Classic Quotes > Classic Statement

Beautiful statement excerpt

Beautiful statement excerpt

1. Life is a small path that lingers in the mountains. It is bumpy and uneven, and the cliffs are on the side. Falling, crying when you cry, afraid of anything, not pretentious! This is straightforward, not weak, because crying does not affect the way, but can add a bit of caution. The mountains are full of flowers and the scenery is pleasant. If you are intoxicated, you can laugh when you want to laugh, and you don’t want to be reserved! This is straightforward, not proud, because laughing once does not affect the way, but can add a confidence.

2, life is a large encyclopedia, all-encompassing; life is a ukulele, playing a variety of wonderful melodies: life is a Pegasus brand clock, tightening the clockwork, it will make people get concentrated life.

3. The beauty of life is always manifested in her enterprising; just like the beauty of a big tree, it is manifested in the thriving vitality of its negative momentum; like the beauty of an eagle, it is manifested in the wind and rain Such as the soaring of the soul of the sky; like the beauty of the river, is in the torrent of its turbulent waves.

4, stepping through a sea, using the knowledge of knowledge to stir up a piece of micro-small; picking a bunch of flowers, being sent to the smart bumps to clear the nose; no dream, decided to start from there.

5. If I am a night walker who travels thousands of miles, my mother must be a gentle light in the night, far away for me, to call my hesitant footsteps; if I am only complaining about the self-deprecating actor, my mother will It’s the warm applause, calling me confident and urging me to work hard; if I’m a little fish, I’m going to be a green lake, and when I’m tolerant of my naughty, I’m also happy. A circle has spread.

6, if you want to harvest the fruit in the golden autumn, then in the early spring of the chill intrusion, it is time to roll up the trouser legs, unremittingly pioneering, sowing, tilling, until the day of harvest.

7. I have always wanted to let others know their feelings, those heavy, those sad and desolation that can't be told, but how do I draw all my life wheels on you on shallow paper? How can I make you understand? Forget it, nothing, you think I am a farce, you because I am happy, close the door, each has their own happiness or tears.

8. Maternal love is the sun that warms the soul; maternal love is the rain that nourishes the soul; maternal love is the fertile ground for irrigate the soul; maternal love is the rainbow that beautifies the soul.

9. Maternal love is a ray of sunshine, so that your heart can feel warm as spring even in the cold winter; maternal love is a clear spring, so that your emotions will remain pure and clear even if the weather is over the years.

10, endurance, is a kind of obstinacy that does not show the mountains and rocks dew; is a kind of perseverance that does not fear the wind and does not fear the rain; it is a kind of loyalty that does not have a name but not a profit.

11, life is like a mountain, the important thing is not its height, but the spirit show; life is like a rain, the important thing is not its size, but in time.

12, life as a book, should have more wonderful details, less boring words; life as a song, should be more high-pitched melody, less sad notes; life as a painting, should be more bright colors, Less gray shades.

13, life is like a bunch of flowers, carefully watched, you can see its beauty; life like a cup of tea, savor, in order to appreciate the true taste. We should taste the philosophy of life from failure, from success, and from life.

14, taste life, improve humanity. Being is an opportunity, thinking can be improved. People need to constantly break themselves, and they should reassemble themselves.

15. Opportunity depends on oneself. The destiny needs to be grasped by itself. Life is its own staff, and the deterrents don’t play it themselves.

16. Strive hard, the sky is still beautiful, the dream is still pure, let go of yourself, bravely fly in the sky of dreams, I believe I must do better.

17, bitter memories of the old tears falling, I hope that my dreams will laugh.

18. A weak person is afraid of loneliness, and a rational person knows how to enjoy loneliness.

19. There are sunshine and rain dew here, and there are silent figures.

20, love is a winter sun, people who use hunger and cold to feel the warmth of the world; love is a clear spring in the desert, the use of the right to the desperate people to see the hope of life; love is sprinkled on the long dry land A kind of rain, so that the lonely and unaccompanied people immediately get the comfort of the soul.

