Inspirational Quotes > Aphorisms

Thanksgiving maxim

1. The ecstasy is more powerful than the wickedness of lying, vanity, tongue, alcoholism or other fragile hearts. - English proverb

2. Those who are ungrateful are in difficulty and cannot be saved. - Greek proverb

3. Gratefulness is the tiniest of virtue, and ingratitude is the worst in character. - English proverb

4. Despicable villains are always ungrateful and ungrateful. - Hugo

5. The bees are from the flowers, and the camp is thankful when they leave. The boastful butterfly believes that flowers should be thanked to him. - Tagore

6. Charitable behavior can relieve others' suffering more than money. - Rousseau

7. Know your parents, and have children in your arms. - Japanese proverb

8. No matter how proud a person is, they should drink their thoughts. It should be remembered that their teachers have planted the first seeds for their growth. - Mrs. Curie

9. Do your best and die.

10. The crow has the righteousness to feed back, and the sheep knows the grace of the milk.

11. The grace of dripping water, when the spring is reported.

12. The bees are honeydled from the flowers and thank the camp when they leave. The boastful butterfly believes that the flower should thank him - Tagore

13. People help me, never forget; I help others, don't mind. - Hua Luogeng

14. Every kind of blessing has a barb that will catch the mouth that swallows the favor, and the benefactor wants to take him where he gets it. - Tang En

15. Forgiveness is more powerful than lying, vanity, rap, alcoholism, or other evils that exist in the hearts of vulnerable people. - English proverb

16. Despicable villains are always ungrateful: ungratefulness is originally a despicable part. - Hugo

17. Those who are ungrateful are in difficulty and cannot be saved. - Greek proverb

18. If a person is greatly blessed and later has a bad purpose with the benefactor, he must take care of his own decent and must be more vicious than an unrelated stranger. He must prove that the other person's sin can explain his ruthlessness. - Sacre

19. Thanks for being the tiniest of virtue, ungratefulness is the worst of bad habits. - English proverb

20. The ignorant person wanted to do something good, but the result was not harmful; Xiaoxiu pulled out his mother's feathers and thought that he would repay the goodness of parenting. - Tibetan slang

21. The grace of the parents, the water cannot be smashed, and the fire cannot be extinguished. - Soviet proverb

22. Father Enbi is high and mother is deeper than the sea. - Japanese proverb

23. Know your parents, and have children in your arms. - Japanese proverb

24. The child-raising party knows how hard the mother is, and the woman who knows how to thank her. - Japanese proverb

25. I don’t know the old lady since I was a child. - Japanese proverb

26. I don’t know if I don’t know if I don’t care for my family. --Chinese Sayings

27. The filial son's ambition is not to be respected or respected; - Mencius 2, mourning parents, giving birth to me. - "Book of Songs"

28. One day is a teacher, and life is a father.

29. Who is arrogant and has won three Chunhui.

30. The grace of dripping water is reported by the spring.

31. Being a man is like a candle. There is a heat, a light, a light, and a warmth. ——Xiao Chu female

32. Life needs a grateful heart to create, and a grateful heart needs life to nourish. - Wang Fu

33. The draught does not forget to dig wells.

34. Knowing the truth, it’s a good idea.

35. The sheep have the grace of breastfeeding, and the crow has the righteousness to feed back.

36. Borrowing the vast waters of the Yangtze River, the research is for Han Mozhen.

37. Invest in peach and report it to Lee.

38. One father raises ten sons and ten sons raise one father.

39. Look at the world and go to the smoke, remembering that the feelings are like blood.

40. The father is higher than the mountain, and the mother is deeper than the sea.

41. The grace of a meal, when the world never forgets.

42. The fish knows the water and is the source of happiness.

43. Poor parents in the world.

44. The grace of knowing is not forgotten.

45. Sorrowing parents, not raising children without knowing their parents.

46. ​​God is willing to pity the grass, the world is late.

47. Thank you for your fate, thank the people, thank you for your thoughts, and thank everyone I want to thank. - Lu Xun

48. The love of the parents is far-reaching.

49. People help me, never forget; I help others, don’t mind. - Hua Luogeng

50. I don’t know if I don’t know how to raise a child, I don’t know how to raise a child.

51. Enthusiasm, resentment, complaints, short complaints, and grace.

52. Gratefulness is a spiritual treasure. - Locke

53. Gratitude is the health of the soul. - Nietzsche

54. There is no real virtue without gratitude. - Rousseau

55. The most beautiful scene in the world is when we miss our mother. - Maupassant

56. The importance of the family is mainly because it enables parents to get emotional. - Russell

57. The virtues of parents are a huge asset. - Horace

58. How similar the mothers of the world are! Their hearts are always the same, and they all have a very pure heart. - Whitman

59. The grace of the parents, the water cannot be smashed, and the fire cannot be extinguished. - Former Soviet proverb

60. Raising the child knows the mother is hard, and the woman knows Xie Niang. - Japanese proverb

61. Being a man is like a candle. There is a heat, a light, a light, and a warmth. ——Xiao Chu female

62. Life requires a grateful heart to create, and a grateful heart needs life to nourish. - Wang Fu

63. Do your best and die. - Zhuge Liang, "After the Teacher"

64. The crow has the righteousness to feed back, and the sheep knows the grace of the milk.

65. The grace of dripping water, when the spring is reported.

66. Who is arrogant and has won three Chunhui.

67. The bees are honeydled from the flowers and thank the camp when they leave. The boastful butterfly believes that flowers should be thanked to him. - Tagore

68. People help me, never forget; I help others, don’t mind. - Hua Luogeng

69. Every kind of blessing has a barb that will catch the mouth that swallows the favor, and the benefactor wants to take him wherever he is. - Tang En

70. Forgetting is more powerful than lying, vanity, rap, alcoholism, or other evils that exist in the hearts of vulnerable people. - English proverb

71. Despicable villains are always ungrateful: ungratefulness is originally a despicable part. - Hugo

72. Those who are ungrateful are in difficulty and cannot be saved. - Greek proverb

73. If a person is greatly blessed and later has a bad purpose with the benefactor, he must consider his own decentness and must be more vicious than an unrelated stranger. He must prove that the other person's sin can explain his ruthlessness. - Sacre

74. Thanks are the tiniest of virtues, and ungratefulness is the worst of bad habits. - English proverb

75. The ignorant person wanted to do something good, but the result was not harmful; Xiaoxiu pulled out her mother's feathers and thought that she would repay her parenting. - Tibetan slang

76. The grace of the parents, the water cannot be smashed, and the fire cannot be extinguished. - Soviet proverb

77. Father Enbi is high and mother is deeper than the sea. - Japanese proverb

78. Know your parents, and have children in your arms. - Japanese proverb

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