage in the development of Marxism in China, and the guiding ideology of our party. I understand that China is in the primary stage of socialism and still relatively backward in the international arena, but backwardness is by no means socialism, nor is it communism. We must vigorously develop productive forces. We understand that our political line is focused on socialist modernization, adhere to the development of productive forces, adhere to reform and open policies, strengthen the building of party style and clean government, and uphold the party's leadership and socialist road.

Through study, I have a deeper understanding of the party's nature, guiding ideology, program, and line; our party is: the vanguard of the working class, a political party with iron discipline, and its purpose is to serve the people wholeheartedly. The future of such a political party must be bright. Only the Chinese Communist Party can save China and develop China in order to revitalize China. The party's cause is the greatest cause of all mankind. It requires the best talents to join and join the socialist construction. Therefore, I am more confident in the future of the party. I have further strengthened my belief in joining the Chinese Communist Party and the determination to fight for life. My thoughts are more mature than before, and the understanding of the party has also made a big leap. Not only do I work hard on my studies, but I also actively participate in various activities carried out by the party and the mass organizations, serve the students, take the initiative to move closer to the party organizations, and write written thoughts and reports on a regular basis. I am fighting for the help of the party organization. In the past few years, I have learned a lot of things, and I have made great progress and have a deeper understanding of the party.

Peace and development are the themes of the contemporary world. Under this theme, China has been blocked from the outside to the outside, from the implementation of the planned economy to the implementation of the socialist market economy. China has been integrated into the trend of world economic integration and is participating in the increasingly fierce international economic competition. It is the first priority of our party to govern and rejuvenate the country, and it is also an inevitable requirement for maintaining the party's advanced nature. The party's advanced nature is concrete and historical. Without development, the party's advanced nature cannot be discussed. The advanced nature of the party is the main basis for the existence and development of our party. The Party conformed to the world theme of peace and development, and implemented reform and opening up, which greatly promoted the development of China's productive forces, the enhancement of comprehensive national strength, and the improvement of people's living standards, which gave the party and the country a vibrant vitality and vitality. History has proven that the party's advanced nature must be examined in promoting the development of contemporary China's advanced productive forces and advanced culture, and it should be examined in the struggle to safeguard and realize the fundamental interests of the overwhelming majority of the people. That is, the party's advanced nature depends on the party in the final analysis. The role in promoting history.

I also often criticize myself and know that according to the requirements of the party, my own gap is still very large. There are still many shortcomings and deficiencies, such as dealing with problems that are not mature enough and the level of political theory is not high. I hope that the party organization will strictly demand so that I can make progress faster. I will strictly demand myself with the standards of party members, consciously accept the help and supervision of party members and the public, work hard to overcome their shortcomings, make up for the shortcomings, strive for an early ideological, and then join the party in organization.

I believe that as long as I continue to work hard, I will join the Chinese Communist Party one day in the future. I know that day will not be too far away. I also know that I have started my official party member since then. Will continue to progress for this goal!

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