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Passed innocence

At the beginning, we are all children.

Life is always walking slowly in the passing of time, leaving behind or happy, or helpless, full of memories. The memory of the early childhood must be the most beautiful memories of people when they grow up, because there are not too many distracting thoughts and worldly annoyances in the children's hearts. They use the spotless childlike heart to look at the earth. They are the ones in the world. White lotus that is not stained with mud. But as it grows slowly, the green mind becomes mature, and the simple things are gradually complicated.

When we were young, we were eager to grow up, but what happened when we grew up? What about adulthood? What about 18 years old? If the child is a child, it is time to do what the child should do.

Someone has done such a test. Let our primary school students, middle school students and college students look at the number of "O" and ask them: "What is this?" As a result, most college students pondered for a long time and said that this is a music tempo. I will say that this is the English letter o. The pupils will definitely say that this is the Arabic numeral zero.

When we were young, we ran every day in the wide field. At that time, we had dreams and pursuits, and dared to say our own thoughts, but now? Look at us now, one is more than a "mature", girls day to night star singer cosmetics, boys are all NBA all day, said that the good news is to catch up with the social trend, said the ugly is playful. Stars have become the focus of our lives. Now that we have grown up as we were young, we have lost the original innocence and left something that is irrelevant. Growth has already made us sink. Is this really the kind of growth we want?

Time is like a rushing river, never going back, no time to say goodbye, but only us who are numb, there is no innocence of the year. Life is like a ruthless knife that changes our appearance. Where was the original childhood? When I am in the years, I will be able to find the best of them.

In the end, we are eager for innocence.

Third day: Chess Moya

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