Work Plan > Young Pioneers Work Plan

Squadron Young Pioneers Activity Summary

Zhang Chunmei's work for the Young Pioneers has ended this semester. Our squadron has successfully completed the semester's activity planning task under the correct guidance of the school brigade. In order to avoid weaknesses, we will summarize the following.
I. Guided by the spirit of the 16th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, and carrying out a variety of experiential education activities as a carrier, we have carried out the activities of the Young Pioneers in various forms, rich in content and interesting interest. For example, "Autumn Tour Taibao Park"; Tax law knowledge publicity; visit the school team room, watch the " Young Pioneers team entrance ceremony" disc; hold a story meeting, poetry reading, guessing riddle, pull song contest 'founding handwritten newspaper...
two. The activity time is on time and normal; the activity program is orderly. On the Thursday afternoon of the third class, the squadron counselor wears a bright red scarf and organizes weekly activities according to the activity steps.
three. High-performance activities Through a variety of diverse and colorful Young Pioneers activities, students can acquire knowledge and exercise their will in a relaxed and pleasant environment. Received a gratifying educational effect.
In short, through the semester of the Young Pioneers activities, the children of our squadrons are really not too small. During the event, they solved a lot of knowledge about the Young Pioneers , grew up their knowledge, and cultivated their love for beauty, thus cultivating students to love the motherland. Love nature, love life's thoughts and feelings. Let them establish a lofty ideal, develop good quality, and be fully prepared for the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation. First, the guiding ideology is guided by the work of the district working committee and the school, and conscientiously implements the requirements of General Secretary Hu Jintao for the "diligent study, happy life, and all-round development" proposed by young children, and actively guides the young pioneers by experiencing education. Participate in the practice, so that the majority of young pioneers can grow up healthily in the Young Pioneers organization, comprehensively improve the team members, and strive to create a small and practical.
Second, focus on improving various systems and earnestly grasping the infrastructure of the Young Pioneers .
1. Strengthen the team building of counselors. The Young Pioneers Organization of our school will always do a good job in the preparation, selection and training of counselors, implement the relevant policies of counselors, organize counselors' learning, work, create a good environment and conditions, and hold regular counselor meetings to organize Study research work and improve the work of the young pioneers of the counselors.
2. Strengthen the construction of the Young Pioneers position. Continue to run the school red scarf "Colorful Maple" TV station. Focus on the management and training of the team committee, discipline supervision team, and green guards team. Give full play to the functions and functions of the team committee, discipline supervision team, green guard team and drum team, making it a good assistant for the school. Grasp the construction of the squadron's board report, the board report requires a monthly period, the content of the board report is rich and varied, suitable for the actual class, each team member of the middle and senior grades at least participate in the first period of the board report, in order to cultivate the team members' innovative practice ability. Create good conditions.
3. Grasp the logo and supplies management of the Young Pioneers to make them work. Continue to do a good job in the training of the drum team, and be fully prepared for the weekly flag-raising ceremony and the "June 1" celebration.
4. Strengthen the research and information exchange of the Young Pioneers . The Young Pioneers of our school regard the theoretical research work as an important task, attach importance to improving the theoretical level of the counselors, carry out the selection activities of papers and programs, earnestly attach importance to information exchange, and strive to do well in the " Young Pioneers " and " Young Pioneers ". The subscription of newspapers such as "Miao Miao Bao" and "China Children and Young Children" will broaden the horizons and growth of the players.
Strengthen the ideological and moral education of the team members and cultivate good civilized etiquette habits.
1. Guoxiaosheng's desire for knowledge, plasticity, and imitation is the best time to form good behavior and morality. We have regular training in planning and step-by-step, paying attention to fostering education and correcting players in time. Not standard words and deeds. In order to ensure the effectiveness of the education, the following two points are achieved: First, the class is required to strictly control the practice, and the students are often and repeatedly organized to study the "National Standards of Daily Behavior", and the team members are required to remember the records and do the work.淳Teaching and persevering; Second, the school conducts five competitions every week, irregular inspections, timely praise and criticism through the flag-raising ceremony, and grades the grades with grades, classes, and classes, and includes the results of inspections and evaluations. In the class assessment content. We also organize parents training classes to let parents know the regular requirements of the team members at school and actively cooperate with the school to develop education.
2. According to the age characteristics of children and adolescents, the school conducts ideological education on the team members through multiple channels, multi-faceted and all-round, and educates them in activities. The school uses the favorable opportunities of Teacher's Day, Mid-Autumn Festival, National Day, New Year's Day, etc., through the holding of team activities, publishing bulletin boards, speeches under the national flag, "Susu", "state and state" fax hopes and other forms of vivid activities, among the players Carry out patriotic education in depth. Cultivate their love for the motherland, love the people, love their hometown, and build a great ambition to build a motherland, build a hometown, and study hard to build a harmonious campus.
Continue to carry out the activities of the Young Pioneers .
The life of the Young Pioneers is to organize activities. Counselors should start from the knowledge, fun, scientific, and targeted, and proceed from the reality, and work hard to design the activities of each squadron. Let students like the Young Pioneers and receive education from them. This semester, we will continue to organize a series of activities such as regular weekly evaluations and team observations. Focus on the following two activities.
1. This semester will carry out the "Susu" and "State and State" fax hopes activities. In order to carry forward the tradition of love, on the basis of the “four ones” of resource conservation activities, the whole school members will be promoted to actively save the money to donate to the school-age children in poverty-stricken mountain areas, to help them complete the significance of their studies and the importance of this activity. Team meetings, young eagle competitions, etc., call for, organize team members to carry out donation activities, and use their own savings to sacrifice a love.
2. Carry out the "3456" project. "Three Bets": Say goodbye to rudeness, say goodbye to bad habits, say goodbye to bad things; "Four Belts": Bring rituals to the campus, bring smiles to classmates, bring filial piety to parents, bring humility to classmates; "Five Nothing" : There is no trace on the ground, no paper scraps on the campus, no nicks on the table and stool, no footprints on the walls, no swearing words; "six no": no chasing, no chaos, no internet cafe, no casual Eat snacks, do not damage public property, do not disturb others to rest. Make the team members discipline, love learning, and have special strengths.
Third, daily work:
1. Host a weekly flag-raising ceremony
2. Organize a day of regular appraisal work
3. Host the work of the brigade, strengthen management, and improve the system
4. Build a publicity position and run a colorful maple TV station
5. Training work of the Drum Team 4. Working arrangements for each month:
September Education Topics: Code of Practice
1. Do a good job in school and complete the classroom layout
2. Do a good job in the statistics of summer activities
3. Develop the Young Pioneers work plan
4. Standardize one-day regular evaluation activities
5. Organizing
6. Counselor's monthly meeting in October Education theme: Dedication
1. Develop a squadron activity schedule
2. Squadron activities
3. Organize students' autumn tour
4. Continue to carry out the “Susu” and “State and State” fax hopes donation activities
5. Standardize one-day regular evaluation activities
6. Counselor's Monthly Meeting November Education Theme: Health
1. Traffic law education
2. Team activity observation
3. Standardize one-day regular evaluation activities
4. Counselor's Monthly Meeting December Education Theme: Love Learning
1. Squadron activity plan evaluation
2. Recognize outstanding collectives and individuals
3. Standardize one-day regular evaluation activities
4. The Young Pioneers semester ended the work
5. Counselor's monthly meeting in January Education theme: have specialties
Winter holiday life arrangement

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