Secretarial knowledge > Recommendation

Proposal for the protection of the earth

Classmates, friends:
With the development of industry, our planet is increasingly being destroyed, as the text of "The Funeral of the Great Falls" says: People are deforested, and the water that is not controlled is used to dry up the water of the big cloth. Think about our side, is there such an example? For example, some people do not close the faucet after using the water every day, so that the water is lost by drop. There are also many students who love to eat snacks, litter after eating, and affect the environment. Be aware that there is only one planet in our world! In order to protect the earth, I make the following recommendations:
1. Don't litter. When we have finished eating snacks, we will throw the snack package into the garbage bin. We can also put a plastic bag at the table for pencil shavings. The garbage in our lives is divided into recyclable and non-recyclable garbage, and then thrown into the designated trash.
2, we use less disposable items in our lives, use more recyclable items, such as: we should use batteries, lunch boxes, chopsticks, etc. as little as possible.
3, we can not deforestation, but to plant trees. If every tree in the world is planted, the world will be full of life.
4. We need to save water. China is a “poor water” country. There are many areas lacking water, so we need to save water.
5. We cannot overuse chemicals, otherwise it will pollute the environment and affect human health.
6. We humans cannot exploit natural resources unrestrainedly, leaving a legacy for our children and grandchildren. "But save the land and keep it with the children!"
Classmates let us start from the little things around us, protect the earth, protect the environment, and protect natural resources!
A sixth grader student xxx
October 28, XX

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