Work Plan > Health Work Plan

Thoughts and points of planning for childbirth

In 2019, my town plans to successfully complete various indicators and tasks, including several hard indicators such as: the total population of our town is 31,779, the number of married women is 7,267, 428 are born, and 7 are extra-count. Social support should be collected 510,000, has been collected more than 430,000, completed nearly 90%, is expected to rank first in the county. The informationization rate reached 100% in the village, ranking first in the county, effectively supporting the “one chess game” of the floating population in our town. The investment in the construction of the position has increased, and the village-level position is first-class in the county; the cooperation of the association is strong, and it is expected to continue to keep the prefecture in the county; especially in the “one chess game” launched by the city in June this year, the task of our town has not only been successfully completed. It was highly praised by the Municipal Family Planning Commission and gave a typical praise of the “one chess game” in the countryside. At present, according to the information available, my town will continue to hold the second place in the county this year. The city of model towns is also expected to remain. However, it is still difficult to win the title of "Top Ten Townships", because it is difficult to compete with the other districts and counties for the second place in the county.

In 2019, we will combine the city and county to the population and family planning work requirements of our town, and focus on the central task of “stabilizing low fertility levels and coordinating population issues” to improve and improve the long-term mechanism of population and family planning work. In order to grasp the hand, adhere to the working ideas of shifting the focus of work, strengthen the service management of the floating population, implement comprehensive management in strict accordance with the law, focus on strengthening service construction, and strive to improve the healthy and orderly development of the population and family planning work in our town. On the basis of continuing to maintain leadership attention, departmental cooperation, and improve the network, next year, our town will focus on the following tasks to ensure that the family planning work in our town will reach a new level.

One. It is necessary to strengthen the construction of positions and establish a new image.

In recent years, although the family planning work in our town has been commended by the city and the county for many years, the overall industry impression is that “the basic work is excellent and the image endorsement is not the same”. Although the village-level positions have been greatly improved in the past two years, the town-level positions have become an obstacle to the development of serious constraints. It is imperative to build a good service station. At present, although the construction of the service center of our town has been included in the provincial government bond project, it has not been specifically approved. It seems that the leader must find the county planning and development bureau to communicate. If the project development bureau agrees to establish the project, it can be built and re-accepted for the province. City award funds.

If this work is 600 square feet according to the single-built service, it needs 600,000 yuan.

two. Stabilize the family planning team and improve the professional level.

Last year, through the strong leadership of the party committee and the government, the town made the villages pay more attention to the family planning work. The villages were unified with the village assistants. They did the work of doing computer information and filling out the report books. A great contribution has been made to solve the problem that the director of the town of our town is too old, the task is too heavy, and the business is too complicated, which makes the village-level management difficult. At present, the key to team building is the problem of full-time doctors in the town. If there are no doctors due to the cleanup of the recruits, not only will the service be difficult to meet the standards, but also the tremendous pressure on the work of the villages through the ring and home surgery. Therefore, the requesting leader should focus on solving the problem, or retain the doctor's appointment, or transfer to the civil servant, or ask the Personnel Bureau to examine the professional employee.

three. Actively implement comprehensive reforms and innovate work ideas.

It is necessary to strengthen study and deal with the new political situation. As a township with good provinces, cities and counties, our town must strive for "one hundred feet, and further" must be guided by learning. First of all, we must strengthen professional theoretical study to guide our work. For example, the theoretical discussion on the integration of urban and rural areas, especially the study of the population policy after the elimination of the urban and rural household registration system; the second is to learn more, the stone of other towns, can attack jade. At the beginning of 2019, we deliberately visited the brothers and towns such as Xingcheng, Dingzi and Jiangbei recommended by the provincial and municipal family planning committees. Although they have their own strengths, there are not many bright spots that can really touch the pioneering thinking. It is recommended that the leaders can be able to Approving an opportunity for the village to go to developed places such as Jiang, Zhejiang, Shandong, Guangdong and other places, which has their willingness to demand many years of willingness, and is also an operational measure for the implementation of the incentive system for the promotion of good and bad in our town. It is a realistic need for a big leap in work.

Innovative work measures, emphasizing quality service.

First of all, we must carry out more on-site services, and we must break the traditional model of village-based units. In view of the development of enterprises and the rapid growth of floating population, it is necessary to divide the work of translating and sending medicines into more detailed and specific. Different group segments provide more detailed services, and the unified village-based units are subdivided into enterprises, staff quarters, real estate communities, and village-level organizations are extended to the number of buildings, property management companies, etc. Continue to increase the reward mechanism for the "four operations". In 2019, under the call of the town party committee and the government, the villages have increased the reward criteria for the "four operations" to varying degrees and received certain results. However, the "four operations" have always been short legs in the planning and fertility work of our town. Without three or five years of hard work, it is difficult to eradicate. It is recommended that the party committee and the government should continue to maintain the policy of collecting social support payments according to the town and the village. In 2019, it is the subsidy for the improvement of computer and position construction at the village level. After 2019, it is the special fund for the “four operations”. Heavy penalty. The third is to carry out routine work innovation. For example, in 2019, we are preparing to launch a newsletter platform service, cooperate with telecommunications companies, and use the information of “one chess game” to provide newsletters for all women of childbearing age in our town. It is planned to send some news before the quarterly and major festivals. The newsletter gives women of childbearing age the role of propaganda policy, providing services, issuing notices, strengthening communication, etc., reforming the propaganda method and ensuring that management is in place. The fund is expected to be 30,000 yuan for the whole year, which will not exceed the publicity expenses of the past year.

