Secretarial knowledge > Recommendation

Industrial project proposal format

I. General
1. Project Name:
2. Overview of the organizer
3. Proposed location:
4. Construction content and scale:
5. Construction period:
6. Estimated investment:
7. Benefit Analysis:
Second, the necessity and conditions of project construction
1. Analysis of the necessity of construction
2. Analysis of construction conditions: including site construction conditions and other provisions

Piece analysis
3. Evaluation of resource conditions: including resource availability and resource quality

, resource occurrence conditions|
Third, the construction scale and product plan
1. Construction scale
2. Product plan 4, technical plan, equipment plan and engineering plan technical plan
1. Production method 2, main process plan of process flow
1. Main equipment selection 2. Main equipment source engineering plan
1. Architectural features, structure and area plan of buildings and structures
2, the amount of construction and installation and the "three materials" usage estimate
3. List of major construction and construction projects |
V. Investment Estimation and Fund Raising Investment Estimation
1. Construction investment estimate
2. Liquidity estimation
3. Investment estimate table financing
1. Self-raised funds 2. Other sources 6. Benefit analysis Economic benefits
1. Estimated sales revenue
2. Cost estimate
3. Profit and tax analysis
4. Investment recovery period 5. Investment profit rate Social benefits 7. Conclusions |

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