Work Plan > Young Pioneers Work Plan

Young sergeant counselor work plan for the 2013 school year

First, the situation analysis

There are 75 students in this class. Many students have poor study habits and poor foundation. The polarization is obvious. The students with poor grades are relatively unsatisfactory. The parents’ education is not enough. In the new semester, I hope that my classmates will continue to work hard. As a team counselor, I will give them more concern. According to the school moral education implementation plan, strengthen the team members’ behavioral norms education, deepen patriotism education, and do a good job of infiltration and migration of moral education. Establish a good team style and strive to keep moving forward.

Second, the guiding ideology

According to the school work plan, strengthen learning, adhere to the moral education as the core, and focus on teaching. Adhere to the theme of “infiltration within the class” and “extracurricular extension” as the growth point. Adhere to the love of the Communist Party and deepen patriotism, teamwork and socialist education. Advocating ethics: "Love the school, law and integrity, friendship and unity, diligence and self-reliance, dedication and dedication" to help the team to "to educate people with morality, to promote development, to learn to survive, to learn to be a human being." Strengthen the training of team members to establish a correct outlook on life, world outlook and values, and let each student bathe in the sunshine of love and hope to promote quality education in an all-round way.

Third, the specific work content, measures

With the theme of “independence and responsibility”, moral education continues to deepen patriotic education.

1. Standardize the flag-raising ceremony, give full play to the self-management of the players, enhance the patriotism of the team members, and strengthen the education of the leadership of the Communist Party of China.

2. Carry out “self-responsibility” education, focus on the development of team members, cultivate the serious and responsible attitudes and emotions of the players, and the behaviors and abilities to do things well, and strengthen the education of “self-responsibility and responsibility”.

3. Combine the "March 8" Women's Day, Labor Day, Dragon Boat Festival, Children's Day, etc., constantly carry out the love of labor and love the motherland. Aisheng re-education, respecting the old and loving the old, uniting and loving the traditional education, and selecting activists among the players to promote advanced deeds.

4. Formulate the content of the theme team meeting with the guiding ideology of the team members "learn to give, learn to care". As a team director to strengthen guidance.

5. Taking "five love education" as the basic content, starting from knowing oneself: understanding the value of self-existence, understanding the meaning of self-improvement, understanding the present self; starting from being responsible for small things; keeping in mind those who will not do small things, Can't do big things. Cultivate team members willing to do small things and learn to do small things. Increase your sense of responsibility in practice. Continue to carry out a bunch of one-on-one activities, establish a good team style and study style.

Continue to strengthen behavioral education

In order to help the team members "learn to be a person, learn to survive" as the direction, to train the team members' kindness, civilization, obedience, self-discipline, autonomy, friendship, and ideal as the goal, to raise the daily behavior standard, to take the campus culture construction as the carrier.

Each team should have its own goals and measures to create its own special team according to the characteristics of the team.

Based on the past performance of our team and the weaknesses of the players, our team decided to set up a reading team to score good results in the school's activities. Improve your reading and composition.

Because our team's previous behavioral norms were poor, in the first five weeks of behavioral norm education, we focused on civilized rest, civilized exchanges, and at the same time inspected the one-minute preparation bell for civilized classes.

Starting from small things, starting from self-education, everyone acts and establishes a good team style. Good people and good things insist on every day.

To protect public property, each team member must start from protecting and managing his desks and chairs. It is strictly forbidden to scribble, mess, scribble, and doodle on the desk.

Develop good hygiene habits and insist on daily morning and afternoon sweeps. The napkins are banned on campus, and chewing gum is forbidden. It is strictly forbidden to throw litter and debris.

The broadcasting exercise strengthens the inspection and guidance of the entry and exit discipline. Actively participate in the school's autumn games and cultivate team spirit.

Eye health exercises must be further in place and adhere to weekly health education.

The six-star rating activity will continue as usual this semester

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