Work Plan > Health Work Plan

School Health Work Plan for 2019

This article directory 12014 School Health and Epidemic Prevention Work Plan 2 School Health Office Work Plan 32019 School Health Supervision Work Plan Part 1: 2014 School Health and Epidemic Prevention Work Plan In order to further strengthen school health and epidemic prevention and food safety management, prevent school infection The epidemic of the epidemic, the maintenance of normal education and teaching order, and the effective protection of the lives and safety of teachers and students, according to the "Regulations on the Prevention and Control of Infectious Diseases of the People's Republic of China" and the "Regulations on School Health Work", the school is specially formulated for this school year. Health and Epidemic Prevention Work Plan I. Work Objectives:
1. Strictly control the incidence of myopia in students and do a good job in preventing myopia
2, do a good job in the prevention of infectious diseases
3. Improve the school's health records, and the student's physical examination card rate is 100%.
4. Establish and improve the health management system.
Second, the work focus:
Strengthen health education.
1. Seriously take a good health education class, so that teachers, textbooks, and classes can ensure that the student's health knowledge pass rate is over 90%.
2. Carry out various forms of health education and publicity activities. Board newspaper, red scarf radio station, etc.
3. Adhere to the school health appraisal system every Friday, focus on cultivating students' health habits, do bathing frequently, change clothes frequently, cut nails, do not drink raw water, don't spit, etc., to ensure the formation rate of students' health behavior reaches 100. %.
Do a good job in school health supervision.
1. According to the requirements of the “School Health Archives”, do a good job in student sick leave statistics, morning lunch inspection, and improve the accuracy of reported data.
2. Do a good job in teaching health management and supervision, and gradually make students' desks, chairs, lighting and lighting meet the requirements of health work.
Carry out prevention and treatment of common diseases among students.
1. Continue to carry out anti-myopia work, timely grasp the dynamics of students' vision, promptly supervise and correct the new incidence rate of myopia and pseudo-myopia, correct the students' reading and writing postures in the classroom, do not fatigue, use the eyes, and schedule classes to ensure the break time between students. The seats are rotated regularly and the students are not allowed to spend more than 6 hours a day. 2, improve the quality of eye exercises, the head teacher should check the student's eye exercises every day, and correct the inaccurate acupressure. 3. According to the epidemic characteristics of infectious diseases in different seasons, do a good job in prevention and publicity, disinfection and isolation.
4. Do a good job in student program immunization. 5. Cooperate with the health and epidemic prevention departments to carry out a wide range of foot and mouth disease, influenza A (H1N1), myopia, trachoma, dental caries, intestinal worms, intestinal infectious diseases, anemia, AIDS, schistosomiasis, tuberculosis, measles, rubella, flu. B. Prevention and treatment of diseases such as liver and meninges, and strengthen medical care and mental health work for disabled and infirm students. Actively do a good job in health assessment and supervision. 1. Accurately accumulate health promotion materials in accordance with the requirements of school health work.
2. Continue to conduct health scores for each class, select the mobile red flag, and assign the responsibility to the outdoor area, and set the class to be responsible for keeping the indoor and outdoor clean and tidy. New lookout national small
The second part of September 20xx: School Health Office Work Plan I, Guiding Ideology
Taking the "Regulations on School Health Work" as a guide, aiming at promoting the comprehensive and healthy development of students' quality, do a good job in school health work, create a clean and beautiful campus environment, strengthen health education, further enhance students' awareness of health care, and continuously improve Students' self-protection ability and health level.
Second, the main work
1. Improve the school health work leading group, so that the division of labor is clear and the responsibility is to people. 2. Organize the whole school teachers to seriously study the "Regulations on School Health Work", unify thoughts, raise awareness, and clarify goals.
3. Divide the class health care area and implement the responsibility system for health care. 4. Seriously do a good job in indoor and outdoor health, and strengthen inspection and supervision. Specific requirements: Classroom requirements:
The desks and chairs are neatly arranged two meters from the blackboard.
The podium is kept clean, the items are neatly arranged, and there is no debris in the podium. The national flag, the class card, and the class card are wiped clean and there is no dust. The doors and windows are kept clean.
The cleaning tool is discharged in the right front corner or the lower right corner of the classroom, and the discharge is neat and kept clean. There are no ball prints and shoe prints on the inner walls and windowsills of the classroom. There is no dust. The audio-visual supplies and the boxes and cabinets placed are kept clean and free from dust.
The outdoor corridors of each class are kept clean, the walls, walls and promotional paintings are clean, the balcony railings and side surfaces are free of shoe prints, ball prints, and no dust. Package area requirements:
Classes with a concrete pavement area should be clean and tidy throughout the day, free of paper husks and other waste.
The area of ​​the tube is the flower bed and the lawn. It should be ensured that there is no debris in the flower bed, basically no weeds, and the surface of the tile around the flower bed is kept clean.
The storage area is for indoors, corridors, stairs, etc. The standard is the same as the classroom hygiene requirements. The corridor includes the top of the wall, the wall and the propaganda and calligraphy, the balcony railing, and the stairs include steps, handrails and stair walls.
If there is a propaganda column or window in the area of ​​the package, it should be clean and free of dust. Office requirements:
1 The floor is clean, no paper scraps, no debris, no traces, no smoke.
2 No dust, spider webs, such as walls, ceilings, fluorescent tubes, placards, etc.
3 doors and windows have no dust, and the glass is bright and clean.
4 The desks and chairs in the office are neat, and there are no messy books on the table.
5 The work on the work frame is neatly arranged and free of debris.
6 Clean and hygienic tools are placed in order, keep the pool clean, and the trash can be cleaned every day.
5. Pay attention to personal hygiene and eye hygiene.
