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Final agreement

Final agreement

Reading "The Letter from Heaven"

The summer breeze blows and blows my hair, but it doesn't erase my thoughts. My mood can't be calm for a long time, and one letter after another appears in front of me.

The boys and girls in the story have the sad eyes that are hard to heal, and they meet each other. But when the conditions of boys and girls became more and more serious, they returned to the warm home, but no one had forgotten that their agreement still wrote to each other every day. Every word in the letter came to them. Said to be a great encouragement.

When death is about to take away the living girl, the girl has never forgotten her agreement with the boy, even if she is about to die, but also to give the boy the courage to live well.

Later, the girl's mother sent the letter to the boy's home and learned that the boy had left the girl earlier. The boy wrote all the letters before he gave birth and asked the mother to send the girl to the girl every day. For a good agreement.

On the journey of growing up, when we encounter setbacks, we hope that someone can help us and give us support.

But how much bleak do they have in the story? In the most difficult time of my own, I still remember the life of the other party.

Think about them, what about us?

We have a very good learning environment, but we always feel that we are not satisfied. I always feel that the pressure on my parents and learning makes us unable to bear it.

I always feel that I have not taken my ideal school, and I will go to self-destruction.

Do you have to be meaningful?

Take a joke about your life, why not take your life to work on the next goal?

Therefore, we must be healthy and healthy. Love life very much.

Second day: Zeng Jiahong

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