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Learn Chinese in life

At noon during the big class, I opened the Chinese textbook boringly. The word "language" appeared in front of my eyes. Don't look at me as a second-year student. I haven't noticed the Chinese word until now. Only today knows the value of language knowledge.

The language is to a beautiful spring girl, with life and hope, taking a light step, leading us across the mountain, flying over the river, and taking a break for a moment, we learn from happiness to the language. The place we have been to is full of infinite vitality. Sometimes, the spring girl shyly hides her appearance and lets us find his footprints.

Can you study? Do you know how to learn? As Edison said: "Genius is one percent of inspiration plus 99 percent of sweat." Yes, only behind the hard work and diligence, there is a "caliber", let us study hard. Language.

Time is like a horse. If you don't hold it tight, he will take you far and far. Yes, if you don't study the language well, then the language will take you far and far. - Happiness is not a chocolate, but his smile. Happiness is not a piece of cake, but his heart.

Second day: Li Mengyang

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