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Reading "Love Education"

The book "Love Education" impressed me a lot. The author wrote in the form of a diary about what happened to a student in the fourth grade of Anglia in Italy. This book shows us life two centuries ago. There are feelings between teachers and students, neighbors, parents and family members, and there is a deep attachment to the homeland.

"Education of Love" is rich in content and the story is true. The characters' movements, language, demeanor and psychological activities in the book are vivid. When reading, I seem to be in these stories. When I read Loperty's story of saving people, my tears flowed unconsciously.

Every story in this book is ordinary and moving. In an ordinary life, a person should cherish family and friendship, and try his best to help those who have difficulties around him, such as the elderly, women who hold children, and people with disabilities... Be polite to people.

"Love Education" is a good book. He makes people feel that this world is full of love.

Jiaozhou City, the beginning of the 26th: Sun Yuhan

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