Inspirational quotes

Joint exam sprinting inspirational quotes

1. There is an end to the sea of ​​bitterness. And learning is boundless, the Zhizhan warfare test, the lazy are afraid of the joint entrance exam.

2. Hard work for a lifetime.

3. Decide on the joint entrance exam and change your destiny. Repeated and frustrated, laughing and arrogant.

4. How many times can life be back? Now, don’t wait for it? Cherish the opportunity, let the golden years collide with a more splendid spark!

5. There is no direction without a goal, and each learning stage should set a goal for yourself.

6. Strictly on weekdays, the joint entrance exam is calm.

7. Faster, higher, and stronger. The lead is the gold medal.

8. The entrance examination is a comprehensive examination than knowledge, ability, psychology, confidence, and physical strength.

9. "Talking about efficiency" has two meanings: one is not to do whatever it takes, and the other is to save time and effort. Fast action is about efficiency; organized is about efficiency; concentration is about efficiency; planning is also about efficiency.

10. The hardest question, for you, is not necessarily the last one.

11. The results of the simulation must not become a burden and become a shadow.

12. The closer you are to the exam, the more you have to work harder.

13. If we want more roses, we must plant more roses.

14. Even if you climb to the highest mountain, you can only take a step on the ground.

15. Imaginary will come up with a lot of wonderful ideas, but I can't do anything.

16. Many days are destined to be "life"; but you can decide how to face it, that is "transport"!

17. The long way, you can finish step by step, and then you can't reach without a foot.

18. What is success? It is through all the roads to failure, leaving only one way, that is the road to success.

19. To endure the pain that others can't bear, to eat the bitterness that others can't eat, is to harvest the gains that others can't get.

20. I have no hope for my hard work, and I have a hard time.

21. The head cantilever beam, the cone is thorny, and the towel is a singular book.

22. It is the eagle that fights the sky, and the tiger is the voice of the valley.

23. Release the ATP and fight for the first place.

24. Knowledge changes fate and diligently creates the future.

25. Fight for a year, spring, summer, autumn and winter, and fight for a lifetime without regrets.

26. Instead of envying others, it is better to speed up your own steps.

27. Sprint all the way, laughing to the end.

28. I am confident, I am fighting, I am outstanding, I am successful.

29. I will not hesitate to succumb to today’s glory.

30. Don't find a reason for failure, think of success

31. Try your best to win the joint exam, and work hard to laugh

32. Work hard and fly to your own tomorrow!

33. How many blogs can you have in your life?

34. Leave a little more sweat and leave a little tear.

35. There are no rehearsals in life, and every detail is live broadcast.

36. Learning is not necessarily successful, and learning without it must not be successful.

37. When everything was hopeless, the stone-cutting worker slammed on his head hundreds of times without seeing any cracks. But in the 100th time, the stone was split in half. I realized that it was not the blow, but the tapping in front made it split. I hope that the middle school students and friends will do anything. As long as you look for it, don't give up, because success is in the next step.

38. I feel that in the era of secondary school, you must be self-disciplined and call it “heart”. "Spring is not a day of reading, summer is just a good night's sleep, autumn mosquitoes are cold in winter, and I am carrying a schoolbag to be next year." Some students always have some reasons for not wanting to learn. If this continues, our tree of learning will never grow. The ancients said: "People are quiet and then safe, and then settled, and then Hui, Hui and then realize, enlighten and then." It makes sense.

39. Tsinghua University's style of study is "single is better than words". It is my motto. I also hope to share with middle school students and friends. At the same time, I hope that you can understand: a real marathon athlete will never wait for the Olympic gold medal to fall from the sky. Let's act now. I am waiting for you in Tsinghua!

40. Learning is an unremitting process, and it is difficult to achieve success without stopping. For example, boiled water, stopped at 80 degrees, waited for the water to cool and burned, did not boil and stop, so it took time and again, it took extra effort and electricity, it was difficult to drink water. The same is true for learning. If you study any homework, you can't have only three minutes of heat, but you have to be motivated, insist on it every day, and for a long time, whether it is the champion or the Iraqi, you will beckoning to you.

41. Instead of taking the time to fabricate an excuse for not learning well, it is better to sit down and think about the way to learn; instead of finding a thousand reasons to say that you are not a blind person, it is better to learn to prove that you are a smart person. people.

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