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How to read "How is steel made?"

The book "How is steel made?" is the famous writer Nikolay? Ostrovsky wrote. The protagonist in the book is Paul? Kochakin, the book tells the story of the male protagonist Paul Kochta's ups and downs, how he grew up, how to become a good Bolshevik and physical damage.

Paul Koczakin is both a revolutionary fighter and an ordinary young man, but his spirit of perseverance and hard work is convincing. I admire Paul’s revolutionary spirit, which is not afraid of fate and frustration. He is always fighting for the revolutionary cause.

What Paul said about the famous sayings of awakening, I am still fresh in my memory: "The most precious thing for human beings is life. Everyone has only one life. The life of a person should be spent in this way. When he remembers the past, he will not be idle. Years of remorse, and will not be ashamed of inaction; when he is dying, he can say: "My entire life and all my experience have been dedicated to the most magnificent cause in the world - to fight for the liberation of mankind.

We must use Paul as an example to refine our lives and embrace the future with optimism.

Guijiang No. 1 Middle School, Nanhai District, Foshan, Guangdong, China

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