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After reading the "Three Kingdoms"

The classical masterpiece of The Romance of the Three Kingdoms is the essence of China's centuries of precipitation and is our cultural treasure. After reading the Romance of the Three Kingdoms, I began to read the "Three Kingdoms". I passed through time and space and came to the era of the three countries where the heroes and the wars flew.

At the end of the Eastern Han Dynasty, the group was divided into two groups. Dong Zhuo dominated the DPRK, and the imperial court, the county, Liu, Guan, Zhang Taoyuan, and the Quartet, three Gu Mao, Jie Sunquan, broken Cao Cao, borrowed Jingzhou, and took the Ba Shu, achieved a hegemony. Jiangdong Sun Quan, the soldiers have enough grain, and there are Sanjiang Zhigu and Yangtze River Tianzhu. According to Jiangdong, they are watching the world. Cao Cao, the squadron of the sect of the dynasty, according to Chen Liu, Dong Zhuo, Liu Bu, Zheng Yuanshu, Yuan Xia, Yuan Zheng Wu, unified North, and then Ma Chao, broken Han Yu, set the West cool, want Jingzhou to dominate the world, but defeated In Chibi. Since then, the three countries have stood up, fighting each other, winning each other, and returning to the Three Kingdoms.

This book brings me a lot of emotion, shock and touch. Liu Huangshu Liu Bei, San Gu Mao, three on Wollongong, in order to invite Zhuge Liang, 47-year-old Liu Bei disregarded the heavy snow and distant distance, each time personally went to visit, when Liu Bei went to the grass house for the third time, even the child was impatient. However, Liu Bei still patiently waited for Zhuge Liang to wake up, because Liu Bei knows that in order to get the world, you must get talents, and in order to get talents, you must visit in person.

Everyone sometimes said that Liu Bei is a hypocrite, an unjust villain. He has voted for him, Gongsun, Yuan Shao, Tao Qian, Lu Bu, Cao Cao, Liu Biao... and driving him to "forgiveness" is that he "revived the Han room, and In the old capital, the world is righteous.

It is also said that Liu Bei loves to cry, Liu Bei is a weak person, and even has a rest: Liu Bei's Jiangshan - crying, this is unfair to Liu Bei, although Liu Bei loves to cry, but depends on when he cries. In the new wilderness, Liu Bei could have fled by himself, but he did not. He was determined to fight with the people and fight with the people. When he was besieged by Cao Cao, he cried, why? I cried for not being able to keep the lives of the people. Liu Bei cried when he knew that Guan Yu was killed. It was for the friendship between the brothers. Shouldn’t it be? ... I should learn from Liu Bei that I am tough and never give up.

Classical literature like the Three Kingdoms is naturally read as much as possible. I want to read more books, read books, and become knowledgeable pupils in reading classical literature.

The times of change, the Three Kingdoms era of swords and swords, the literary struggle, the heroes come forth. After the three kingdoms stood up, they finally returned to Jin. After the fierce turmoil, the picture of the swaying heart solidified and became a moment of history. This era is a short-lived moment in the Chinese civilization of more than 5,000 years, but it is also a wonderful scene that makes people fascinated.

In the Three Kingdoms, you can experience the sound of fighting horses and soldiers. Feel the fierceness of Cao Cao's "Song of Wine, Geometry of Life." You can also hear Liu Guanzhang's vows of their Taoyuan three knots.

The turbulent history of people is eager to understand the heroes who splashed the mountains and rivers, and people should also know that the Three Kingdoms era is not just a stage for a chaotic hero. The heroic competition is not the whole picture of this history. When you want to explore the true face of the history of the Three Kingdoms, the Three Kingdoms is undoubtedly your best choice.

Cao Cao, the first hero of the Three Kingdoms. "The Romance of the Three Kingdoms" wrote Cao Cao so much that I was really unfair to him. In the middle school period, I learned Cao Cao's short song line, and I was deeply moved by his literary talents and the ambitions in the article. "Viewing the Sea" and "Turtles and Sorrows" are two singers of the ages. I feel that Cao Cao is a big hero with a strong mind and a high ambition to bring about a split war and bring a stable life to the people of dawn.

"Three Kingdoms." The record of Cao Cao's deeds in Weiwu's dynasty made me see a real hero and saw Cao Cao's personality charm. Of course, everyone has shortcomings, and Cao Cao is no exception. I feel that the Romance of the Three Kingdoms has expanded these.

In the end, Chen Shou also conducted a very fair and objective evaluation of Cao Cao: Taizu’s tactics, the whistle of Yu, the slogan, the slogan of the business, the Korean and white tactics, the official material, the cause, the Any calculation, no old evil, can finally be the Royal Emperor, Kecheng Hongye, but its slightly better. It can be said that it is very human, and the world is superb.

Then, I want to talk about it. If you haven’t read the Three Kingdoms, few people will notice him. Wang Zuozhi. Perhaps many people say that they have never had any tricks or tricks. However, I can only say that the Romance of the Three Kingdoms exaggerated the role of the scheme and the scheme. Hey, what he is trying is not the outcome of a small battle. He is seeking the world. He is the square eye for Cao Cao to make suggestions.

He is a great strategist. Many times corrected Cao Cao’s wrong strategic decision. To put it simply, the trick is to study for Cao Cao, who will be in which state, who will deal with who and who. Who should advance the army, who should first stop the war with him, first get that place, and then how. This is a big strategy. If the adviser who made the plan is a chess piece, he and Cao Cao are the people who play chess. This is my understanding.

Let me talk about Liu Bei.