21, maturity is a bright and not dazzling brilliance, a kind of mellow but not greasy sound, a kind of calmness that does not need to look at others, a kind of atmosphere that finally stops the demand for the surrounding, one ignores the noisy Smile, a kind of brushed abrupt indifference, a thick, no steepness, a height that is not steep.

22, spring flowers will open! If you have experienced winter, then you will have spring! If you have faith, then spring will be far away; if you are paying, then one day you will have a full circle of flowers.

23, when you are in the warm wind, the birds and flowers, the green mountains and the green water, the spring scenery of the fertile land, you will be intoxicated; when you face gold-like silver, fruitful autumn season, you will be delighted. Have you ever thought that the fascinating spring is the heroic after the baptism of the cold, and the beauty of the golden autumn is the crystallization of the smelting after the heat.

24, maternal love is a landscape painting, wash away the lead carvings, leaving fresh and natural; maternal love is like a soulful song, mellow melodious, scorn and sing; maternal love is a gust of wind, blowing off the snow, with The spring is infinite.

25, if you try to find good, beautiful will find you; if you try to respect others, you will also be respected by others; if you try to help others, you will also get help from others. Life is like an echo, what do you send it back, what do you plant,

26, what to harvest, what you get what you get.

27, spring flowers will open! If you have experienced winter, then you will have spring! If you have faith, then spring will be far away; if you are paying, then one day you will have a full circle of flowers.

28, sincerity is a fine wine, the longer the year, the more mellow and strong; sincere is the fireworks, the more beautiful it blooms at the heights; the sincerity is the flowers, and the fragrance is sent to the hands. A lonely heart needs the moisture of love; a cold heart needs the warmth of friendship; a desperate heart needs the support of power.

29, comfort; a pale heart needs sincere help; a door full of guards is closed, how much is the need to open this key!

30. Let us wave a heavy hammer! Every time you are in the most immature part, when youth is gone, those parts will give birth to a thick sun, and eventually become a solid stone, supporting a life that we are no longer young but certainly beautiful.

31. Life is like the sea, tolerance is a boat, boating is in the sea, and the sea is wide; life is like a mountain, tolerance is a path, mountaineering is a path, and the mountain is tall; life is like a song, tolerance is a song, and songs are songs, and the songs of the songs are heard. .

32. Love is a lamp, and the distance in the dark illuminates the distance; love is a poem, the atrium that is warm and eager in the cold; love is the summer wind, the winter sun, the spring rain, the autumn Fruit.

33. The ocean of life is not like the blue lake of Xizi Lake. With the flow of time, it is sometimes as calm as a mirror, sometimes a splash of water, sometimes a huge wave of sky... People will often change after being tested by strong winds and waves. Be stronger.

34. Tolerance lubricates the relationship with each other, eliminates the gap between each other, clears the scruples of each other, and enhances mutual understanding.

35. Warmth is the spring rain that is floating and swaying; warmth is the smile on the face; warmth is the resounding resounding; warmth is a meticulous cooperation.

36. Respect is a spring breeze, a clear spring, a warming Shuxin pill, a potent invigorating agent.

37, maternal love is a drop of nectar, kiss the dry soil, it uses the warmth of drizzle, with the determination of diamonds, looking forward to the fertile ground of shattered light; maternal love is not a freezing point in life, but a flowing river This river has created a beautiful scene of emotion in our lives.

38. With persistence, the loneliness on the journey of life can be paved into a blue sky; with perseverance, loneliness can be interpreted into a row of swan geese; with persistence, joy can bloom into full-flowers.

39. Life is a blooming flower. It blooms beautifully, stretches, and is rich and beautiful. Life is a beautiful little poem, fresh and smooth, and long-lasting meaning; life is a beautiful piece of music with harmonious temperament and melodious life; life is a flowing river. Running, rolling forward.

40. Missing is a poem that lets you read the rhythm on ordinary days; it is a shower that makes you wet in the boring days; it is a sunshine that makes your gloomy days clear.

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