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Youth, but also a paper book - reading "The First" "The Last"

When I first saw the book "Initial: Only Remembering Sometimes", what attracted me most was not the cover, not the layout, but the title that made people unable to look away.

During that time, I quarreled with my friends.

To be honest, the number of quarrels with friends is not too small, but it will be reconciled within 2 or 3 days, no matter who bows first and seeks. But that time, it was the first time I didn't intend to reconcile with her.

Having said that, her weight in my heart is still not light, at least no one can compare with it.

Without her days, it is false to say no boring.

In the class, although the friendship with the group is not bad, there are many students who talked, but I don't want to talk to them. So, at school, I lived a day where no one cares and looks like a single shadow. Every day.

In this way, the free time is even more. Without friends, when you have nothing to do every day, the only thing that can make up for the emptiness and loneliness in your heart is to remember the days when you were with her. Savour every thing that she has experienced.

After all, I still can't let her down.

So, I was very excited to see the title: Is this book tailored for me? !

"First" gives people a feeling of sadness.

Her childhood, with her simple eyes to see, is happy. But after seeing through it, it is unfortunate. And I, I can tell everyone with a smile, my childhood is happy, no matter from which angle to interpret. Because my childhood has her - she loves her, loves her.

When she was a child, she paid hard for the people she loved, whether she was grateful or disgusted.

And I don't know whether it is true to her or her, but no matter what, I have done the same for her, like her.

Gradually growing up, for various reasons, her beloved friends, one by one, leaving her, leaving her alone to face the cruel reality. Finally, she no longer has hope, I hope that one day her loved one will say "thank you." and a late "I'm sorry."

Childhood is far away from me, but, I love it, she did not leave me. Although we were in a cold war and had a conflict, but after keeping a distance from her, she was endlessly reluctant and reminiscent of her, reminding me all the time: I can't do it.

Since my friends know what happened to me and her, many people who can't talk to us can't talk. We are familiar with people who are unfamiliar. As long as they know people, they advise us: Let's go early.

I didn't think about it at that time, just casually perfunctory: "You don't understand. I don't want to quarrel with her, but a lot of things don't happen if you don't want to happen. It's not easy to say that you can do it well." And good. As others have said, forgiveness is of course simple, but it can be difficult to trust again. If you don't trust, why bother?"

I have known friends for 4 years and said that I will be divided. Who is not upset? Who is not willing to reconcile? But as I said, many things are not as simple as they seem. Others don't understand the problem between me and her, but to be honest, what do I and she know?

To this day, I wrote down my feelings and pondered it for a long time before I discovered the problems that I have never paid attention to.

As mentioned above, there has been a crack in the friendship with her. There are so many students who will persuade us to reconcile, even the classmates who meet each other occasionally, feel sorry for our demise.

It is the day that is still fresh in memory.

The first day of friendship with grandchildren. I haven't even had time to tell others that everyone has already asked: "Hey, I heard that you have broken up with someone... Really? Are you not sad?" "I usually feel good about you, like sisters." The same, how to say it is finished..." suddenly made me feel helpless.

When I walked out of the classroom, there was always someone in a dark panic and pulled me to the corner and asked, "How do you break up with your grandchildren? What happened? You hurry and okay, although I am not your good friend with Sun Sun. But I am uncomfortable when I look at me."


The incomprehensible inquiry is endless.

I am confused by myself: How do so many people know about us? Why are they not wanting us to break off, even though they are not familiar with us? Why do they feel sorry for the broken things? Do the feelings of my grandson and grandchildren look in my eyes, but remember them?

The book was read a long time ago, and the feeling was written only a long time ago. Because, I have been looking for a sequel to it - "Last: I am left alone."

The sequel to "The Last" is still sad. But the ending, more should be accidents and emotions.

As the book says: God is fair, and the love given to everyone is equal. Before you get less love, there will be more in the future.

Yes. When she was a child, maybe she was unfortunate. Not only was she hurt by people she loved, but she also had such unexpected things, but in her most beautiful years, she met her love. She finally has no need to be foolish enough to pay for others, but she does not get a trace of warmth; she finally does not need to live in the initial bitterness, and in the end can live in the sweetness of those who love her.

Once, I also had a dark time - a day I couldn't forget for a lifetime.

At that time, I had a quarrel with my grandson; many competitions followed; my parents divorced; my grades regressed; my heart that I knew about love was inadvertently scribbled; the last person who left me to persist was I don't care. All kinds of bad news hit me in the night, so I was caught off guard.

After my parents divorced, my father’s temper was a lot of temper, and I was unemployed. Every time I encountered something that didn’t go well, take me as a punching bag. I also always do a lot of small things, and I am not using the questions. The full grievances were not told.

The day that suffocated me, still vivid, still unrecognizable.

I remember that there were so many times, the difficulties in learning, my father’s accusations against me, and various other reasons. I felt desperate for my life, and I felt helpless and embarrassed. I really want to go to the middle of the road and be killed by a car. Only when I die, I am freed. I can ignore it and I don’t have to suffer from those pains.

Can you think about it, it’s so dead, is it worth it? My dream has not yet been realized. My promise with me has not been completed yet. There are so many things, I have not done it; there are so many people, I can’t let go, why are you going to die?

So, I wiped my tears and tried to squeeze a smile. I want to tell everyone: even if I fall, I will laugh with pride. I believe that when the light breaks through the darkness, I think, I will really talk to the gray light, say goodbye, goodbye...

After half a year, the desolate scene of the past was now shining again.

The rift of friendship, after the time sewing, did not consciously repair it as intact; the heart that fell on the edge of disappointment, because of the cold and hot to me, the person who cares for me now, and gradually warmed up.

Spring rains, whose thoughts, who lost the vicissitudes of life?

Youth, but also a paper book, there are regrets left, left with despair, only sigh.

First day: Xie Huiqi

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