Secretarial knowledge > commitment

The Party Branch of the Bureau of Land and Resources Bureau

Actively participating in the establishment of advanced party organizations and striving for outstanding Communist Party members is an important regular work of party building. Grassroots party organizations are leading party members to connect with reality, seek truth and be pragmatic, promote scientific development, promote social harmony, and serve the people. Battle Fortress. In the in-depth development of the first-class competition, we promise:
1. Adhere to the guidance of Deng Xiaoping Theory, the important thinking of the "Three Represents" and the scientific outlook on development, conscientiously implement the party's line, principles, and policies, organize party members to carry out in-depth competitions for excellence, and be pioneers in creating excellence. Promote new development and make positive contributions.
2. Organizing party members to conscientiously study Marxism-Leninism, Mao Zedong Thought, Deng Xiaoping Theory, and the important thinking of the "Three Represents", study and practice the scientific development concept, learn the party's line, principles, policies, and resolutions, learn the basic knowledge of the party, and study science. Cultural, legal and business knowledge.
3. Propagandize and implement the party's line, principles, policies, propaganda and implementation of the resolutions of the Party Central Committee, the superior organizations, and the Party and Party Groups, give full play to the role of the party's fighting bastion and the vanguard and exemplary role of party members, and combine the tasks of land resources management work and It is characterized by strengthening the party's ideological, organizational, work style, system, anti-corruption and building a clean government, earnestly fulfilling the duties and responsibilities of the work, and comprehensively completing the tasks assigned by the party group.
Fourth, educate, manage, supervise and serve party members, improve the quality of party members, strengthen party spirit, strictly organize party life, conduct criticism and self-criticism, maintain and enforce party discipline, supervise party members to fulfill their obligations, and protect party members' rights. Infringed. Practice the socialist core value system, strengthen the construction of professional ethics, social morality and family virtues, and promote the formation of a good social atmosphere.
V. Focusing on the scientific development goals and continuously improving the quality of service, service quality and work level, party members influence and lead the masses to complete various tasks with exemplary actions. Strive to create "five good" advanced grassroots party organizations and strive to be "five-lead" outstanding Communists.
6. Strengthen the sense of purpose and serve the people. Closely maintain the flesh-and-blood ties with the people, fully respect the people, rely on the people, listen carefully to the voices of the people, reflect the wishes of the people in a timely manner, actively care for the sufferings of the people, and help the people solve the practical difficulties encountered in production and life. Consciously practice the party's purpose, actively participate in party members' volunteer service activities, and do a good job for the people to do practical things and serve the people in a real way.
Seventh, combined with the actual situation of the land and resources management work of our county, we will carry out various tasks closely around the central tasks of the Party Group at different stages. Contribute to the county's land and resources industry to a new level.

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