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2010-2011 school year sports health work plan 2019 health supervisor work plan City health law system and supervision work plan 2019 county health work plan 2019 city health work points maternal and child health work points 2019 school school health work plan Painting the 2019 community family planning work plan
View more>> Health Work Plan I, Guiding Ideology

Guided by the spirit of the 17th National Congress of the Communist Party of China and the "Sports and Health Curriculum Project", earnestly practice the "Three Represents", thoroughly study and practice the scientific development concept, firmly establish scientific development, harmonious development awareness, fulfill the school health supervision duties according to law, and focus on doing Good school sports health work, to create a safe campus, a harmonious campus as the goal. In order to maintain the public health and safety of the school, and to ensure the health and safety of the teachers and students of the school, the school sports health work plan for this year is specially formulated:

Second, the main goal

1. Strengthen the guidance of sports and health work, and strive to brew a good sports and health atmosphere;

2. Actively carry out sports activities and create a new situation in school activities.

3. Conscientiously implement the National Sports Health Work Regulations and promote the development of sports health work.

4. Transform the concept of teachers and students and form a standardized awareness of sports hygiene .

5. Cultivate the sports hygiene habits of teachers and students, ensure a new level of sports health in the whole school, and strive to create a “ health and civilized unit”.

Third, the basic ideas

1. Strengthen process management and strict routine monitoring to provide guarantee for the ultimate goal.

2. Taking sports activities as the carrier, Daxing’s school sports style creates a road of quality development.

3. Strengthen sports activities and their regular management to ensure the normal development of sports work.

4. Serious sports health system to serve the development of the school. .

Fourth, the specific content and measures

1. Establish a physical health work group:

Team leader: Li Xuedong, deputy head: Xu Qinbao, Dong Yuanming

Member: Han Yugang, Wei Guangqiang, Xu Mingkun, Sun Chongjing, Li Yanzhen, Zhang Zongwei, An Lianhui, Zuo Xiao, Deputy, Liu Fengjuan, Liu Chunying

2. Clarify responsibility and strengthen supervision.

From the perspective of maintaining normal school teaching order and social stability, our school fully understands the importance of doing a good job in school sports health work, earnestly strengthens leadership, changes style, increases the importance of doing a good job in school sports health , and effectively strengthens leadership and changes style. To increase the sense of responsibility and urgency of doing a good job in school sports health work, always take school sports health work as a key task, improve work organization, clarify work responsibilities, establish working mechanisms, and implement work measures. It is necessary to further strengthen the awareness of the first responsible person, strengthen internal management, conduct regular self-examination of various sports and health work in the school, and ensure that all measures are in place.

3. Do a good job in the health checkup of students. Fully implement the spirit of the National TV Health Conference on School Health , and attach great importance to the physical health of students. Our school should actively organize the physical examination of freshmen entering the school and the regular physical examination of students in the school, improve the physical examination system of students, and establish and improve the physical health records of students. Seriously do a good job in the collection, statistics and analysis of physical examination data, master the growth and development of our students, physical health.

4. Improve the school's environmental sanitation level. Our classrooms, laboratories, huts, activity rooms and other facilities must comply with national health standards. We must work hard to improve the lighting, lighting, ventilation and other conditions of the classroom to prevent the occurrence of common diseases such as myopia and abnormal curvature of the spine.

5. Extensive publicity and comprehensive implementation.

Various forms of publicity activities and various sports activities are carried out on campus. The first is to further increase the intensity of AIDS prevention and education. The second is to vigorously carry out the patriotic health campaign, combined with the prevention of seasonal, sudden infectious diseases and food poisoning, through the publicity channels such as blackboard newspapers, publicity columns, and campus broadcasting, to popularize health knowledge so that teachers and students can develop good personal hygiene. Habits, improve students' madness.

6, sports work

We will conscientiously implement the "Sports Law" and the "National Fitness Program Outline", implement the "National Physical Exercise Standards", the Jianye School Sports Team, draw up plans and conduct regular activities.

We will earnestly implement the spirit of “burden reduction”, comprehensively implement quality education, and conduct regular inspections of physical education and teaching every month.

In this issue, we must carefully prepare lessons before class. According to the characteristics of students, we will focus on key points and difficulties, earnestly take good lessons, and fully mobilize the enthusiasm of students so that students can reach a certain amount of exercise in each physical education class. Sports skill skills.

