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Reading "Hawkin in a wheelchair"

I read "Hawking in the Wheelchair". I have recently learned the text "Hawking in the Wheelchair". After I learned it, I was deeply touched. Using the word "strong and unyielding" to describe this scientist with only three fingers - Stephen Hawking is not an exaggeration. His book "A Brief History of Time" in the wheelchair has countless admirers around the world. But fate and Hawking opened a "big joke." When the 21-year-old was in his youth, the disease extended an evil hand to him - Hawking was unfortunately suffering from Lugar's disease, which causes muscle atrophy. But Hawking did not yield to the disease, did not surrender to him, but bravely stood up in difficulties. A few years later, Hawking’s body was smashed by disease, but his mind flew out of the mystery space of tens of billions of light years, discovering and deducing the mysteries that shocked the world.
Hawking is far away from us, and his spirit is very close to us.
As the saying goes, "It’s not a waste of time to break through the iron shoes." In our class, there was a "Little Hawking" who was one of my classmates. One day, he caught a cold and made his body exhausted. But he did not come to school because of this, but he still firmly entered the campus with his schoolbag. There are so many examples like this, as if the stars in the sky are countless. Maybe you will say that this is strange. Yes, this is not surprising, but the most valuable one is the spirit of facing difficulties, not giving in, and not giving up. As the saying goes, "The difficulty is like a spring. If you look strong, you are weak. If you are strong, he will be weak. If you are weak, he will be strong."
Hawking's success is not only because of his persistence, but also because of his grateful heart.
"My fingers can still move;
My brain can still think;
I have the ideal of lifelong pursuit;
Have loved ones and friends who love and love me;
Yes, I have a grateful heart..."
This is a sentence that Hawking said "at the press conference". The words reveal the glorious gratitude of the scientific giant to all things in the world. This meaningful sentence can not help but make my mood unsettled for a long time. Hawking faced a cruel fate and did not complain, but was happy and happy for everything he had. We are trying to learn his spirit of facing up to destiny, optimism, and constant search.
Let us all be a strong, optimistic person!

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