Sitting and reading posture should be correct.
Do eye exercises twice a day.
Take a bath, diligent haircut, cut your nails, and change your clothes.
Actively participate in physical exercise, adhere to work on time, pay attention to work and rest.
Pay attention to food hygiene, do not drink raw water, do not eat cold, unclean food, do not smoke, do not drink, do not use other people's cups or towels and other utensils.
6. Teachers should conscientiously take good health education courses, and have plans, preparations, assessments, analysis, and records. Third, the main measures
Strengthen the participation of school teachers in health management, and include the participation in management in the assessment content.
Combine student behavior management to prevent students from eating snacks and ensure that the campus is clean and tidy.
Establish a responsibility system for health care management, and ensure the health work of indoor outsourcing areas in all grades and classes, and incorporate the assessment content of class points.
All offices must have a health rotation list, and teachers should do a good job in the health work inside and outside the office.
Pay attention to the students' mental health education. For the introverted students in the class, the class teacher should pay more attention and counseling, and find problems in a timely manner.
Set up a student council "health supervision post" to do a good job in environmental hygiene inspection and supervision.
The school uniformly supplies pure water, one water dispenser in each class, drinking water by ticket, and students bring their own drinking cups. conserve water.
Cooperate with the health center to organize student physical examination, and find that infectious diseases are timely isolated and treated; the medical office should do a good job in the prevention and treatment of common and frequently-occurring diseases of students.
Regularly check students' eyesight; promptly correct eye diseases. 10, teachers and students canteen to ensure the health of teachers and students.
The third part: 2019 school health supervision work plan to ensure the healthy growth of students in school, according to the "School Health Work Regulations", "Opinions on Strengthening Youth Sports to Enhance the Physical Fitness of Young People" and the requirements of provincial and municipal school health lines In combination with the actual situation of the merger of the original three districts in our district, we will focus on the health supervision of teaching and living environment, school drinking water, common diseases and infectious disease prevention, health education, public health emergencies, etc. The plan is as follows.
First, preventive health supervision
Continue to supervise and guide the site selection and design of new construction, reconstruction and expansion projects of various schools within the jurisdiction, and improve the completion and acceptance review rate of the project.
Second, the school teaching environment, living facilities
Focus on strengthening the school's teaching environment, teaching facilities, student school buildings, living facilities, public places on campus and other basic sanitary conditions. Supervise and inspect the school classroom construction, environmental noise, indoor microclimate, lighting, lighting and blackboard, desks and chairs, etc., as well as the sanitary conditions of living quarters, school toilets, etc. The supervision of the teaching environment and living facilities of private schools and boarding schools where children from migrant workers are concentrated ensures that students living and studying in our district can have a fair and good school environment.
Third, the school drinking water hygiene to carry out school drinking water sanitation supervision and inspection, to find out the status of drinking water sanitation in the school, focus on the school whether there is self-built facilities water supply, secondary water supply, decentralized water supply, the use of municipal water supply homemade boiling water, Schools that supply water for students with partitioned water supply and bottled drinking water should further carry out health guidance work, regulate school drinking water hygiene management, and eliminate potential safety hazards.
IV. Infectious diseases and prevention and control of common diseases
Supervise and urge all schools to be responsible for the prevention and treatment of infectious diseases, establish a sound and serious implementation of the major epidemic reporting system, the vaccination certificate inspection and registration system, the morning inspection and the absence of registration due to illness, and regular health checkups.
Supervise and urge schools to establish and improve student health records, timely report and report on common diseases and frequently-occurring diseases found in health checkups, and cooperate with follow-up investigation and analysis work to achieve infectious diseases and common disease prevention, early detection and early detection. treatment.
V. Health education
Assisting the District CDC to provide health education courses for each school, conduct student health consultation activities, provide various kinds of cooperation in the form of materials for campus health promotion columns, strengthen the promotion of students' health knowledge, and expand students' access to health knowledge. Develop healthy behaviors and habits to improve students' self-protection awareness.
Sixth, health room, infirmary
Schools with more than 600 students should be equipped with full-time health professional technicians in a ratio of 600:1, and set up health centers, medical offices, health care centers, health stations, etc. as needed, and obtain the "Medical Institution License" to carry out student medical care. Health care work. Schools with less than 600 students should set up a health room with full-time or part-time health teachers to carry out school health work.
7. The supervision of school catering services, secondary water supply, sports venues and other projects shall be implemented in accordance with relevant regulations.

The School Safety Supervision Department is responsible for the school health supervision business training of the health supervisors of the Institute, the health knowledge and management skills training of the health management personnel of the schools in the district, and the business guidance of other departments in the school health supervision.
The department will report and hold the law enforcement documents and statistical data to the School Safety Supervision Section within two days after the completion of each special inspection. The School Safety Supervision Section is responsible for submitting various school health reports and summaries to the higher authorities within the prescribed time limit.

** District Health Supervision Office
February 2, XX, February 18

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