Summary of Work > Summary of Party Committee Party Work

Summary of the 2019 work of the Party branch of the school department

In the past year, the Party branch of the school department has been deployed in accordance with the work of the Secretariat and the party committee of the government, and has carried out the activities of “grasping learning and promoting growth”, combining the establishment of a sound learning system with the education of growth, and striving to promote the development of the branch. A strong battle bastion for business work and tempering the growth of cadres.
1. Establish a learning mechanism to promote the construction of a learning department
1. Establish a departmental collective learning system. Using half a day each month, the university, research institutions, etc. invite relevant personnel to explain or collect information from the Internet, and organize departmental cadres to conduct various forms of study and research around the party's major theoretical issues and key issues related to business work. At present, he has already "learned the spirit of the Fourth Plenary Session of the Party's XXth Session", "learning xx's important speech at the conclusion meeting of the whole party's in-depth study and practice of the scientific development concept", and "learning the spirit of the national symposium on strengthening and improving the ideological and political education of college students" "There were 8 collective learning sessions."
2. Establish a departmental business learning system. Each departmental organization cadre conducts collective learning research around the key work of the department, and conducts it at least once a month. For example, the university invited Baidu, Sina, and China Mobile and other professionals familiar with the laws of Internet communication to conduct research on issues such as the characteristics and laws of new media dissemination such as the Internet and mobile phones. The secretary discussed the "characteristics and behaviors of middle school students" and other issues. The School of Academic Affairs conducted research on issues such as "career planning education for college students".
3. Establish a research and research system. First, let all the cadres of the department participate in the problem of college students' religious belief, the "ant family" group, the status of the work of the middle school Communist Youth League, and the research on the ideological status of college students before the "6.4". The second is to formulate a system for holding retreats from time to time, using professional institutions to discuss professional issues, and organizing departmental cadres to study the formation of students' ideological consciousness and the backbone of college students with experts, scholars, key school principals, and Communist Youth League members. Professional problems in the training of secondary vocational students' social skills and college students' religious beliefs. The third is to establish a system for cadres to contact schools. Each cadre of the department has a fixed contact with a school, using weekends and vacation time to study at the school to deepen the understanding and research on students' ideological dynamics.
4. Establish a self-study supervision mechanism for departmental cadres. First, guide and supervise cadres to learn by establishing map bookshelves, conducting "good book recommendation" activities, carrying out "reading a book every day for half an hour, reading a book every month" activities, organizing the writing of theoretical articles, and timely publishing learning materials. The second is to hold the "I am opening a lecture today" event exchange meeting, making it a platform for the self-study results of cadres. The departmental cadres will make speeches around the work-related topics, exchange and discuss with other comrades in the department, and hold them once a month to make everyone's ideas exchange, ability to be exercised, and deeper thinking on the issues. The third is to implement a monthly report system for departmental cadres. All comrades in the department should report the monthly self-study content, study time and effects to the party branch.
5. Building a frontline learning research mechanism. The first is to compile the "References for College Youth League Work". In response to social trends, color revolutions and international NGOs, employment situation and countermeasures of college students, religious policies, the formation of multi-ethnic countries, the main trends of the Islamic world, the penetration of the American Democratic Foundation into China, and the Internet's work on group work The topic has been deeply analyzed. The second is to expand the key school joint meeting, the school department cadre contact point system to the provincial level, the school youth league committee, and establish a mechanism for the group organizations to understand the students' dynamics, judge the situation and communicate regularly. The third is to regularly publish the "School Youth League Work Briefing", compile and publish "100 Cases of Social Skills Training for Secondary Vocational School Students", etc., to guide the grassroots group work, promote and promote the work experience of the Communist Youth League, and constantly promote the standardization of the work of the Communist Youth League. Deepen.
Second, strengthen the education of growth outlook, strengthen the departmental spirit of "thinking the ideal, down to earth"
1. Serious work discipline, creating an atmosphere of departmental principles. Require departmental cadres to study and implement the various institutional regulations, and organize all the "Guidelines on the Integrity of the Communist Party Members and Leading Cadres" and the "Several Provisions on the Full-time Cadres of the Strict Management Group" and the confidentiality and financial affairs of the organs. The system has been carefully studied. Serious departmental work discipline, in particular, requires everyone to strictly follow the department's internal management system in terms of message, attendance, and confidentiality.
2. Carry out the theme education activities of “Why should we be a cadre and how to be a good cadre”, and create an atmosphere in which the department is practical. By carrying out the theme party day activities, letting departmental cadres communicate with the old cadres, organizing cadres to write experience articles, organizing cadres to participate in organizing speech contests, etc., guide everyone to correctly view the growth path and establish a correct concept of growth. In the department, we strive to promote the atmosphere of heroes with attitudes, performance, and pragmatism, and effectively change the style of writing, the style of the wind, and refrain from arbitrarily arranging words, and refrain from working hard, and regularly hold departmental affairs to check cases. At present, the department has reached a consensus that growth depends on individual efforts, accumulation of ability, and work-based exercise.
3. Strictly organize the living system and create a democratic atmosphere in the department. Convene a democratic life meeting, establish a one-on-one system of dialogue among party members in the department, and promote communication between departmental cadres. Establish a system of collective reconsideration of retreats from time to time, adhere to democratic centralism, and conduct collective research and full discussion on the key work of the department through the ministry.
4. Increase the care and care of departmental cadres and create a harmonious culture of the department. Regularly organize everyone's fitness, carry out activities such as billiards and badminton, organize departmental cadres to participate in the sports competitions of the organs, so that everyone can communicate their feelings in the competition and enhance the sense of collective honor. Give full play to the awareness of participation of each cadre, brainstorming, and innovatively arranged a small-scale program to participate in the machine-related party, and achieved a good performance, showing the good mental state of the departmental cadres. Carry out various forms of condolence activities. Establish a "birthday greetings" system, and send birthday wishes to every birthday cadre in the name of the branch; every time the cadres get married, give birth, etc., the branch goes to visit the family members and express the greetings and concerns of the organization.
At present, all the cadres of the department are able to carry out their work in the face of major contradictions, presenting a good working condition that is good at hardship, courageous, and devoted, and can establish a correct view of growth. At present, the school department has become a group with a clear-cut style, clear direction, unity and harmony, and strong fighting ability.

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