Conduct two classes and two exercises, and the Youth League Committee and the Student Union will be responsible for the inspection and the inspection.

Conduct sports festivals, spring track and field events and a variety of small sports activities.

Actively organize participation in teaching and research activities.

Open a health education class to achieve "five" to carry out various forms of health education activities, and to implement public sports health and safety education throughout daily education, and strengthen health behaviors to develop education.

The fourth is to strengthen mental health education, strengthen students' awareness and ability, familiarize students with food hygiene knowledge, drinking water health and safety knowledge, and guide students to correct consumption and healthy consumption.

The fifth is to implement the inter-class sports activities and the two-course two-class activities.

7. Health work requires students to pay attention to sports hygiene , living hygiene and campus environmental sanitation, and build a beautiful campus.

The campus environment is cleaned every day, and the cleaning is carried out on Tuesday. The people usually take turns to maintain environmental sanitation, and conduct inspection and evaluation. The results of the evaluation are included in the assessment of the class teacher.

Establish a student supervision post. The Youth League and the Student Union will conduct regular daily environmental sanitation inspections.

Health education is carried out to cultivate the health habits formed by students.

Strengthen publicity and education on the prevention and treatment of infectious diseases, especially the prevention and education of prevention of "hand, foot and mouth disease" and "flu".

Implement measures to strictly prevent and control. School infectious disease prevention and treatment work. We will conscientiously implement the Notice of the Provincial Department of Health and the Department of Education on Further Strengthening the Prevention and Control of Infectious Diseases in Schools, strengthen the prevention and control of infectious diseases in schools, and establish a long-term mechanism for the prevention and control of infectious diseases in schools. Establish a morning inspection of the school and find patients with infectious diseases or suspected infectious diseases, and report to the health department and the district education bureau in time.

Our school strives to cooperate closely with the administrative departments of health , industry and commerce, and cooperates with each other. It is necessary to organize joint supervision and inspection on a regular basis to carry out in-depth comprehensive management of the surrounding environment of the campus. Clean up illegal food stalls and other illegal business premises in a timely manner to provide students with a safe and healthy learning and sanitation environment.

V. Specific work arrangements:

September 2019:

1. Conduct sports training and guide the routine of sports hygiene .

2. Learn and standardize new broadcasting exercises.

3. Sports and health work is on the right track.

4. Standardize the sports health management system.

5, new students entering military training

The overall guiding ideology of health supervision work in 2019 is: guided by Deng Xiaoping Theory and the important thinking of the "Three Represents", earnestly study and implement the spirit of the 17th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, fully implement the scientific development concept, and closely focus on the work of superior leaders. Deploy, emancipate the mind, reform and innovate, continue to promote the implementation of the food safety law, comprehensively improve the level of administrative supervision and law enforcement and service concepts; base on food safety, complete temporary tasks and special rectification actions, and strive to achieve supervision and development, service Law enforcement and mission "four unifications"; focusing on improving supervision capabilities and enhancing cohesiveness, strengthening team discipline, building a clean government and building capacity, and making new contributions. @@@@@ will focus on the goals and tasks of the health work, and focus on the food safety work, focusing on the food and health work of the 17th National Congress of the Communist Party of China and the leadership of the supervision team. Food safety and people's livelihood projects, and actively promote the steady and continuous development of food hygiene supervision in the jurisdiction.

In 2019, @@@@ centered on the catering service units in the *** area, strengthened food hygiene supervision and management, and ensured that there were no incidents of food poisoning and food-borne diseases in the jurisdiction, and combined with the actual situation of our department, standardized health supervision. Law enforcement work, formulate the 2019 work plan:

One. Strengthening the construction of a clean government and law enforcement education, and establishing a good image

Strengthen the building of political and ideological work and the building of a clean and honest government. We will conscientiously implement the "Outline for the Implementation of the Central Committee's Punishment and Prevention System", carry out in-depth anti-corruption education activities, continue to promote the building of a clean and honest culture, build an ideological and moral defense line that resists corruption and prevent change; actively promote institutional reform and innovation, and soundly implement administrative licensing, Administrative penalties and various anti-corruption and insured systems, the indoor department standardizes the discretionary power of administrative punishment, and implements the system; strengthens the restriction and supervision of the key links of power operation risks, strives to prevent and control corruption from the source; resolutely corrects eating , take, card, to wait for the unhealthy trend that harms the interests of the people, strictly handle the case according to law, and give full play to the function of investigating and handling cases. Establish a good image of "efficient, clean and responsible"; improve the implementation of the legal administrative responsibility system, strengthen law enforcement education, law enforcement guidance and law enforcement supervision, further standardize law enforcement behavior, and promote strict law enforcement, fair law enforcement and civilized law enforcement.

