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Sentences depicting dewdrops

1. Poor September three nights, like a pearl

2. Dew from the white tonight, the month is the hometown

3. The road is long and the grass is long.

4. A drop of autumn lotus, the night falls into the sky; in the future, the jade plate is uncertain. Wei Yingwu "咏露珠"

5. A dying sun is paved in the water, and half of the river is half-river. Poor September three nights, like a pearl moon like a bow. Bai Juyi, "暮江吟"

6. The Westland sings and the South Crown is deep. Unbearable Xuan Yingying, come to the white head. It’s hard to get into the air, and the wind is loud and easy to sink. No one believes in Gao Jie, who is the heart of the table? Luo Binwang "咏蝉"

7. The crystal clear dews are connected together like a beautiful string of pearls.

8. Dew's body is small and life is short, but it is extraordinary. When the night is shrouded, it nourishes the seedlings like the mother sucks the baby with milk; whenever it dawns, it opens the tireless eyes and hides in the air;

9. After the rain, Bailian has another style. The water drops on the lotus leaves roll, sparkling, such as broken pearls. The drops of the scorpion are dripping, and the white lotus that is opened is even more beautiful, and the silver is wrapped in a bright, moon-like light.

10. Dewdrops have transformed life, and the elders in the forest are brought to the eternal memory.

11. The morning glow flashed with dazzling golden light, and the dewdrops on the petals of the flowers, like a grain of pearl, rolled in a flash.

12. The dewy pearls on the leaves are reflected in the sun, such as crystal clear crystals, like blood red agate, like golden beads. Take a dew to reflect the radiance of the sun!

13. The crystal clear dew reflects the rising sun, like a glass bead, flashing at the tip of the leaf.

14. Like the stars in the night sky, like the blue waves are covered with gems, and like thousands of twinkling eyes. Ah, dew! This is the dew that is very common and loved by people.

15. In the morning, in the fields, the dew on the wheat leaf shines like a 10,000 pearls in the sunlight.

16. Above the blades of the grass that unfolded under the sun, above the sprouts of the vibrant wheat, the dewdrops tremble like glass beads on the string. The leaves were gently shaken a few times, and a few small dewdrops were naughtyly hiding in the grass and could no longer find them.

17. I love dewdrops, which are more precious than pearls, more crystal-clear than gems, and more awkward than stars. I praise it, and the dew spirit will always flash in my heart.

18. The clear, hydrated dew lies leisurely in a natural rocking chair, greedily absorbing the sun

19. The morning glow flashed with dazzling golden light, and the dew on the petals of the flowers, like a grain of pearl, rolled and flashed.

20. The small dew is very beautiful, so the animals like him. In fact, not only small animals like small dew, but plants also like small dew.

21. The small dew reflects the glow, and all the plants become extraordinarily spirited. Even the aging flowers and trees are born.

22. The small dew reflects the glow, gradually consuming its own life, moistening the flowers and trees, and making them vibrant.

23. Little dew has beautified the plants with their own bodies, and the flowers and grasses are especially beautiful and beautiful.

24. Dewdrops are moisturized with their own bodies, beautify the plants, and dedicate their lives to them. They are all smiles. Its selfless dedication, no regrets and quality are worthy of our admiration.

25. The crystal dew is happy. Look! They smile, roll, roll from one leaf to another; you oh! They roll, jump, and gradually become smaller; you listen! When the plants thank the dew, the dew Laughed and said: "I give, I am happy!" Then, with his sweet milk, sacrifice to the plants.

26. The rising sun rises and shines for a while. The trees and grass are covered with dewdrops. The spruce branches in the lush forest look like a sparkling pattern. If you take the diamonds on our entire planet, do it. It is not enough to decorate.

27. Diamond-like large dew. It trembled everywhere on the lush grass. A colorful light flashes out.

28. Dewdrops are like dazzling stars in a foggy night.

29. The dew hidden in the wheat leaves shines like a 10,000 pearls in the sun.

30. The dew falls like a flour from a sieve in the sky.

31. It’s raining for a long time, and the dew on the roadside is full of dew.

32. The sun turns the dew on each blade of grass into a multicolored pearl.

33. The large dew on the lotus leaf trembles, flashing a colorful light spot

34. The dewdrop trembles like a glass bead on a string.

35. In a flash, I smiled and opened my baby's rosy lips with milky dew on my lips.

36. The dew on the blade of grass is like a gemstone set on the emerald.

37. The residual drops of the leaves reflect the moon, like a thousand flashes of light, flickering and moving.

38. It looks like a pearl like a bow

39. Every flower of the orchid is condensed with a drop of dew, crystal clear like a tear.

40. Dew on the human hair. On the clothes. On hands and legs. Cold and damp.

41. A strong wind eucalyptus, countless drops of water dripping from the tops of the treetops. It is like a 10,000-point colored meteor.

42. Breeze eucalyptus, dewdrops turn in the branches, from orange to orange, from bright blue to indigo, from purple to red. It is dazzling.

43. The crystal dew drops on the grass stems and leaves drop by drop, the spider web is covered with dew, and the silver shines like silver.

44. The dew is down, falling in the moonlight, silent and invisible.

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