Inspirational Quotes > Famous Quotes

Famous sayings in ancient languages

1. In a word, the state is lost.

2. The gentleman is ashamed of his words and goes through his actions.

3. Don't know if you don't know someone, you don't know people.

4. See the sages, see the innocent and introspect.

5. Do not be righteous, no brave.

6. A slain can't be humiliated.

7. Listening to the way, the abandonment of Germany

8. Learn and think about it, ask questions and think about it, and benevolent in it.

9. Yiyou Sanyou, friendliness, friendliness, friendliness, benefit.

10. It’s too much to change without changing.

11. The gentleman does not seek food, and he is not worried about poverty.

12. Let's not let the teacher.

13. The evil will be seized, and the good will be seized.

14. Loss of the three music: Le Jiaodong, music tour, music, music, loss.

15. A gentleman has three fears: fear of destiny, fear of adults, fear of saints.

16. It’s not a pleasure to have friends coming from afar!

17. There is no long-term concern, and there must be near sorrow.

18. The gentleman is in Yu Yi, and the villain is Yu Li.

19. Thirty stands, forty does not confuse, fifty knows destiny, sixty is pleasing, seventy is from the heart, not over the moment.

20. The person who knows the time is Junjie.

21. Living with a good person, such as entering the room of Zhilan, for a long time without smelling it, that is, with it, and with people who are not good, such as the abalone, long time without smelling it, but also with it.

22. Years of cold, then know the pines and cypresses.

23. If a gentleman learns from the day and the province participates in his own affairs, then he will not be too wise.

24. Threesome, there must be my teacher.

25. Words must be done, and the results must be fruitful.

26. Be sensitive to things and be cautious.

27. Do not use words to raise people, not to blame.

28. The deceased, such as Steve, stayed up late.

29. People with lofty ideals, no survival, no harm, no killing.

30. If you come, you will be safe.

31. If there is a change, if it is not, then it will be crowned.

32. Knowing what you know is not knowing what you know, but knowing.

33. As soon as I heard the news, I could die.

34. The three armed forces can also win the handsome, and the husband can not be ambition.

35. Do not do it to others.

36. The benevolent sees benevolence, the wise sees wisdom.

37. A gentleman loves money and has a proper way.

38. Satisfied with food, hard work and hardship.

39. The use of rituals is more expensive.

40. Use and love people to make the people take time.

41. Is it tolerable, can't bear it?

42. Listen to what you say and see what you do.

43. Talk to a friend and have a letter.

44. Self-cultivation, family, governance, and the world

45. Everything is hesitant, and if he is not hesitant, he will be abolished

46. ​​Love knows its evil, knows its good.

47. Jade does not mean nothing, people don’t know.

48. Learn, then know enough, teach, and then sleep.

49. The tyranny is fierce.

50. Things are gathered together, and people are divided into groups.

51. Full damage, modest benefits.

52. For the mountain, you will lose money.

53. Good medicine is good for the disease, and the words are good for the ears.

54. On the avenue, the world is public.

55. Knowing shame is almost brave.

56. The way of civil and military, one by one.

57. When the poor is changed, the change is passed, and the general rule is long.

58. The people are Bangben, Ben Gubanging.

59. Reciprocity is coming and going, not to be indecent.

60. One leaf is blind, not Mount Tai. Two ears of stuffed beans, do not smell the thunder.

61. It is universally applicable.

62. The emperor cannot be a day.

63. The fire of the stars can be restored.

64. The truth is not good, the grievances and their people.

65. Sensitive and eager to learn, not ashamed to ask.

66. Knowing the new things, you can be a teacher.

67. Learning without thinking is awkward, thinking without learning is awkward.

68. It’s a pleasure to learn from time to time!

69. The gentleman is a friend of the text, with friends and assistants.

70. The gentleman is open and the villain is always jealous.

71. Forgetting to eat, happy to forget the excellent, I do not know the old is coming.

72. To report complaints directly, to report to Germany.

73. The gentleman asks for himself, and the villain asks for others.

74. Ingenuity and chaos, small can not bear to chaos.

75. The road is different and does not work together.

76. The worry of Ji Sun is not in the hustle and bustle, but also within the Xiao wall.

77. Unfairness without suffering from poverty, uneasy and uneasy.

78. There is no poverty, no oligo, no peace.

79. Learning is not tired, and people are tireless.

80. Unjust, rich and expensive, like me.

81. The people can make it impossible to know.

82. Not in his place, not in charge of his administration.

83. There have been deaths since ancient times, and the people have no faith.

84. Love wants to live, evil desires to die.

85. Politicians, just as well. Is the son handsome, right?

86. If the name is not correct, then the words are not smooth and the words are not smooth.

87. His body is not doing what he wants; his body is not right, although he is not.

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