Strengthen business skills training to improve the effectiveness of grassroots supervision. Emphasis will be placed on strengthening the training of administrative law enforcement skills, computer operation skills, and specialization of laws and regulations, and strive to improve the ability and level of supervisors to perform supervisory functions. Adhere to the people-oriented principle, take the implementation of the "Food Safety Law" as an opportunity to carry out team learning and education activities, and strive for the backbone of the business. Regularly organize various activities that are beneficial to the physical and mental health of the supervisors and the teamwork spirit of the forging team; take various effective measures to stimulate the passion of the supervisors, comprehensively mobilize the enthusiasm of the work, continuously enhance the vitality and cohesiveness of the team, and strive to create unity, forge ahead, A good atmosphere of peace and harmony.

Second, implement rules and regulations to improve regulatory effectiveness

Achieving quantitative assessment of supervision work is an important measure to further emancipate the mind and implement the scientific development concept. On the basis of correctly handling the traditional supervision mode, we will find the entry point for implementing the Food Safety Law, be brave in exploring, boldly practice, and vigorously implement, vigorously promote the transformation of health safety supervision to the modernization supervision, and supervise The transition from single mode to composite mode, the regulatory object shifts from case law enforcement to standard industry operation and credit management upgrade. The supervision mode is changed to standardized integrated management on the basis of quantitative hierarchical management. The supervision level is from low-end supervision to high-end. Regulatory service changes, constantly improving the level of supervision and effectiveness. Doing rectification and standardization simultaneously; combating and supporting top priority; continue to intensify efforts to clean up and rectify, adhere to the combination of daily inspection and supervision and centralized special rectification, combine all aspects of law enforcement resources, exert the power of joint law enforcement, and effectively increase illegal costs. Create a good food service environment. Exploring and innovating, clearing the focus of supervision, being brave in innovation, dare to explore, changing the way of supervision, and improving the level of supervision and effectiveness. Establish and improve various management systems within the department, and coordinate working relationships with other departments and other departments.

Third, in accordance with the principle of “consolidation, standardization and improvement”, we will unremittingly carry out special rectification actions for food safety and strengthen food safety supervision.

Food safety supervision is the most prominent issue of people's livelihood. It is the key work of our department. We will vigorously promote the health and safety requirements of food service and the special rectification of food safety in accordance with the principle of “consolidation, standardization and improvement”, and continuously establish and improve. Long-term supervision mechanism for food safety in catering units. Take effective measures to strengthen the results of special rectification, continue to strictly adhere to the requirements of food safety supervision and health safety indicators, focus on strengthening daily standard management, increase supervision and inspection, and further improve and standardize health supervision procedures; The regulatory barrier moves forward to ensure food safety at the source.

1. Implement the Food Safety Law, promote the food safety of catering services, vigorously investigate and deal with unlicensed business practices, and focus on rectifying the food and beverage safety of school canteens, construction site canteens, and small catering units. Explore effective ways to improve the ability to quickly test and test food. Do a good job in prevention of food safety accidents during key periods, major events, and catering services in key areas. Intensively carry out special rectification work in the health food market.

2. Focus on the inspection of raw materials for food service units, processing and operation sites, processing operations, health status of employees, disinfection of tableware, etc., regular implementation of food hygiene special rectification, completion of daily supervision, monitoring work and health-related products. Monitoring work.

3. The department will also check the labor discipline, supervision records, supervision and law enforcement, administrative punishment files, work plans, and work summary from time to time. The information on the frequency and coverage of the supervision within the department was publicized, and the quantitative assessment was completed month by month.

4. Investigate and deal with people's letters, visits, and telephone complaints in a timely manner, and respond promptly. Timely report the information of each job, organize the data in time after each work is completed, and submit it to the file on time at the end of the year. Complete monthly work on time and report various reports to be accurate.

5. Organize relevant laws and regulations, and further standardize the supervision and enforcement procedures and the filing and filing of administrative punishment files.

In 2019, the city's health legal system and supervision work must conscientiously implement the spirit of the city's health work conference, and take the scientific development concept as a guide, actively promote the reform of health supervision system and functional adjustment, strengthen the construction of health supervision system, and improve the capacity of health law enforcement. Reform, food safety, occupational health and medical and health service supervision are the focus of work, vigorously strengthen the supervision and law enforcement work infrastructure and connotation construction, implement comprehensive supervision of health supervision, strictly enforce the law, increase investigation and handling of cases, and protect the health of the people. To serve the city's economic and social development and make new contributions.

1. Accelerate the completion of the "two systems" reform, actively and steadily promote the reform of food safety supervision system and functional adjustment

