Secretarial knowledge > apology letter

Letter of apology to classmates

Part 1: A apology letter to classmates

Hello there! Speaking of the morning, I feel a bit hard to say. In fact, after the first English class, I wanted to hold the homework in the office as usual and play with my friends. I didn't expect that moment when I was about to close the door, I didn't know where a ghost idea suddenly came out of my brain: You didn't come out, locked the door, anyway, you are alone! So, my ghost made the door zipper pull from the door. In fact, I just want to make you play, give you a joke, and there is no revenge or bad. But the mistakes of the matter are still going on. I did not correct my fault in time. Because I was eager to give the teacher something, I completely forgot the matter! I played a lot of fun on the playground until the bell rings.

After class, the campus is quiet. The math teacher began to explain the content of this class, I listened carefully. However, today the teacher seems to be out of the state, how can I always look out the window? Just when I was puzzled, the teacher suddenly ran out in a hurry, like something happened! The hateful thing is that at this time I still don't think of you who are still in the house... Fortunately, a teacher heard your crying and rescued you in time. Looking at you with tears in your face, looking at the back of a class you are crying, I really realized: I was wrong! I really hope that time can go backwards. I really hope that this has not happened. I hope you can forgive me!

Part 2: A letter of apology to classmates

Xiao: First of all, I sincerely apologize to you, I am sorry, I shouldn’t talk to you on the day of leaving. My mood can’t be calm for a long time. I ask for your forgiveness. I was not in a good mood that day. I didn’t have the basic ability when I saw the results. Good test, I said that I didn't want to test at all. The fact is that after that, my English has been hurting after the test. I was not in the state, but he said, "No matter what you say, I feel good in my heart." I was angry at the time. I don't understand why I didn't test him well but I felt better. I was speechless and sad. Every time I wanted to get along with him, he always hurt me. I don't know why. In fact, I have always admired you. You are very good. You are very enthusiastic about classmates. You are different from me. You are excellent in all aspects. Sometimes you don’t show it, but you want to be a good student. I am different. I have too much pressure to learn, but I have not received good results. I am also making a little progress. My starting point is far, there is no ability to think. High school learning makes me very difficult. I have to admit that I am small, I am open to accept failure, I feel helpless, I began to learn to be low-key, will not laugh at anyone who is not as good as me, of course, I do not want others to do this to me, I am afraid of others Hurt me when I am most vulnerable. I hope you can understand, I know that you are joking me, but I still can't control myself. I am really sorry. I am going to high school soon. Maybe we are no longer classmates, but I hope that you can always remember. I am a bit awkward, and I need a lot of help in the days to come.

Chapter 3: A letter of apology to classmates

XX: See the letter! When you see this letter, I don't know if you will blame me for being ruthless. To be honest, I don't want to hurt you too deeply, so I have to tell my choice, I hope you can understand and understand my choice. I don't know if I should say this, but it is true. I think it is better to let your heart understand. In my heart, you can only take the position of a classmate. Of course, we can only maintain the relationship of classmates. I am very grateful for the encouragement and help you have given me in the past study life, I will remember your benefits. Because I can't treat you as a special friend at all, and no one except him can walk into my heart. I don't think that there is anything in his place that deserves my deep love. Maybe there is a reason to love someone. This is my own point of view. Although I met him only through the Internet until I got to know each other, I decided that I really fell in love with him. Perhaps this is the fate that brought me and him together. This is a hard-won thing for me. I won't give up easily, and I have to carefully care for it forever. I hope you can understand my mood! Although I kept in touch with him by phone and QQ, I can be sure that he is a very sincere person who deserves my love. The love between me and him is not mixed with money and interests. It is a pure love. I hope that you can bless me and his true love. Finally, I wish you a bright future and have a good mood every day! Thank you for supporting this emotion between me and him!

Chapter 4: A letter of apology to classmates

Zhu Zhengtao, hello! Today, because I am yelling at you, it will lead you to a blow from He Yuheng because of your reply. Please don’t take this matter to heart. Here, I am going to you. Expressed a great apology, sorry for saying it! I shouldn't be against you because of your few gossips. After all, this is also a trivial matter. I shouldn't be mad at you because of the anger of the moment and the frivolity of the moment. After all, it is because of me, you are like this. . Although you like pranks: slap a slap in the back of others, put crystal mud in someone's mouth, and spit in the water to let others drink... but you also have many intriguing advantages: loyalty to friends, things If you bear it yourself, there will be a "doubt" that will solve the problem and find a way out. Perhaps, one day in the future, we will think of the country hour. I am doing a lot with you because of the trivial matter. When I look back, I find that it is not worth it. . Therefore, we must cherish the present friendship, we are still good friends. Although the wound on your chest is still hurting. Sincerely

Chapter 5: A letter of apology to classmates

Hello there! You must not know me, but I know you, you will ask me, how do I know you? In fact, when I was very young, I knew you when I knew the word "河"! I am looking for you today to "sorry!" I am very sorry, because I threw three small pieces of paper on your body yesterday; because I threw a few bags to you last week; because last month I I spilled the sewage on you; because I was in the first half of the year... I can’t say it, I have nothing to say, I am really sorry for you, making you dirty and dirty. I am also very sorry for the cleaners, I have added a lot of trouble to them. I am also sorry for everyone because it pollutes precious water resources. I regret it very much, I regret it. I hope that when I return to my childhood, I will not pour the sewage on you, and I will not throw the garbage at you. But everything is late, late, I am no longer a child, I have poured sewage into you, throwing garbage, everything is over, I have to make up for my fault, I promise not to throw garbage at you, Splashing sewage. I have to lead by example, tell my classmates, tell my brother and sister not to do this, sorry for the river! However, please believe me, I will do it! You don't want to cry in the river, don't be angry in the river, don't be sad in the river, you must be happy, please believe us, you will be more beautiful soon!

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