Inspirational Quotes > Famous Quotes


1. There is no honesty to be dignified. - Ancient Roman politician Cicero

2. Work, independent access to food is dignity. ——A well-known Chinese host, He Wei, an Arabic teacher at Beijing Foreign Studies University

3. Dignity, good words, and all human dignity lies in thought! - French mathematician, physicist, philosopher

4. Pascal arrogance is a dignity that cannot be supported. - French writer

5. Balzac’s rudeness means forgetting his dignity. - Russian writer

6. Chernyshevsky's dignity is something that cannot be ruined in the human soul. - Chilean writer Nikometus Gusman "Bread under Boots"

7. The most important thing about human dignity is dignity. - Indian writer Prem Chande "Resignation"

8. I myself will never violate human dignity for myself. - British biologist Darwin "The Origin of Humanity and Sexual Choice"

9. I feel that there is no dignity in losing the election. There is nothing to regret. - China's good voice player Nai Ying mentor team Zhang Hexuan only small people, will be everywhere to maintain their dignity. - American management scientist

10. Bannat's dignity not only means that people are respected, it is also the value of human beings. ——Chinese contemporary writer Wang Xiaobo

11. Dignity and good words The dignity of a country is more important than security and more valuable than fate. ——The 28th President of the United States, Tow Wilson

12. I don’t have much dignity, give me a little pride... ——Taiwan female writer, formerly known as Chen Yuping San Mao

13. Gentleman Ning died to protect his dignity, not to be embarrassed and to be scornful. ——Walwar, the ancient Tamil poet, thinker and ethical philosopher in India, “Gulal Proverbs and Political Affairs”

14. It is his wisdom, conscience, and human dignity that people will always stand on their own. - Sukhulinski, a former Soviet educator

15. Self-esteem is not a light person, self-confidence is not complacency, and independence is not isolation. ——Xu Teli

16. Human beings have many noble characters, but a noble character is the culmination of human nature. This is personal self-respect. - Suhomlinski

17. As long as you are not discouraged, do not discourage, do not give up, believe in yourself, respect yourself, you will feel the joy of self-respect.

18. Self-esteem does not mean to others, nor does it allow others to discriminate and insult.

19. A person without self-esteem is also hard to be respected by others.

20. Whether it is affirmation of one's own value or the affirmation of others' values, that is, self-esteem and respect, are happy.

21. If a person does not know embarrassed about his inappropriate or inappropriate behavior, it is not shameful, such a person will never have self-esteem.

22. Self-respect and self-love, as a driving force for perfection, is the source of all great undertakings. - Turgenev

23. Self-respecting people are not vain and refuse to be exposed to bad habits.

24. In order to maintain self-esteem, you can abandon many things, but you must not lose your personality and do things that are detrimental to your personality.

25. A person who is cheerful and open-minded will feel the joy of self-respect.

26. Excessive self-esteem makes us more sensitive, self-restraint, and ultimately does not experience the joy of life.

27. Taboo is the tumor of the heart. ——Ai Qing

28. Self-destruction, this is a poisonous snake that will always erode the soul. It sucks away the fresh blood of the soul and injects the poisonous juice of the world and despair. - Marx

29. If a person can understand the shame, he will cherish the self-esteem and will actively maintain the dignity of others.

30. Combining respect for yourself with respect for others will exude a noble temperament.

31. Respect for others is the bottom line of life, a bright spot in life, and self-esteem is priceless.

32. Respect for others is a matter of learning, a landscape of life, and respect for people.

33. To create a better image, win others' affirmation of themselves, and win the praise of the collective and the society. This is the expression of self-esteem.

34. Insults and defamation of malicious acts must be countered in time, using legal weapons to defend self-esteem if necessary.

35. One should respect himself and be self-sufficient to be worthy of the highest. - Hegel

36. Whoever is self-respecting will be respected. - Balzac

37. Respecting others is a need for self-esteem and a need for self-improvement.

38. Self-respecting people know how to respect others because he knows to win the respect of others and must first respect others.

39. Self-respecting people value their personality most. The so-called rich and wealthy can not be lascivious, the infertility can not be moved, the mightyness can not be bent, and this is the truth.

40. Don't forget the meager, and don't blindly boast. - Mao Dun

41. Whether someone else is in front of you or when you are alone, don't have a bit of a despicable thing: the most important thing is self-esteem. - Pythagoras

42. Self-respect is the foundation of a person's character. If you lose your self-esteem, your character's character will collapse. - Mrs. Stena

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