This year is the year of health supervision system reform and functional adjustment. The "two systems" reform, the new round of food safety supervision system reform and functional adjustment are major steps in the construction of the health supervision and law enforcement system. First, complete the two system reforms as soon as possible. Counties and cities that have not completed the "two systems" reform should actively strive for the attention and support of the party and government leaders and relevant departments. The first round of the health supervision system reform will be completed before the end of June, and the health supervision agencies will be able to compile a separate column, team and personnel. And financially set and run independently. The second is to increase the supervision of the health supervision system reform and system construction, and actively promote the city's health supervision institutions to participate in public management. The health supervision institutions that have completed the "two systems" reform should promote the work of administrative law enforcement agencies in a sound manner. The local health bureaus and supervisory agencies should attach great importance to the importance and urgency of participating in the public, recognize the general trend, and strive to participate in the public. Early participation in the public benefit early, laying the foundation for the next round of functional adjustment and health supervision system. Third, in accordance with the reform and deployment of the medical and health system and the food safety supervision system, the new round of health supervision system reform was actively and steadily promoted. Health administrative departments and supervisory bodies at all levels should unify their ideological actions to the decision-making arrangements of the central and local party committees and governments, correctly understand and steadily advance this institutional reform and functional adjustment, and resolutely implement the various tasks of implementing food safety supervision functions. Do not be confused, the team is not scattered, the work is orderly, the responsibility is earnest, and the smooth and harmonious transition is achieved. The fourth is to seize the opportunity of institutional reform and participation in public, and improve the level of funding for health supervision and law enforcement. Actively strive for the attention and preparation of party and government leaders, support from personnel, finance, and other departments. While promoting institutional reform and participation in public administration, implement the budgetary allocations and special funds for supervising law enforcement agencies, and solve the urgent need for the survival and development of health supervision institutions. problem. Actively strive for funds for national health supervision capital construction projects, plan and steadily implement infrastructure construction such as housing for primary health supervision institutions, strengthen equipment and capacity building necessary for fulfilling supervisory duties, equip with rapid testing instruments, and strengthen business skills training. Fifth, the city's health supervision agencies should further strengthen the connotation construction and optimize the law enforcement operation mechanism. Gradually form a new system of health supervision and law enforcement with reasonable structure, guaranteed security, coordinated operation, standardized behavior, clear procedures, strong law enforcement and efficient work.

Second, carry out special campaigns against illegal medical practice, and fundamentally reverse the grim situation of illegal medical practice.

Health administrative departments and supervisory agencies at all levels shall, in accordance with the requirements of the municipal government and the "2019 Implementation Plan for Special Actions against Illegal Medical Practices in the City", strengthen leadership, strengthen measures, implement responsibilities, and strive for practical results. First, on the basis of the "Spring Thunder" action, the Municipal Health Supervision Bureau implemented the leadership of the team to divide the film, responsible for the responsibility, adjusted and integrated the supervision resources, and focused on the implementation of the special concentrated actions, and earnestly "completely cleaned up and standardized a batch." Punish a batch and ban a batch of people, so that the order of medical services is clearly regulated, and the situation of illegal medical practice has been fundamentally reversed. Second, all localities should unify their actions and steps, effectively strengthen leadership, raise awareness, set up leading groups and work classes, concentrate their efforts, and concentrate on time to fight a tough battle against the medical market and crack down on illegal medical practice. Third, all localities and units should further close their ties with the public security, industry and commerce, family planning, publicity and other departments, strengthen coordination and joint law enforcement, increase investigation and handling of cases, do a good job in the transfer of suspected criminal cases, and form a comprehensive management force. Mobilize all walks of life and the public to participate in special actions, strengthen public opinion supervision and social supervision, create a social atmosphere to combat illegal medical practice, consolidate the results of special actions, and establish a long-term supervision mechanism.

3. Extensively and extensively publicize and implement the Food Safety Law, and fully perform its statutory duties.

The Food Safety Law was officially implemented on June 1. It is a current and future priority to study and publicize and implement new laws and regulations. First, the leading cadres of the health administrative departments and supervisory agencies should take the lead in studying and implementing the new laws and supporting laws and regulations, conscientiously organize the training and examination of the law enforcement personnel, and actively implement the law to give the health department comprehensive coordination of food safety, risk monitoring and evaluation, and investigation of major accidents. Six responsibilities for issuing information, setting standards, new food licenses, and inspection agencies are to avoid cross-cutting duties and prevent regulatory gaps, ensuring uniform, coordinated, and orderly food quality supervision. Second, give full play to the role of media such as radio, television, newspapers, and the Internet, and widely publicize the legislative purposes and main contents of the Food Safety Law in various forms, so as to be a household name and enhance the people's food safety legal awareness and supervision awareness. The implementation of the implementation creates a public opinion atmosphere and a social environment. Third, continue to do a good job in cracking down on the illegal rectification of non-edible substances and the abuse of food additives. In accordance with the "Notice of the General Office of the State Council on Printing and Distributing Food Safety and Rectification Work", the responsibilities of food safety supervision are fulfilled in accordance with the law. We will do a good job in the rectification of food production and management, and continue to fulfill our food hygiene and safety supervision duties before the food safety system is in place.

