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My troubles with the composition

For me, writing a text is a process of annoyance and annoyance. In the process, my mind is always on the cliff of the crash - no matter how you change your mind. For this reason, the more programs that are opened, the slower the computer reacts and the more irritated your heart. Then it is annoying.

After the middle school, my annoyance became more active. It turned from annoyance to "dryness" - not to mention the moon on the head every morning, the eyelids that struggled hard and the numb mouth that never stopped talking to the textbook. I said that every night I was facing a lot of dense printed words and blank papers that couldn't find a little handwriting. I was distressed by the one and one empty oil core, and I was distressed by my mother's hard-earned money. I want to thank Mr. Lu Xun, who let me rack my brains to write a sentence that has been imitated by countless people. I would also like to thank the pen case in my hand - it has successfully used up three oil cores, at this time it is fighting for the fourth oil core, maybe after a few minutes, one of it will appear on this blank paper. masterpiece.

I breathed a sigh of relief, I finally succeeded. I succeeded in drawing the topic of the essay. Before that, I was sitting on the stool that seemed to be full of thorns like a red ass monkey. Look at the West, the feet are irritating, suddenly there is inspiration, the hand quickly touches the pen that is thankful and has been left out, but just grabbed an air, turned to look for it, and saw that the pen that has not lived up has already Go underground. I sighed and bent down, picked up the pen that was as irritating as me, stuck the book, wrote a word, shook my head, and used two straight lines to draw, put down the pen, rubbed my hand, turned my head and looked away. Outside the window.

Who read the trilogy of composition, before twenty-five minutes and five seconds, I was worried about my first song. I remember that I thought it was the most troublesome at the time. I really couldn’t find the subject matter. I just wrestled my brain and nothing was more annoying than this! So my brain crashed, I can only force the shutdown - I wrote, and my mind is still blank.

Before fifteen minutes and thirty seconds ago, I finally finished my beginning. My second song was finished, and I almost didn't know what I wrote. I just remembered that it was annoying and annoying. I switched to the damn computer at home, and then the computer crashed. No way, I thought that the damn computer was turned on when the writing was too expensive. Later, I couldn’t stand it. I emptyed the memory and reorganized my thoughts. .

Before five seconds, I admire those writers who I often “look up”. Whether it’s a web novel that the teacher doesn’t want to watch, or a literary author who is famous both at home and abroad, I want to ask a question from the heart:

Is your brain dead?

But experts are professional, have their own methods, and me? I can only be silent here, no, not silent. In the student pile, I am the most eye-catching - my hands are scratching my head, and my brain wants to be entangled in the spider web. The troubles of turning the river over the sea are bothering me for my third song. However, my brain will not crash again because:

I found out that my third song has quietly approached the end. I spent a semester in my troubles and unconsciously. I also became a computer expert in the crash. I wrote this and I also watched it. An essay that does not understand.

Don't be banned by your own troubles. In fact, I have always believed in the words "believe, happy days will come". I was only blocked by his process. to be frank. Now I am really happy, I finished the composition.

The second day of the boarding department of the sixth middle school of Zhangzhou City, Luzhou District, Shanxi Province: I love you for your endorsement

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