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I want to turn it into a good medicine.

How many people have taken their precious lives by disease? How many young people hold lofty ideals and have great ambitions, but they have to lose their splendid springs due to illness, leaving a life regret? How many people have lost their family members because of this "H1N1" storm? Therefore, at this moment, I only want to turn into a good medicine that can cure all diseases, and send it to the patients who are tortured by the disease, so that the world will not regret it because of the disease.

Since ancient times, a variety of new diseases have become a problem for doctors. They can't bear to look at the patient's poor eyes. They can't bear to see the tears of their loved ones. They can't bear to see their hands with scalpels. All because of this disease, they are their own. Incompetent and "can't bear".

I have seen such a passage.

At present, the number one disease is lung cancer, which is mostly caused by environmental pollution and personal living habits. Among the teenagers, the number one is leukemia. Not only these, but also cancers such as stomach cancer and liver cancer, as well as diabetes, cerebral thrombosis, and "three highs" are all incurable or treatable, but the chances of saving are small and expensive. I want to turn it into a good medicine to defeat, their embarrassment has caused humanity to fall into a "well-known" panic, let me "the good medicine of justice" to defeat them! Let people live a happy life.

When "H1N1" swept the world, we must take strict defense measures to resist "foreign aggressors", which is part of "I"; if you accidentally let "A winds" enter, don't worry, then, The establishment of "armed forces" to combat "a stream of elements", to "strict military training", "high-tech weapons" to shake them to destroy them, they are stubborn, strong, we are more than him Stubborn, more strong, deeply stationed in the hearts of people, in order to achieve the roots of the grass, forever! Our slogan is "I am not afraid of a stream, I am afraid that I am a stream!" Be strong and strong, and be strong.

I want to turn it into a good medicine for people to send happiness, I want to turn into a good medicine for people to send health, I want to turn into a good medicine for people to send eternal. I hope that there will be no disease in the world, no regrets in the world, and a good health for the people. This is my only hope as a good medicine!

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