Fourth, strengthen occupational health and radiological health supervision services according to law, and safeguard the health rights and interests of workers

Faced with the grim situation of occupational disease prevention and control, all localities and units should focus on developing the economy and building a harmonious society, actively perform their duties according to law, and creatively carry out occupational health and radiation health safety work. First, actively build a government-led and group-based work mechanism for “government organization leadership, departmental division of labor, and broad participation of the society”. The municipal and county-level health departments should actively launch the “Occupational Disease Prevention and Control Committee” to clarify departmental responsibilities and promote The prevention and treatment of occupational diseases; secondly, the construction project and occupational health review and evaluation as a breakthrough, prevention and control of occupational hazards and occupational diseases from the source, strengthening the technical service capacity for pre-evaluation and control effect evaluation of occupational disease hazards in new renovation and expansion projects, and expanding major construction The evaluation coverage of projects and high-risk projects, using legal supervision and administrative means to advance the evaluation work to a new level; third, vigorously strengthen the monitoring of occupational surveillance, continue to do the second round of sentinel monitoring and demonstration enterprises, and continue to expand Occupational health checkup and occupational hazard monitoring coverage; Fourth, continue to strengthen the construction of vocational and technical service capacity, all counties and cities should select a qualified medical and health unit, declare the qualifications of occupational health examination institutions, continue to strengthen and standardize the diagnosis and identification of occupational diseases, Develop occupational disease diagnosis Identification of job specification file, to improve their work; Fifth, strengthen supervision and management of radiation hygiene, do a good job licensing of diagnostic radiology, radiation personnel to carry out the health care law, personal dose monitoring and supervision and inspection work; Sixth, strengthen the "Occupational Health Awareness Week "Promoting knowledge of occupational disease prevention and control, creating a good law enforcement environment and social atmosphere."
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View more>> Health Work Plan

2019 is a crucial year for comprehensively achieving the goal of deepening the recent work of medical reform. The county's health work adheres to the guidance of Deng Xiaoping Theory and the important thinking of the "Three Represents", comprehensively implements the scientific development concept, deepens the reform of the medical and health system, and strives to do a good job in the prevention and control of major diseases and health projects. And construction, highlighting key points, tackling difficulties, creating highlights, comprehensively improving the level of medical and health work in rural health , public health, community health, etc., and making positive contributions to promoting the county's social and economic development and improving the health quality of the people of the county.

First, the main work indicators

1. Construction of health projects: xx expansion of domestic demand health construction projects, including township center health centers x, community health service centers, county-level hospitals standardization construction, village clinics xx; county key projects 4 That is, continue to do a good job in the inpatient building of the county Chinese medicine hospital, the land acquisition and construction of the county new south district hospital, and the construction of the county health supervision office.

2. Disease control indicators: The eligible vaccination rate for immunization planning vaccines is ≥90%, and the dot coverage rate of all township units continues to be maintained at 100%. The direct reporting rate of infectious diseases in medical institutions at or above the county level is 100%.

3. Maternal and child control indicators: The maternal mortality rate in the county is 32,100,000, the mortality rate of children under 5 years old is 12‰, the rate of marriage inspection is 60%, and the prenatal screening rate of maternal mothers is 3%.

4. New rural cooperative medical work indicators: the participation rate reached over 95%, and the hospitalization compensation rate increased to 50%.

Second, the main work tasks

1. Excellent completion of the tasks of learning and practicing activities of primary health care units. We will do a good job in all stages of work supervision to ensure that the study and practice activities are successfully completed, achieve practical results, and achieve good rankings in the province's health system.

2. Deeply promote the reform of the medical and health system. From point to face, from easy to difficult, actively and steadily promote new medical reform. First, we will promptly introduce the implementation plan for medical reform in the county and the focus of work in 2019, scientifically formulate plans for health development and setting up plans for regional medical institutions, and promote the process of medical reform in the county. The second is to promote the implementation of the basic drug system. According to the requirements of the central and provincial governments, more than 60% of the primary health care institutions that implement the national essential drug system during the year. The third is to cooperate with the personnel department to carry out good performance salary reform. The fourth is to explore the reform of public hospitals and the pilot practice of practicing doctors.

3. Strengthen prevention and control of major infectious diseases. Go all out to do a good job in the prevention and control of major infectious diseases such as influenza A (H1n1). Strengthen effective prevention and control of AIDS, tuberculosis, rabies, measles, epidemic hemorrhagic fever, leptospirosis, endemic diseases and food poisoning. Further implement the Regulations on the Administration of Vaccine Circulation and Vaccination, and effectively strengthen the immunization program.

4. Promote the gradual equalization of basic public health services. The 9 types of basic public health service projects were fully implemented. During the year, the standardization rate of health records of residents in cities and counties reached 50%, and the standardization rate of health records of rural residents reached 30%. Strengthen public health performance appraisal.

5. Grasp the project construction and work hard. Actively strive for health infrastructure construction projects arranged by the state and the province, and make full efforts to implement the construction projects to ensure that the projects are completed on time. Standardize the financial management of township hospitals .

6. Strive to improve emergency response capabilities. Timely and effective disposal of public health emergencies, and exploring ways to integrate county emergency offices with emergency rescue centers.

