Secretarial knowledge > Recommendation

Protection of campus proposals

Dear students, How are you!

I am a student of six classes, Xu Yinan. This semester, our school is undergoing renovations, beautiful teaching buildings, bright classrooms, and we are happy to learn, such a beautiful campus, we should cherish. I hope that my classmates will see my proposal and can get rid of the previous bad habits.

In the past, some students used to be accustomed to lettering on the plants, tables and chairs on campus, scribbling on the wall, throwing rubbish on the ground, and smashing the doors of the classroom, causing many classroom doors to break.

This semester, we can't do this anymore. For this, I propose the following:

1. Take care of the school's public property and grass and trees.

2. Throw the rubbish into the appropriate bin. Do not sprinkle water after washing your hands. Otherwise, it will be dirty after you step on it.

3. Don't bring snacks to school, such as chewing gum, it is difficult to clean up on the ground.

Protecting the campus is something that every one of us should do. Everyone should do the above. Let us learn on a clean and beautiful campus every day. It is not our own benefit.

I hope my proposal will make our campus more beautiful.

Suggested by: Xu Yinan (Teacher: Lu Yuyu

October 31, 2019

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