Classic Quotes > Classic Statement

San Mao classic quotation statement

San Mao classic quotation statement

1. We refuse to explore our own values. We place too much emphasis on the participation of others in our lives. Therefore, loneliness is no longer good, and others are lost. We are confused and upset.

2. Learn to dominate your own life; even if you are alone, it is not a bad situation. Not self-pity, not inferiority, no sigh, day by step, step by step, the joy and inevitable arrival of the dark flowers lies in our own practice

3. If you don’t look pleasing to the eye, the multi-millionaires will not marry; if you look good, the billionaires will marry.

4. Personal encounters and fatefulness make me forced to mature. The cost of all this is the power to survive in the future.

5. If you give me the same as you give to others, then I will not.

6, the years are very beautiful, it is inevitable. Spring flowers, autumn months, summer, winter snow.

7. Sometimes, I wish I could have a pair of wise eyes to see through me, to understand everything about me, including all the hustle and bustle. The eyes can penetrate my most essential soul, reaching the true self in the depths of my heart. Her words can solve all my confusion, or a comment on what I can do.

8. I cry when I cry, and laugh when I want to laugh, as long as it is all natural. I don't ask for depth, just ask for simplicity.

9. People live in the world. What matters is the ability to love others, not to be loved. We don't know how lover can be loved by others.

10. No one can “discard” you unless you give up on yourself, because we belong to ourselves and not to others.

11. All people, at first, are only hollow people. The so-called self is just a vague shadow. It relies on the life experience of others in books and painting music movies to call out directions, and fills with their own experiences, and gradually becomes a solid person. In this process of falsehood and truth, the most decisive force is time.

12, the friend of this relationship, the most beautiful is the icing on the cake; the most valuable, expensive in the snow to send charcoal; the best of friends, it is like good tea, light and not sturdy, fragrant but not nose, slowly floating, like water flowing.

13, Zhiyin, one or two can be very good, it really does not have to be too much. The joy of friends, the trust in your life.

14. Being calm and unrestrained is more heartbreaking than an aggressive attitude.

15. If love does not fall into the real life of dressing, eating, sleeping, and counting money, it will not last long. True love is not nervous, that is, you can fight, fart, dig your ears, and runny nose without hesitation in front of him; the person who truly loves you is the one who can see you without washing your face, not combing your hair, or wearing makeup. .

16, men are mud, women are water. The mud is much, the water is turbid; the water is much, and the mud is thin. Not much more, pinch two clay figurines - a pair of fairy monks.

17. Human beings are often young and young, and young people are confused. In the middle age, they like to compare the achievements of others with themselves. Therefore, they feel frustrated. It is still a stupid child who has not grown up. We have been living a rough life, and the life of a person has passed like this.

18, I remember when I was young, you love to talk, I love to laugh, one time sitting side by side under the peach tree, the wind is in the forest, the birds are calling, we don’t know how to fall asleep, how much is spent in the dream.

19. Here, I would like to encourage you once again. We must be smart people, and those who are wise will have the kindness and willingness to be honest with others. Even if the big things come, don't evade it, and calmly strive for the most reasonable solution for yourself. You can't be a weak person. Anyone who falls down if he doesn't go well is going to be eliminated by the society. Be a flexible one. People are the goal that we pursue throughout our lives.

20, the baby is born, the average person does not know the future of the baby, but all said - congratulations! Congratulations! Someone is dead, and the average person does not understand the world after death, but says - unfortunately! unfortunately!

21, more reading, face naturally changed, many times, I may think that many of the books I have read have become a smoky, no memory, in fact, they are still potential. In the temperament, in the conversation, the endlessness of the chest, of course, may also be revealed in life and writing.

22. If there is an afterlife, I will be a tree, stand for eternity, and have no sorrow and joy. Half in the soil, half in the wind, half in the shade, half in the sun, very silent and very proud, never rely on never looking.

23. When we face a feared person, a fearful thing, and a disturbed state of mind, the only way to overcome this feeling is to face it.

24, love is like a Buddhist Zen - can not be said, can not be said, one is wrong.

25, life, is only one after another twenty-four hours of superposition, in such a precious time, I must understand my choice.

26, do not make unreachable dreams, which makes my sleep safe. Avoiding excessive friendships when nothing happens, which makes me less burdened and committed. Not to mention unnecessary gossip, which makes me feel clear. I try not to remember the past, because the road to come cannot be turned back. I am careful to love others, so that it will not flood. I cry when I cry, I laugh when I laugh, I don’t ask for it, just ask for simplicity.

27, I am too late to be young, and when I understand it, I can only choose to be serious.

28, today's things, do it with all your heart, mind, and effort, regardless of the results, you should go to bed and sleep happily.

29, if love does not fall - laundry, cooking, counting money, taking the children these scattered little things, it is not easy to last long.

30. People, who don't cry through the night, can't understand life. We regard these pains as a kind of homework and study. When one day the true feeling grows, we will even thank the pain for our teaching.

31. I always think that the most valuable thing about the friendship of friends lies in the intimacy, the most unacceptable, in the occupation and unilaterally. There is a saying in the West that says, "The value of a friend is freedom."

32. Dreams can be a paradise, ideal, is the rough road that we stepped out step by step.

33. The surrounding windows are all open, and the rain has made a heavy curtain. So the gray cover the world. We are so eager to see the clear sky outside the curtain. It is always indifferent and will not care about our hope. And one hope is so helpless, and in addition to the endless wait, you find that there is no other way to see the sun.

34. I am willing to do the last death in the life ring of my father, mother, and husband. If I go first and leave this bitter cup I have tasted to the parents in the world, then I am not dead because I have understood love, and how deep my love is, how long I am worried and disappointed.

35. Every time I miss you, a grain of sand falls in the sky, and the Sahara is formed. Every time I miss you, a drop of water falls in the sky, and the Pacific Ocean is formed.

36. Self-pity, narcissism, self-sufficiency, self-sufficiency, self-sufficiency, self-abandonment, self-injury, self-satisfaction, self-interest, selfishness, self-care, self-reflexion, self-deception and suicide are all due to themselves. Self-use, self-reliance, self-help, self-help, self-sufficiency, self-confidence, self-discipline, self-love, self-sufficiency, self-consciousness, self-reliance, self-defense, freedom and nature are also all out of themselves.

37. A person has at least one dream and has a reason to be strong. If the heart does not have a place to live, it is wandering everywhere.

38, I laugh, face like a spring flower, it will be able to touch people, who is who he is.

39. Don't go to see the wound. It will one day be scarred, the scar will not fade, but it will not hurt any more.

40. If there is an afterlife, be a bird, fly over eternity, no troubles lost. There is a flaming hope in the east, a warm nest bed in the south, a retreat to the west, and a waking up to the north. If there is an afterlife, I hope that every time I meet, I can turn into eternity.

41. Those who come from the fate will end up with something else.

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