Secretarial knowledge > apology letter

A letter of apology written to a lover (couple)

Classic apology information
1 You seem to be angry, and my heart is not good! If I made this mistake, I hope you can forgive! If I can't forgive, I can't forgive myself.

2 You are happy and worry-free, I am really infatuated with you, I am worried about your heartache, I have been heartbroken, I am not afraid to change my mind, I don’t want to be suspicious, I am afraid that you are unintentional!

3 Forgive me! I know that I am wrong. If you can't forgive me, then keep calling me! I am willing to be picked up by you!

4 The person who loves me is you, the person who hurts you is me, willing to heal your wounds with heart, willing to hold hands again...

5 I know that you are angry, and every time you get angry, I am so scared, understand me, okay? please forgive me?

6 Little women, but I like it very much. I won’t make you angry anymore, miss you, miss you, and hate you!

7 I have completely figured it out. Maybe I have been putting too much pressure on you all the time. I know that you are also very bitter and tired. Some things, you have your difficulties, your hardships.

8 I don't know how to speak, but I still have to say sorry.

9 Without forgiveness, life will be controlled by endless hatred and revenge. I really don't mean to hurt you. I really want to be reconciled with you. Please forgive me.

10 Although we often quarrel, and what we say to you, they are all arrogant, but I still love you very much in my heart.

11 I know. You must be angry. Because I saw: your hair has blown up.

12 My mobile phone will always be on for you. If you are willing to forgive me, feel free to contact me.

13 I am wrong! The lady is gentle and wise, has a good family, knows the book, I don't know how to appreciate, I am sorry for you, please forgive me!

14 If my greetings scratch you, I am helpless; if you and I are a burden, I am very sad; if the distance of the heart is far from me, I am sorry; if everything has passed, please express it.

15 Sorry, I hurt your heart, please forgive me, I will hurt you for a lifetime and love you as compensation!

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