Inspirational article

【图】You are a weed

Today I want to tell a story about myself. There are many stories like this. I’ve come to see you, and a young reader told me about her experiences.

This is a girl after the 80s, she is called Xiaolei. Reading is good, the results could have been tested by Peking University, but Xiaolei likes to sing and decides to take a second-line teacher music major. Parents and family members feel that Xiaolei's appearance is general, and it is difficult to take the star road in the future, to persuade and even to plead.

However, Xiaolei feels that as long as he works hard enough, he will be able to conquer those who value the appearance and use his own star path.

It is easy to develop into a typical inspirational story, enough to touch thousands of boys and girls. But in reality, we can judge how likely her final success is - one in 100,000 may still be optimistic.

Xiaolei certainly didn't succeed. In fact, she didn't go to junior school and she dropped out. The reason is simple, she can't stand the beautiful girl around her pointing at her appearance. In the ordinary crowd, Xiaolei is not ugly but not ugly, but can enter the circle of future stars, but it has become a real alien.

Xiaolei didn't want to be a stranger, but she couldn't stand being ridiculed, so she decided to drop out. This time the family and parents stood in opposition again. They feel that since they have spent so much time on college, they have to finish reading anyway and get a diploma.

Xiaolei did not care, she felt that as long as she worked hard, the university diploma was useless. So I decided to drop out of school and began to want to be a resident singer in the bar, but the long, unsightly and singer, after several times being squandered by the guests, she decided to give up singing and find a job to go to work.

The family took great pains and asked for a relationship everywhere, and finally found a stable job for her. Xiaolei went to work for half a year and felt very uncomfortable. Because the public institutions, everyone is a relationship, relying on the flattery of the boss.

Xiaolei is a very self-self person. She has never been flattered in her life. She feels that if she is to be able to survive by flattering, what else does it mean?

After several times of quarreling with the boss, Xiaolei resigned angrily. According to her words, as long as she has the ability, she can't eat. When the family arrived at this time, there was no way to control her again, only to let Xiaolei toss.

Xiaolei rushed to the right and left in the talent market, first to apply for foreign companies. Foreign companies can value diplomas and personal qualifications. They have not finished reading like her, work halfway, and have no work experience. After hitting the wall, Xiaolei had to lower the requirements and apply for private enterprise management.

The problem is that the management of all private companies is promoted from the inside. Xiaolei’s three products are actually managed to be the bosses of others. This is simply a fantasy.

After three unsuccessful results, Xiaolei was ruined by the reality, and finally she was helpless. She could only find a small private enterprise buyer. It stands to reason that Xiaolei, who recognizes his social status, should work hard and study for himself in the hope of future development.

But the biggest problem has emerged. Xiaolei found that the purchasing manager has a lot of behavior in the business. In fact, in this family business, the purchasing manager is the boss's relative, so take some commissions and gray income, the boss also blinks and closes his eyes.

Xiaolei couldn't stand it, and wrote a report to expose the matter. After the purchasing manager knows, it is not difficult for her to just say that if Xiaolei is willing to work together, she will have a gray income. Even if you don't work together, you don't need Xiaolei to sign the responsibility. If you don't see it, you can keep her working safely.

Xiaolei shook out the purchasing manager's affairs at the staff meeting because she felt that she was right.

The results of it? The purchasing manager was forced to suspend his job for three months, then the official reinstated, and Xiaolei was found by the boss to find an excuse to dismiss. In the family business, killing the brothers, Ning and the slaves do not give the thieves.

Therefore, in the reality, the head is broken, and Xiaolei, who is over 30 years old, has to go back home at home and start a good old man. She didn't want to go to work anymore, even afraid to see outsiders and become a real loser.

The Chinese are very good at overcorrecting. In just a few decades, this nation has been from a serious lack of self-confidence to the self of the 1980s. The ancestors gave everything to the organization, and after the 1980s, they regarded themselves as the center of the world.

In fact, both are wrong.

Recently, there is a famous movie called "艋舺". There is no need to discuss the film, but inside, the gangster has said a paragraph: "Which direction the wind is blowing, the grass will go in which direction. When I was young, I also felt that I was the wind, chasing dreams everywhere. But the head was touched. After I touched the bloodstream, I realized that we are all grass."

This is what the most powerful gangsters in the film said. Again, this is the voice of the film director Niu Chengze.

If we go to observe the world, we will find that the people with higher status, the more people who have suffered, the people who have honed and succeeded, are very humble, willing to listen to others and willing to change for others. Http://***.9sot***/gps-pinpai

Because only those who have experienced hardship know, in fact, we are all a scribble, but only in some areas of their own success.

Therefore, even Pan Shiyi is a scribble because he can't do state-owned enterprises. Even Li An is scribbled because he can't do the market. Even Napoleon is scribbled, he can't do the general trend. GLe04o

Young people always think that they are the wind, they can control their own destiny and even control the fate of others, but this is because they have not experienced setbacks. In fact, the years will not smooth people's edges, but the years will let you know who you are. If you realize that you are a scribble, you can grow your teeth and edges, but when you encounter the wind, you still have to lower your head.

Don't fight against the unbalanced forces, how can people survive? It’s that simple ***.bdfzz***

The little buds mentioned above are also good. After the other 80s and 90s, they made mistakes in self-confidence and self. Confidence is the courage to do something well, not the standard for you to judge whether you want to do something. And once you turn this into a standard, self-confidence becomes self, arrogance, and self-madness.

Therefore, to survive in this world, we must first be independent. We are alone grass instead of grassland. The dream of grassland is not our own.

Then, we still have a scribbled heart, willing to live in the storm. In which direction the wind blows, we will go in which direction.

Because living is the most important thing. This is the biggest dream and the only way to realize your dreams.

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