7. Achieve the goal of new rural cooperative medical care. Improve the “funding of agreements” approach to increase participation rates. According to the operation situation in 2019 and the increase of 40 yuan per capita in 2019, we will adjust and improve the overall compensation plan, give full play to the fund operation efficiency, improve the compensation benefit, and rationally adjust the hospitalization rate. Accelerate the implementation of the mode of immediate compensation and settlement in county-level hospitals, and further facilitate the participation of farmers. Strengthen the supervision of service behaviors and medical expenses of designated medical institutions in cooperative medical care to ensure the safety of cooperative medical funds. Continue to do a good job in the outpatient coordination pilot.

8. Increase the management activities of township hospitals . We will further implement the implementation plan of the township health center management year and improve the comprehensive management level and standardization level of township hospitals .

9. Implement the responsibility of community health service functions. Adhere to the public welfare nature of community health services, improve service capabilities, improve the two-way referral system, and implement the free public health service policy.

10. Strive to achieve maternal and child health control indicators. We will do a good job in the implementation of the special subsidy policy for hospital delivery, strengthen intervention measures for birth defects, control the rate of cesarean section, and ensure that all the main work indicators of women and children in the county meet the requirements of the provincial department.

11. Continue to carry out the hospital management year activities in depth. We will do a good job in the implementation of the "New Ten Regulations for Medical Institutions", strengthen the management of medical quality and medical safety, and explore the establishment of a long-term mechanism for the scientific management of hospitals in our county.

12. Focus on promoting the creation of “Ping An Hospital”. Focus on the implementation of the newly promulgated "Provisions on Disposal of Disputes between Doctors and Patients in xx County", establish medical dispute files and accountability mechanisms for medical malpractices, maintain normal medical order in hospitals, and strive to build a harmonious relationship between doctors and patients.

13. Accelerate the development of Chinese medicine. Fully implement the "Several Opinions on Accelerating the Development of Traditional Chinese Medicine" of the County People's Government, actively striving to become a qualified county and advanced county for rural Chinese medicine, and continue to promote the establishment of "Traditional Chinese Medicine Hospital Demonstration Unit" and "treatment of disease" health project

14. Strengthen daily hygiene supervision. We will do a good job in the supervision of health-related products, infectious disease prevention, blood supply, food safety, occupational health and medical and health services, and focus on monitoring the quality of rural drinking water.

15. Promote patriotic health work. Efforts were made to create “three creations” activities such as national health city ​​counties. Strengthen the establishment of health villages and towns, carry out in-depth health education and farmers' health promotion actions, carry out good disease vector prevention work, and strive to achieve good results in the 2019 provincial and county health inspections.

16. Actively carry out trade union work. We will conscientiously implement the system of workers' congresses, strengthen the open supervision of factory affairs, earnestly grasp collective bargaining and social security for employees, and organize cultural and sports activities such as full-system staff and men's mixed volleyball and hard pen calligraphy.

16. Implement measures to build the wind. We will conscientiously implement the responsibility system for party style and clean government construction, do a good job in democratic appraisal and work style, strengthen supervision over the construction of health projects, further improve administrative efficiency, and promote a marked improvement in health practices .

17. Strengthen health talents and scientific and technological work. Carefully carry out the work of health special commissioners, health care institutions at or above the second level, and support the work of township health centers , and improve the level of grassroots health technology. Strengthen continuing medical education, appropriate training in rural health , key disciplines, key specialist construction and health research, and improve laboratory biosafety management systems and operational procedures.

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In 2019, the city's health work adhered to the guidance of Deng Xiaoping Theory and the important thinking of the "Three Represents", comprehensively implemented the scientific development concept, deepened the reform of the medical and health system, and made every effort to grasp the major disease prevention and control and sanitation projects. Focus on and focus on building and other work, further create work highlights, comprehensively promote rural health , public health, community health and other work, strive for a comprehensive rush to create excellence, and run a satisfactory medical and health cause for the people.

First, focus on key points, attack and solve difficulties, and create a new situation for work

1. Focus on disease prevention. First, do your best to prevent vaccination and ensure the implementation of the free vaccination policy. The second is to do a good job in the prevention and control of major infectious diseases, and consistently prevent and control the H1N1 flu, and establish a AIDS screening laboratory in the municipal and county-level maternal and child health centers. The third is to dispose of public health emergencies and explore ways to merge the bureau's emergency office with the city's emergency rescue center.

2. Focus on the funding guarantee. We will strive to include the special health funds specified in the policy in the municipal budget for the 2019 budget, and we must try to increase the amount.

3. Focus on project acquisition and construction. Actively strive for health infrastructure construction projects arranged by the state and the province, and make full efforts to implement the construction projects to ensure that the projects are completed on time. We will promote the construction of the inpatient building in the city center hospital, and plan the construction of the city's southern New District Hospital, the Municipal Maternal and Child Health Hospital business building, and the Municipal Health Supervision Office. Implement a public health project.

