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Reading "Hawkin in a wheelchair"

Hawking, who is known as the "king of the universe," suffered from Lugar's disease, which causes muscle atrophy at the age of 21. It will be completely paralyzed soon. In 1985, he had a tracheal operation for pneumonia and he could no longer speak. The doctor had diagnosed that Hawking could only live for two years. But he has lived tenaciously for more than forty years. Moreover, he discovered the evaporation of black holes in this universally recognized difficulty, inferred the big black hole explosion, became the master of astrophysics... and was selected as the youngest member of the Royal Society, becoming only like A great scientist like Newton can be a professor at the Lucasson Mathematics Lecture. Not only that, he did not think that fate cruelly caused him to lose too much. On the contrary, he thought that he should be happy for everything he had.
It can be seen that Hawking has a scientific spirit of constant search and a brave and strong personality force. He is not only a legendary physics genius, but also an optimistic, fateful, and convincing life force, an extraordinary person!
Hawking deserves a lot of places to learn. Among them, what I like the most is his brave and tenacious personality strength and the spirit of optimism and uprightness. Because, if he is not brave and tenacious, not optimistic, and does not face fate, then he has no courage to live, where is the scientific achievement? Even if he stumbles and steals, it must be inactive, endless, and there will never be such a great achievement. It can even be said that the brave and tenacious personality strength and optimism and the spirit of facing the fate are the biggest reasons for his success.
We can't compare any of our difficulties with Hawking, but are we not afraid of difficulties in our lives? I used to hate practicing calligraphy. I can't calm down and practice words. After reading this article, I know: Hawking has not given up such a big difficulty, I have to give up even if I encounter such a small difficulty. I am determined to overcome all the difficulties and develop a good word!
"Hawking in the Wheelchair" tells us that, like Hawking, with the courageous and strong personality power, and the spirit of optimism and uprightness, we will succeed and create brilliance.

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