Chen Shou’s evaluation is: “The lord’s Hongyi is generous, knowing people and being treated with scholars, and has the ancestral wind of the ancestors, the hero’s knives. And the country’s enthusiasm is in Zhuge Liang, and the mind is innocent, the loyalty to the public, the ancient and modern Also. The right to do so is not to arrest Wei Wu, but the foundation is also narrow. However, if you don’t bend it, you will not be the next one, and the amount of the other will not be allowed, not only competitive, but also avoiding Yuner. ”

Liu Bei is a big hero. He has the style of Han Gaozu Liu Bang. Compared with Cao Cao, Liu Bei’s authority is slightly insufficient. Therefore, the foundation created is not as good as Cao Cao. However, it can also be called a generation of heroes.

This evaluation is more pertinent. Liu Bei is not the man who is incompetent, soft-hearted, and crying in the Romance of the Three Kingdoms. He is a hero, he has his own ambitions and has his own abilities. Moreover, it has the qualification to become the biggest opponent of Cao Cao.

Dajiangdong went to the waves to wash away, the ages of the people, the west side of the base, the humanity is the Three Kingdoms Zhou Lang Chibi.

The majestic hair, the feather fan, and the laughter.

Su Dongpo’s eternal singer described a real Zhou Yu. Zhou Yu’s life is perfect. His strategy, courage, chest and ambition are also very admirable.

Unfortunately, he died young and could not show his ambitions. To his foresight and insight, what impressed me the most is his paragraph: "Currently, Cao Cao is a new shackle, and he is worried about his heart. He has not been able to join forces with the generals. And Zhang Lu, because he stayed in the ground to defend his land, and good support with Ma Chao. Yu also with the generals according to Xiangyang to chastity, the north can also map." It is generally necessary for Zhou Yu to lead the army to seize the West Sichuan, annex Hanzhong Zhang Lu, and then return to the division Fuyang and Sun Quanbei refused Cao Cao, and they were able to plot the Northern Expedition and unify the Central Plains. It is a pity that the young man died young.

The three countries are truly a group of people, and there are endless stories and feelings. In the chaos, heroes come forth in large numbers. I can't help but think of the lyrics of a song well written: "There is no old city road, and it is far away from the bonfire. You can't take the string of familiar names in the years. But when you are alive, he will evaluate afterwards."

Under the influence of "The Romance of the Three Kingdoms", when talking about the Three Kingdoms, people will involuntarily think of Zhuge Liang, who is resourceful. I originally admired Zhuge Liang and thought that Cao Cao was a bad person. However, after reading the "Three Kingdoms" written by Chen Shou, I began to become Cao Cao's super winter powder.

Because he is an outstanding politician, strategist, poet, or a good comedian. He can be called a talented genius.

When it comes to the most outstanding politicians of the Three Kingdoms period, it is none other than Cao Cao. In the early days, Dong Zhuo was in chaos. Cao Cao first uprising and crusade, and various places echoed. After that, they formed an allied army. But everyone would not be a pioneer, fearing that they would lose their strength and weaken their own forces. The bureaucrats are addicted to the sounds of the day, and even inside the interior, the fire and the scandal. At this time, only Cao Cao had the courage to follow people, and pursued Dong Zhuo with his own weak troops. Although he was defeated by the unbeatable, he did not lose the general grace. And he gradually "famous princes" from the "famous and mundane".

Cao Cao also has a vision. When other warlords were busy fighting, only Cao Cao began to command the army to use the advice of the advisers. Therefore, Yuan Shaojun was eating mulberry, Yuan Shujun was eating Hefei, and even worse, when there was a phenomenon of eating people, only Cao Cao’s army was full of food. I think: those hungry soldiers are thinking about how to escape and go to Cao Cao's army. This is also the reason why Cao Caojun can not be destroyed.

Cao Cao’s foresight and lucidity is also reflected in the fact that Han Xiandi fled, and the wolf was extremely embarrassed. When Yuan Shao refused to meet, only Cao Cao went to save the emperor and seized this good opportunity to welcome the emperor. "Hey, the emperor is to make the princes", the name justifiably uses the name of the imperial court to continue to expand the territory and strengthen the strength. Later, when Yuan Shao and others realized the benefits of welcoming the emperor, they wanted to share this trump card with Cao Cao. You said that Yuan Shaotian was not naive. How could Cao Cao promise?

Cao Cao himself is an outstanding military strategist. Anyone who thinks of the counselor can think of Cao Cao. This is the reason why he can win when he is not a counselor. In Yanjin, the winning triumphant Cao Jun suddenly met the ugly army on the way back. The subordinates all thought that they should abandon the heavy retreat, and Cao Cao ordered the enemy to rush to attack the enemy and use the shackles as a bait. As a result, Yuan Jun defeated and the literary and ugly died.

According to records, even the Chibi War, the credit is not all to Zhou Yu, Zhuge Liang. Mainly Cao Caojun had an epidemic. Cao Cao’s losses were very large. Coupled with the Chibi fire, Cao Cao had to retreat the remaining ships.

Cao Cao is still a great writer. There are many poems that are magnificent and popular in the ages. Such as "Turtle Although Life": "Old 骥 骥 枥 枥 志 志 志 志 志 。 。 。 。 。 。 。 。 。 。 。 烈 烈 烈 烈 烈 烈 烈 脍炙 脍炙 脍炙 脍炙 脍炙 脍炙 脍炙 脍炙 脍炙 脍炙 脍炙 脍炙 脍炙 脍炙 脍炙 脍炙 脍炙 脍炙 脍炙 脍炙

Cao Cao is a very good drama actor in life. He has a signboard - "laugh"! No matter what is difficult, I laughed and laughed. Whether sad or happy, I can see his optimistic attitude towards life. This is where we should learn from him.

Second day: Liu Xinyang

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