4, focus on overcoming the difficulties of medical reform. From point to face, from easy to difficult, gradually promote the new medical reform. First, do a good job. Grasp the introduction of the Taiwan medical reform plan and the 2011-2019 work focus. Guide the county and city to set up a medical reform team, hold a mobilization meeting, and carry out related work. Second, we must pay close attention to two key tasks: the implementation of the basic drug system, first grasp the pilot projects in xx and xx cities, and accumulate experience for the city's comprehensive development; carry out good performance wage reform.

5, efforts to overcome the medical market supervision is difficult. Try to supervise the shards and strengthen the responsibility system; focus on standardizing the medical market, vigorously crack down on illegal medical practice, and check the blood used by medical institutions and the qualifications of doctors. Strengthen the construction of health law enforcement teams and focus on standardizing law enforcement behavior.

6. Efforts to overcome the disputes between doctors and patients. Increase the handling of disputes between doctors and patients, and explore new ways for third-party mediation. Carry out identification of abnormal response to vaccination; undertake the work conference of the provincial medical association.

Second, highlight the highlights, show the characteristics, and advance the work to a new level

1. New rural cooperative medical care must have new highlights. We must do a good job in fundraising the agreement to ensure that the participation rate of the new rural cooperative medical system reaches 90% or more;

2, there is a new bright spot for unpaid blood donation work. Take a variety of measures to digest and eliminate the impact of blood donation on the amount of unpaid blood donation, and strive to ensure clinical blood.

3. There must be new highlights in maternal and child health care work. Efforts to reduce various control indicators, focusing on the maternal mortality rate, infant mortality rate below 5 years old, within the provincial indicators. Strengthen maternal prenatal screening and screening for neonatal diseases to reduce the rate of birth defects.

4. There must be new highlights in learning and practice activities. Successfully complete the grassroots medical and health units to study and practice the scientific concept of development in an in-depth manner, strive to have characteristics, experience, and see results, and strive to launch a batch of "good models, good news, good experience."

5. There must be new highlights in the news propaganda work. First, improve the team of correspondents, focus on medical reform policies, harmonious doctor-patient relationship, and further promote health promotion work; print health albums and systematically display health work in recent years. The second is to strengthen the construction of health information, according to the provincial health department deployment arrangements, combined with the original health information facilities, to form a health emergency information network; try to integrate various health information networks to create a unified information platform; explore the implementation of paperless office.

Third, grasp the foundation, strengthen management, and promote new work

1. Improve medical quality and service level. Continue to carry out the hospital management year activities, pay close attention to the quality control of important parts of medical care. Improve the technical strength of primary medical units, and do a good job in urban health support for rural health centers , science and technology commissioners, and so on.

2. Strengthen the capacity building of Chinese medicine services. Coordinate the municipal Chinese medicine work member units to do a good job in the implementation of Chinese medicine policy. Pay close attention to the construction of specialties, promote the "three three-in-three" project of Chinese medicine, guide the xx county hospitals to establish a dimethyl hospital, and do a good job in training Chinese medicine for common diseases.

3. Improve the level of health technology. Strengthen the training of health technicians and vigorously promote the promotion of the school. Actively declare scientific research projects and declare the establishment of the first artificial insemination hospital in the city.

4. Strengthen community health work. Adhere to the public welfare nature of community health services, and implement the free policy of 100 kinds of common drugs zero-rate sales and community public health services.

5. Continue to do a good job in the construction of the wind. Continue to carry out democratic evaluation work. We will do a good job in centralized bidding and procurement of medical equipment and further improve the system. Ensuring that we continue to achieve good rankings in the assessment of the best economic environment. Efforts will be made to improve the work style of the organs and improve administrative efficiency.

6. Do a good job in talent introduction. We will formulate plans for the introduction of talents in the municipal direct health system, organize the recruitment of talents in health institutions, and strive to recruit personnel for the bureau and strive to recruit 1-2 civil servants.

7. Strengthen patriotic health work. We will carry out the work of creating provincial and municipal health counties and villages, and promote the comprehensive management of rural environmental sanitation. Improve the work network in addition to the "four evils".

8. Strengthen the work of trade unions. Strengthen the construction of the trade union team, ensure that there are specialized agencies and personnel to carry out work, and further promote the open work of factory affairs.

Fourth, change thinking, change methods, explore new ideas for health development

1. Focus on urban hygiene . In view of the objective reality that urban hospital facilities cannot keep up with the pace of development and can not meet the needs of the people, the infrastructure construction and equipment assembly of the municipal medical and health units will be strengthened. Strengthen the construction of bureaus themselves, improve office conditions, and improve the treatment of cadres and workers.

2. Focus on rural health management. In view of the obvious improvement of the hardware facilities of township hospitals , the focus of rural health work has been changed from construction to management, and the management activities of township hospitals have been taken as the starting point to improve the management level of health centers .

3. Focus on the management of giants. Further adhere to and strengthen the annual target management assessment for the county, urban and municipal medical and health units and the "first-hand" annual report unit work and conduct evaluation and other good practices. Efforts will be made to implement the established rules and regulations and further explore ways to strengthen the supervision of people, finances, materials and affairs of municipal medical and health units.

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