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Suffering, passion, love

Suffering, passion, love

——Reading the celebrity biography

How many people are walking but trapped in place, how many people live but die, how many people love but separate, how many people laugh and tears. There are too many problems in life that make us lose our souls. We often lose our enthusiasm for life and lose our love for life.

However, there are always some people who bravely move forward and break free from life or the constraints they bring. When I read "Celebrity Biography", I realized that there is still one person in the ranks, that is - Beethoven. In his youth, Beethoven has been learning constantly, being cultivated by his father like a "genius". His childhood is like being in hell, and he is constantly training, but fortunately this makes him more experienced and Talent. When he was 19 years old, the war broke out. At this time, a dream was born in Beethoven's heart—freedom, equality, and fraternity. Although he can't participate in the war as a soldier, he can interpret all of this through his works, and convey his ideals and enthusiasm to everyone's heart. His works bring joy and enthusiasm to people, and his music embodies that. The pain and joy of the people of the era, struggle and victory, so it used to inspire people and inspire people's fighting spirit, and it has also made people feel intimate and inspiring.

Love, in the heart of Beethoven has always been very sacred, he has a meticulous view of love. He is always in love with love, dreaming of having happiness, but has he ever thought that this happiness must be painful after the bursting of happiness. When he was twenty-one, he met a girl, Juliet Cucciadi, who loved each other, but because of the gap in the door, forced the two to break up, and eventually the girl married An earl. Beethoven was hit hard. He poured all the inner pain and strong grief caused by the feudal hierarchy into this passionate and fiery piano piece, Moonlight. Therefore, this piece is dedicated to her. He turned his last love and reluctance into a pleasant note, and this time his love ended.

In Beethoven's life, poverty, illness, frustration, loneliness and other hardships afflicted him. The biggest disaster was the pain caused by deafness. When Beethoven was 28 years old, his hearing began to decline due to ear problems. At the age of 48, he could not hear the beautiful songs. He can only communicate with others in writing. But he did not lose his passion for creation. His love of art and love for life overcame his personal pain and despair—the suffering became the source of his creative power. Beethoven is not filled with a fiery heart all the time, but his enthusiasm is very unfortunate. He always experiences hope and enthusiasm, disappointment and resistance. When such a spiritual crisis reaches its peak, he begins. Creating his optimistic "Heroes Symphony" is one of his most famous symphonies.

Beethoven’s road came rough and rugged. Fortunately, he passed all his positive energy and enthusiasm. Although surrounded by suffering, but because of the persistence and pursuit of love, he persisted in this journey and did not let go. Walking can also endure loneliness. Although a person is better than nothing, he never surrenders his dreams in the rolling world, although the process is full of thorns.

We are just floating a drop in the sea, step by step in life, as long as the passion and love are passed to everyone's heart, to resolve their suffering, why not? Beethoven once said that "there is joy in exchange for suffering." Those who are suffering may wish to put their tears in their hearts, and that will produce brave flowers.

Second day: Yu Min

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