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my Chinese dream

my Chinese dream

The motherland is our mother, we should be proud of being a Chinese! When Chairman Mao’s voice rang in Tiananmen Square: the Central People’s Government of the People’s Republic of China was established! The Chinese people have stood up since then! When the first five-star red flag rises in front of Tiananmen Square! When the first Chinese national anthem was played in front of Tiananmen Square, it started my Chinese dream!

After the founding of New China, China’s Instant Chinese Academy of Sciences formulated a plan for China’s scientific development vision. After the unremitting efforts of Deng Jiaxian·Qian Xuesen and other scientists, the first nuclear bomb explosion in 1963 broke the monopoly of nuclear weapons and space technology by the Soviet Union and other countries, strengthened China's national defense capability, and laid the foundation for the peaceful use of nuclear energy. In 1960, the first rocket that China studied itself was successfully launched in Jiuquan. In 1970, the first man-made earth satellite "Dongfanghong No.1" was successfully launched. On October 15, 2003, the "Shenzhou V" manned space flight was successful...

Listening to the old man said that in the past, when he was in a famine, he could only eat rice bran. Now everyone can eat fragrant rice. In the past, the peanuts and melon seeds that were bought by the family all over the country were cooked and cooked, but now they are cooked. I used to eat meat in the New Year, but now I have meat almost every day. I used to have a moon cake for the whole family during the Mid-Autumn Festival. Now everyone buys a lot of moon cakes. Doesn't this mean that people's living conditions are getting better?

In April 1949, the Chinese People's Liberation Army East China Military Region Navy was established. In August, the first flight squadron was formed. In November, the Air Force Command was established. In 1964, the first ground missile was launched. The first nuclear bomb was exploded in the same year. In 1966, the strategic missile unit was established and the first artificial satellite was launched in 1970. In the 1970s, a nuclear submarine was developed. Successfully launched intercontinental ballistic missiles in 1980 and developed drones in 1999. Doesn't this mean that our country is getting stronger?

The anti-China state headed by the United States is now eyeing China. Five of the seven nuclear-weapon states are on the border with China. The United States has set up large-scale radars in South Korea, Japan, Taiwan and India to carry out a full-scale radar blockade against China. A senior US military officer threatened that China and the United States would have one hundred battles, although That statement is not credible, but it also reflects that China's situation is not optimistic.

But now it is even more precarious is our social atmosphere and our hearts. In recent years, corruption, unspoken rules, fraud and other unhealthy social trends have become increasingly popular. Black-hearted food factories are often seen in disorderly factories. The sports equipment that the country built for us, but we can't get our protection, but in a few days, it will be unrecognizable!

Today, as a glorious member of the Communist Youth League, I must not only work hard to learn knowledge, but also work hard to improve my mind, so as not to become a human-like dog. I have to fulfill my mission to sacrifice one for my beautiful motherland. power!

Sowing a dream in the heart, watering with your own diligence, one day the dream will come true! Come on, let us work hard for the Chinese dream!

Third day: Autumn

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