Fan Wen Daquan > Contract Model > Labor Contract Model

Hire a full-time part-time lawyer contract

Hire a full-time lawyer contract

Party A: _____
Party B: _____

Both Party A and Party B have introduced each other to the relevant contents of the main contents of this contract. On the basis of voluntary equality and mutual trust, this contract has been signed for mutual compliance.

Article 1 Party B voluntarily applies to Party A to work as a lawyer, and Party A decides to employ Party B as the lawyer of the firm.

Article 2 Party B's appointment is a _____ lawyer, whose scope of work is the various lawyers' business as stipulated by national laws.

Article 3 Party A's Rights and Obligations

Party A may exercise the following rights during the term of this contract:

1. Arrange work for Party B and assign tasks;
2. Supervise and inspect the work of Party B;
3. When Party B’s outstanding work performance or all major contributions to the affairs, rewards shall be given; penalties for violations of discipline and discipline that occur in Party B’s work shall be punished;
4. Determine or adjust Party B’s salary and benefits.

Party A’s obligations:

1. Allow Party B to obtain labor remuneration in a timely manner;
2. To enable Party B to enjoy the labor insurance benefits of the firm reasonably;
3. Provide certain working conditions for Party B to perform its duties;
4. Maintain Party B’s lawful rights and interests in performing its duties in accordance with the law;
5. Facilitate and create conditions for Party B to update knowledge and further study.

Article 4 The rights and obligations of Party B

During the term of this contract, Party B has the following rights:

1. Performing a lawyer's position according to law;
2. Obtaining labor compensation;
3. Advising and criticizing the management of the firm;
4. Apply to join a partnership lawyer on the conditions specified by the firm;
5. resignation.

Party B’s obligations:

1. Comply with the rules and regulations of the firm, accept the leadership and supervision of the firm, and obey the work arrangements;
2. In the performance of a lawyer's position, it must not violate national laws and violate professional ethics;
3. Do not engage in activities that are detrimental to the reputation of the firm;
4. Continuously improve their actual work ability and business quality.

Article 5 Labor Remuneration and Benefits:

Party B's labor remuneration and welfare benefits during the validity period of this contract shall be implemented in accordance with the “Administrative Measures on Labor Wages and Benefits” formulated by the firm.

Article 6 Change and dissolution of the contract

In the following cases, the transaction ownership unilaterally cancels the contract:

1. Applicants apply for violation of the rules and regulations of the firm, do not actively perform their duties, and discourage them from changing;
2. Applying a lawyer is a serious violation of work discipline or a violation of professional ethics;
3. Applicants are disqualified from lawyers for violation of law and discipline;
4. Applicants should not continue to perform their duties for other reasons.

The contract is lifted by itself in the following cases:

1. Applicants should be enlisted to join the army and settle abroad or study abroad;
2. Applicants who are unable to continue to perform their duties for six months due to illness or personal accidents;
3. Not working for no more than one month without work;
4. Approved to become a cooperative lawyer of the firm;
5. The firm revoked or went bankrupt.

The contract can be changed in the following cases:

1. Negotiated by both parties;
2. When the national policy ordinance changes.

Article 7 Within one month after the contract is terminated, Party B shall immediately hand over the relevant files, file materials and lawyer's work license, and handle the business handover procedures to stop performing the duties of lawyers.

Article 8 Term of the contract

This contract is valid for _____ years, from the date of the signature of the contract to the date of ___year ___ ___, when the contract expires, the two parties may apply for renewal.

Article 9 This contract shall be made in triplicate. Each Party A and Party B shall hold one copy and report to the judicial administrative organ for the record, and three copies shall have the same effect.

Article 10 This contract shall come into force on the date of signature by both parties.

person A person B:_____
Signature of the director: _____
___Year ___月___日___年___月___日

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