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After reading "Ji Tan Jiali"

After reading "Ji Tan Jiali"

This is another outstanding work of Tagore, a sacrifice to God, so it contains a holy feeling. There are love, affection, friendship, and religious sacredness. The baby in the prose poems is deified, and it is a combination of transparency and beauty. Like crystal, but there are no edges and corners. The sweet smile in his sleep, such as the sweet sleep of a can of Chen Mi, and the fragrant frankincense on the delicate skin. Tagore used the imagination of flying to give them exquisite legends. As a result, the babies can become reasonable. This is an explanation. Clarified holiness and illustrated pure beauty. However, explanations often fascinate us, and life can be felt everywhere. A legend is not to explain that the co-workers are not touching the mountains. It is the uncultivated ancestor who still does not know how to explain various natural phenomena, so it is unconstrained or attributed to the creation of God. And God often has emotions and thoughts, then the legends are full of vitality. Very interesting, read the magical plot and love and hate and hate it on paper. And this is just a fascinating explanation of the ancient barbarians; when we were young, we must all ask "why". Why is the sky so blue; the leaves are all green in the spring water; why the sun, the moon and the stars are moving to the stars, and we are changing day by day, but the parents have painted a few lines on their faces, and they have dyed a few snows; why do they see the bus? Some people are taking other people's bags but can't immediately break them. They have to wait until the man gets off and get off... These "why", some out of natural curiosity, some from the strong incomprehensibility of the little mind. Questions and answers can be obtained from parents and can be obtained from books. More, from society. White paper-like, we only need one explanation, it is enough. Explain, from society. And the big book in this life is so vast, I only hope that it will give me a perfect explanation on the road of continuous exploration. I also had the privilege of reading the questions and explanations of others: Zhang Xiaofeng mistakenly recognized the ginkgo leaves that were slightly yellowed by the autumn as the flowers, the golden flowers and green leaves, and the 煞 is good-looking; Xi Murong has the same chance, the writer is still like this, we are eager to explain the desire It is even more intense. Unfortunately, there are too few opportunities to ask questions today. Gitanjali is Tagore's interpretation of God's worship; the ancient legend is a natural interpretation of nature; even my life is an explanation, explaining the complexity of my life.

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