Work Plan > Young Pioneers Work Plan

2014 National Youth League Work Plan

First, work ideas

1. Do a good job in routine work:

Environmental sanitation. The squadrons must organize students to do a good job of cleaning and sanitation every day. It is necessary to focus on clearing the corners of hygiene, educating and urging students to do well in class preparations. The inside and outside of the classroom must be kept clean and tidy throughout the day.

Civility. All classes must educate students to be civilized, polite, behavioral, and educated, both on campus and off campus. It is necessary to strengthen the inspection of dressing, personal hygiene, and wearing red scarf.

Interdisciplinary discipline. It is necessary to educate students to consciously abide by the various regulations of the inter-class activities. "Politeness, obedience, and cleanliness" must become the conscious actions of every student.

Grasp the routine routine inspection work to promote the formation of good behavior habits. Seriously do a good job in the statistics of the results of the inspections, and fair and impartially incorporate the results of the inspection into the class assessment, so that students can develop good behavior habits without knowing it.

Deepen the "training education series training" activities. Various forms of "good study habits, good labor habits, good living habits, good health habits, good habits of self-protection, good habits of good faith and law-abiding," training series of training activities.

2. Practically strengthen the organization of the school's young pioneers. At the beginning of the period, we will carry out good team activities and actively play the important role of the Young Pioneers in the class building and comprehensive practical activities. Actively advocate the construction of a happy Young Pioneers collective, and guide the Young Pioneers to study diligently, live happily, and develop in an all-round way. Give full play to the role of publicity and education of the newspaper, and constantly improve the quality of the position construction.

3. Team work. Employing teachers with strong sense of responsibility and having a certain number of young pioneers' work experience as junior young team counselors, and carrying out activities in a down-to-earth manner, giving full play to the role of the Young Pioneers in moral education.

4. Focus on vulnerable groups. Special attention should be paid to the education and management of single-parent families, divorced families, poor families, left-behind children and other special families, and effective and effective measures should be taken to transform the students with learning difficulties.

5. Strengthen safety education to ensure the safety of teachers and students. Mainly focusing on safety laws and regulations, with safety common sense as the content, aiming at the characteristics of teachers and students, there are plans and various forms of safety regulations and safety common sense education. Road safety education to ensure student safety.

6. Make full use of the major festivals and carry out various forms of the Young Pioneers theme education activities.

All schools should make full use of major festivals and anniversaries, such as Teacher's Day, Mid-Autumn Festival, National Day, Double Ninth Festival, "10?13" team festivals, etc., and organize a series of various theme education activities in a planned manner. The majority of the team members carry out patriotism, team spirit and revolutionary tradition education to help them firmly establish the ideal of socialism with Chinese characteristics and the correct world outlook, outlook on life and values. During the construction of the team festival, new and old players will join hands to hold a new team member's enrollment ceremony, and extensively carry out the education of the young pioneers' glorious sense to help the young pioneers understand and continuously deepen their understanding of the Young Pioneers team, clarify their rights and obligations, and understand the Young Pioneers organization. The basic nature and mission, clear the position and role of the Young Pioneers in the organization, familiar with the organization life of the Young Pioneers, and guide the Young Pioneers to be proud of the Young Pioneers and willing to add brilliance to the Young Pioneers.

Second, the specific work arrangements:


1. Organize team members to study "China's Small Student Rules" and "National Small Students Daily Behavioral Norms".

2. Improve the team's duty system.

3, "Give a teacher a piece of music, experience the teacher a love" experience educational activities.

4, develop education series training.

5. Organize a group of 100 young pioneers in the sixth grade to participate in the national knowledge contest.

6, the first-year squadron counselors to assist the class guide to hold a good parent meeting.

7, the art group layout propaganda column painting exhibition - welcome the National Day calligraphy and painting special issue.


1. Develop a series of education training.

2. Assist the squadrons of the sixth grade to hold a parent meeting.

3. Promote and subscribe to magazines, newspapers and periodicals. The first-year squadrons publicized and enlisted the "Children's Painting King" and the family education weekly report; the second-grade squadrons were ordered; the third-grade levy of Anhui Youth Daily and the "Youth Expo"; the fourth, fifth and sixth squadrons launched the Young Pioneers to subscribe for XX years. Expo>, the annual price of 60 yuan, of which, the sixth squadron only subscribes for half a year, encouraging one.

4. The squadrons of the fifth grade will arrange an off-campus publicity column.


1. Develop a series of education training.

2. On November 9th, Fire Safety Day, learn about fire protection.

The fourth Sunday of March, April and November is Thanksgiving Day. The squadrons organize team members to carry out a series of activities such as “Thanks for Lovers, Grateful Partners, Grateful Society”, which are given to grateful people in the form of Thanksgiving Letter, Thanksgiving Painting and Thanksgiving Card.

4. The squadrons of the fourth grade will arrange an off-campus publicity column.


1. Develop a series of education training.

2. Combine “12.9” and Charity Day to carry out youth ideological education activities.

3. The squadrons of the sixth grade will arrange an off-campus publicity column.

January 2010

1. In January 1st, I will encourage each team member to send a New Year’s greeting to everyone they meet.

2. Selection and recognition of “three good students” and “excellent young pioneers”.

3. Collect information and summarize the work of the Young Pioneers.

4. Guide the winter vacation life of the young pioneers.

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