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Identify if you have found the ideal job

Identify whether you have found the ideal job <br /> What you are doing now is the ideal job you have been craving for in your life? Or is it an episode throughout your career? How did you identify it? If you have the following 8 experiences, it means that it is a job worthy of your entire career.
When I work, I don’t feel that I am working.

This job is not a simple task for you, but a way of life for you. It helps you create the life you want and it becomes part of your lifestyle. So, you will have the feeling that "I am really at work? Really, I feel that I am living in life!" For you, there is no difference in work, entertainment, and life. They are just a few Synonym. Everything you do, let you spend every day that is full and meaningful.
This job can fully reflect your core values. <br />The work in your dreams is an extension of your beliefs and worldview. According to your personality and strengths, you can reflect your core values. Once you recognize your value and install it to plan your career, this self-recognition will motivate you to overcome difficulties and achieve your vision when you are in trouble. You are creating value while embodying your own values. The work you do makes the world a better place.
You are willing to put up with the word 'br /> The word passion comes from the Latin word 'pati', which means enduring. Following your passion is only one aspect of the problem, and more importantly, you have to endure the hardships and hardships along the way as you chase your dream job. This journey is full of challenges. Unexpected frustrations and dilemmas will come to you, so you have to make sacrifices and learn to be patient. Of course, these obstacles will also motivate you. In fact, seeing temporary pain and frustration as an opportunity for learning and growth once and for all, your heart will be grateful.
Natural flow of consciousness <br /> You will often experience the flow of natural consciousness, because you like your work and live deeply in the present. Take a look at the time, it is 1 pm, you will naturally realize that it has been 5 hours since the last time you watched it. Or, when you look up and find that the clock is displayed at 10 am, you will consciously realize that I am going to work, I am going to create. This "natural flow of consciousness" is not deliberate, it is purely spontaneous.
Make room for life

Your work makes your life full and you enjoy life. Although your work is very busy and there are many tasks to complete, you will still have time to exercise, stay with family and friends, and entertain. These activities make your energy more abundant and life more fulfilling.
It is a glory to take responsibility. <br />When you find the job in your dreams, it is incumbent upon you to assume this duty and responsibility. You will not be hesitant, your heart will tell you that this job is specially prepared for you; you will not hesitate to accept the job. Taking on your job responsibilities is as natural to you as breathing. Other than that, you can't think of anything else you want to do.
Your friends and family will notice you

"You look so great!" "I have never seen you so happy and happy! Your status is awesome!" "No doubt, this is what you are destined to do!" When you grasp the correct direction of life, you will hear more and more people sending similar messages to you. For those who really care about you, you can't ignore the doubts and concerns that they showed at the beginning. However, as long as your career/work has improved, they will notice this shift and then support you.
When I am dreaming, I am exhausted, but it is very fulfilling, and I am full of expectations for tomorrow. <br />When you fall asleep every night, you always feel that this day is very fulfilling. This shows that you are in the right direction, and you have spent all your time on this day, and you must be eager to hope that tomorrow will come soon. Very good, this is the life and work you want, nothing else.

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